That Which Lurks in the Dark
That Which Lurks in the Dark

It's New Year's Eve and the Phantom Lake Lonely Hearts Club is holding its annual celebration. When the night's festivities are interrupted by a distant explosion and subsequent blackout, its members are forced to deal with their personal anxieties in the form of overwhelming darkness, otherworldly be-tentacled creatures, a pair of monster hunting scientists and, most frighteningly, their own awkward quests for love!

Written, directed, and edited by Christopher R. Mihm

Produced by Christopher R. Mihm and Stephanie Mihm

Executive Producer
Claire E. DeGrey

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Susan Adamski, ALL-CON Dallas, Alex & Cole Babatz, George Baker, Lawrence Barker, Denise Behringer, Bart de Boisblanc, Filmologist, Roy E. Buckingham II, Bunch of Crazies, Devin Casebeer, Jon Casebeer, Richard and Karla Chamberlain, Ronald Clang, Todd Clasen,, Jason Coffman, Charles Colthorpe, Thomas L. Couture, Michael Cross, Russ Davis, Ben Doran, Patrick D Duncan, Toby Elgie, Anon Emouse, Craig and Ann Finseth, Daniel K. Flynn, Liam M. Flynn, Peter K. Flynn, Robert Forto, (free) Mars, Aaron Gallaway, Joseph George, Mario Giguere, Good Beer Bad Movie Night Podcast, Robert Goodrick "The Premiere Mihmiverse Cosplayer" and the illustrious Charizard, Jim & Cindy Green, Alexander C. Guilbert, Rick Hutchins, Allison Isensee, Chris Isensee, Emily Isensee, Katie Isensee, Craig S. Jones, Scott & Lisa Jones, Paul Gerard Kennedy, killertomatoes, Kindergarten Sweethearts, Jesse Knepper, Derek M. Koch, David Lund, Susan Marine, Lee A. Marohn, Brandis Martin, Kurt McCoy, Kensley Miller, Raymond L Miller, Rebecca Miller, Matt "Starman" Morrison, Jim and Linda Norgard, Jeff Owens, Christopher D. Page, John Parascandola, Ann Perkins, Barry Perkins, Jennifer Perkins, Ms. Theresa Perkins, Diane Perrault, Stacy Pridgen, Thanks for "Le Bad" Memories, Thomas X Replogle, Kay Reynolds, RJDiogenes, Michael R. Sanchez, Sergio Santos, Pamela Sedgwick-Barker, Josh Serletic & Family, Sean "Shadow Wolf" Shukoski, Frank P. Skinner, CPA, John D. Snively, David Strege, Karen Streif, Vince Streif, Stephen D. Sullivan, Underpaid Sidemen, Thanks for "Le Bad" Memories, Dwight Lee Thompson Jr., Michael Vieths, Bob Vorhies, Sally Vorhies, Chad Walstrom, Les "Light On. Light Off. Repeat" Webster, Steven G. Whitney, In Memory of Robert Dowd, In Memory of Kai and Darlene Norgard, In Loving Memory of Jenn "Midnight" Perkins, all who labor in cold dark basements and in sympathy with the citizens of Arkham Massachusetts

© Saint Euphoria Pictures / All For George Productions