Captain Jackson: Action Hero!
It's that time of year again -- holiday time! Whether that means Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, New Year's Eve (which is still technically in December), or none-of-the-above, excitement is in the air! And nothing can be more exciting than ANOTHER amazing image from next year's Mihmiverse film, "Destination: Outer Space!" Pictured is Josh Craig as the film's hero, Captain Jackson, in what can only be described as a "kick butt action pose!" He appears to be holding something but, unfortunately, we can't tell what. Either way, how cool is this photo!?

In other news, each of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's films recently received positive reviews from Famous Monsters of Filmland, the legendary genre magazine started by Forrest J. Ackerman in 1958. The publication was recently relaunched as a website dedicated to all things sci-fi, horror and fantasy. The reviewers REALLY liked Mr. Mihm's films and posted glowing reviews of "The Monster of Phantom Lake," "It Came From Another World!," "Cave Women on Mars," and "Terror from Beneath the Earth." Needless to say, Mr. Mihm was thrilled to have received such positive press from such a revered source as Famous Monsters of Filmland!

You may have noticed that The Phantom Lake Almanac has a new look! It's been more than three years since the newsletter received an overhaul, so we decided now was the time for an update. The new look is a bit sleeker and compact, and features the many faces of the creatures of the Mihmiverse... including one that's never been shown before! Look closely. Can you tell what it is?

The newsletter wasn't the only thing that has changed this month!, the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm, has a brand new section: special features, named as a play on the extra fun stuff added to DVDs. The section was named specifically because it's the place where they'll be hosting all the "fun stuff," including downloads, links to places like the Mihmiverse wiki hosted by the "King of the Superfans," Mitch Obrecht, trailers, and (finally) photo galleries -- the first of which is for fan-submitted photos. Make sure to check it out and maybe submit your own photo!

Lastly, don't forget about the special holiday promotion at the official website of the Mihmiverse! From now until January 1st, 2010, shipping on all products for sale at the site is FREE! (Note: T-shirts are not included, as those are handled through an outside vendor) If that's not reason enough to give the gift of "The Monster of Phantom Lake," "It Came From Another World!," "Cave Women on Mars," and "Terror from Beneath the Earth," we don't know what is! Buy yours today and give the gift of the Mihmiverse because without you, there would be no Mihmiverse!


The Creature Walks Among Us (1956)
Directed by John Sherwood.
Starring Jeff Morrow, Rex Reason and Leigh Snowden.

While almost everyone has heard of "Creature from the Black Lagoon," few know that it was actually part of a trilogy of films. "The Creature Walks Among Us" is the third and final in the series and marks the biggest departure from the previous two. After the events of 1955's "Revenge of the Creature," the creature is again captured -- this time by a heartless scientist who is interested in nothing more than experimenting on it. The creature attempts to escape, but is stopped and badly burned. The scientist and his staff save its life but quickly realize it has human-ish, air-breathing organs that could be "nudged" into taking over and giving the creature the ability to be more like us. Not-so-unexpectedly, this is exactly what the scientist does and, in the process, destroys the creature's ability to breathe underwater, thus dooming it to live amongst the human race for the rest of its life. Naturally, the creature is extremely pissed off about this. After being stuck in a zoo-like electrified enclosure on a rich weirdo's property, the creature eventually escapes (again), only this time he goes on a killing spree (offing only those who deserve it) before returning to the ocean. Granted, he can no longer breathe underwater, so going back to the sea would mean certain death, right? "The Creature Walks Among Us" is a strange little movie that almost feels like it doesn't belong in the series. It's certainly not as good as the previous two but it IS a good movie. It also has the saddest, yet most perfect, ending -- an ending that surprised me with how emotionally resonant it truly is. If you're a fan of the science fiction and horror films of the 1950s, this one is DEFINITELY not to be missed!

— Christopher R. Mihm

Welcome to the Meet the Associate Producers section of the newsletter! Since so many fans and supporters have contributed and become associate producers, we wanted to take time to highlight some of these wonderful people! Thus, every month between now and the release of "Destination: Outer Space," we will randomly choose and interview one of them.

Steven Hager as "Rip Skelton"
This month, we interview Steven Hager!

Introduce yourselves to the Mihmiverse!
All right, I am from eastern Pennsylvania, and I work as an analytical chemist for a generic drug company. On weekends from August through Octpber, I perform at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire as the gravedigger "Rip Skelton." (pictured) I also publish my own comic book, "The Dutchy Digest," about a Pennsylvania Dutch Detective, Amos Dinggledorffer and his pet chicken, Duke. I like to keep my science skills sharp by studying paleontology and going on dinosaur digs. I also collect comics, enjoy pulps, old time radio shows and '50s sci-fi/horror movies! Being single, a guy has to have a lot of hobbies to keep himself busy!

When and how did you discover the films of Christopher R. Mihm?
I spend too much time on the internet searching for cool stuff. It satisfies my primitive hunter instincts. I was on a few years ago and decided to give this "The Monster of Phantom Lake" movie a try! I liked it!

Which of the four released films is your favorite and why?
With most serial fiction, I have noticed most people enjoy their first exposure the most and I am no exception. "The Monster of Phantom Lake" is my favorite, although "Cave Women on Mars" is a close second!

You recently became an associate producer of the next Mihmiverse film. Why?
I am a big proponent of supporting independent creators! I support many creators who bring me entertainment. Whether it's the pulp fiction of "Airship 27," the old-time radio style of Decoder Ring Theatre," or the awesome '50s-style sci-fi movies of the Mihmverse, I have to help out where I can! I also hope that being an associate producer might give me the kick in the pants to get out to see "Destination: Outer Space in the theater!
Interested in becoming an associate producer? For a miniscule monetary investment, all associate producers will have their name listed in the end credits of next year's "Destination: Outer Space," receive a pair of collector's ticket packages to the premiere, five copies of the film on DVD and a framed certificate with their name and title -- perfect for your own "wall of fame!"

Visit the merchandise page at, the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm, for more information. Who knows? Maybe next month we'll be interviewing YOU!


Now through January 24

Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards) appears as "Tom" in "Rudy's Holidaze Reunion" at the Fanny Hill Dinner Theatre.

Fanny Hill Dinner Theatre, 3919 Crescent Avenue, Eau Claire, WI
December 5 - 6:00pm, $7.00

Come see Shannon McDonough (Julie Ann Saint Marie) in the Twin Cities premiere of "Thieves Like Us."

The Comedy Gallery @ the Holiday Inn St. Paul, 2201 Burns Avenue, St. Paul, MN
December 7-22

M. Scott Taulman (Sven) appears in "Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins" at the Minnesota Jewish Theatre Company.

Minnesota Jewish Theatre Company, 1978 Ford Parkway, St. Paul, MN


Justen Overlander (Jonathan/Sheriff Elliott) shares his experiences from the 2009 Screenwriting Expo at his blog:


"The Monster of Phantom Lake," "It Came From Another World!," "Cave Women on Mars," and "Terror from Beneath the Earth" DVDs are now available at, the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm. In addition, "The Monster of Phantom Lake" Collector's Edition DVDs, exclusive movie posters, patches and other merchandise is now in stock. Everything is available in extremely limited quantities, so get yours today before they run out!

Copyright © and All Rights Reserved Saint Euphoria Pictures / All for George Productions 2009

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