The official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm
 November 2009 Edition |
The holiday season has officially begun and writer/director Christopher R. Mihm seems to be in a VERY giving mood!
First off, pictured to the left is a brand-spankin'-new still from his next film, "Destination: Outer Space!" The image obviously depicts a spacecraft traveling at very high speed, but where it's going, who is aboard and to whom it belongs is still unknown. Either way, with the release of this new image, we can honestly say that when Mr. Mihm described his next film as his "B-movie-Star-Wars," he wasn't kidding! With principal photography wrapping up soon, post-production has ramped up considerably. Have we mentioned how excited we are to see this movie? Thankfully, the film is still slated for release in 2010.
Secondly, you now have a chance to get a jump on your holiday shopping. As an extra incentive to purchase Mr. Mihm's films (and their corresponding posters and patches), SaintEuphoria.com, the official website of the Mihmiverse, is offering FREE SHIPPING on all products (aside from T-shirts, as those are handled through an outside vendor) available for sale through the site! If that's not reason enough to give the gift of "The Monster of Phantom Lake," "It Came From Another World!," "Cave Women on Mars," and "Terror from Beneath the Earth," we don't know what is! Buy yours today and give the gift of the Mihmiverse!
Lastly, the Halloween "screening season" has come to an end, with the months ahead drastically quieting down. Of course, that doesn't mean you can't spend your precious holiday-family-togetherness-time introducing everyone you know to the wonders of the films of Christopher R. Mihm. Believe us, we know; there is no better quality time spent than digesting bellyfuls of turkey with all the trimmings and enjoying your very own Mihmiverse-movie-marathon. The only real question remains: Do you show them chronologically, by subject or by length? Sadly, we can't help you there!
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Day the World Ended (1955)
Directed by Roger Corman. Starring Richard Denning and Lori Nelson.
 The world is decimated by an atomic war and a small band of disparate survivors huddle together in a remote mountain cabin. Tensions run high amongst them as they desperately attempt to find meaning in the aftermath of humanity's destruction. Though a perfect set-up for a deep examination of the human condition and the cold war, this is ultimately a Roger Corman movie. Thus, all depth is quickly (though lovingly) replaced by cheesy monster suits and even more dubious science when, naturally, the irradiated fallout causes anyone exposed to large enough doses to mutate into three-eyed creatures with telepathic abilities that want nothing more than to be wild, mutant animals. Seriously, that's the plot -- and it's great. The acting is way better than you'd expect, with B-movie veteran Richard Denning turning in a particularly noteworthy performance. The overall sense of dread and horror that would (I'm assuming) come with the end of the human race is there and quite effectively done. All in all, this film from "drive-in-movie-master" Roger Corman is surprisingly good, albeit still "bad-in-a-good-way." Definitely worth your time!
Christopher R. Mihm | |

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Welcome to the Meet the Associate Producers section of the newsletter! Since so many fans and supporters have contributed and become associate producers, we wanted to take time to highlight some of these wonderful people! Thus, every month between now and the release of "Destination: Outer Space," we will randomly choose and interview one of them.
This month, we interview Julie Miller and her son, James Atkinson, for whom she purchased the associate producer credit. Both are huge Mihmiverse fans who also happen to live on the shores of the real Phantom Lake in Mukwonago, Wisconsin!
Introduce yourselves to the Mihmiverse!
James: My name is James Atkinson, and I love Chris Mihm's movies. I've been a fan since the beginning, and I can't wait to see what Chris has in store for us in the future.
Julie: Greetings Earthlings! My name is Julie Miller and I think Chris and his films are OUT OF THIS WORLD! I live on the shores of the one and only Phantom Lake in beautiful Mukwonago, Wisconsin with my amazing soul-mate and husband, John, my son and original Mihmiverse Super Fan, James Atkinson, and my super puppy, Riley!

When and how did you discover the films of Christopher R. Mihm?
James: I first saw "The Monster of Phantom Lake" when it first came to Mukwonago at the Jack-o-Lantern Jaunt. I continued to see his movies, and each was funnier than the last.
Julie: As all good Super Fans know, Mukwonago is the home of the REAL Phantom Lake and every Halloween since the beginning of the Mihmiverse, Chris has come to the Jack-o-Lantern Jaunt in Mukwonago's Field Park. James and I first saw "The Monster of Phantom Lake" projected on a bed sheet in a park pavilion one dark and stormy October night in 2005, and that was it! Come on! When you experience something like THAT and get to meet the monster and it's creator, you just can't NOT be changed!!! We also went to see the movies at the Hi-way 18 Outdoor Theatre and James made some videos with clips from "It Came From Another World!" and put them on YouTube. I told him he needed Chris's permission first, so he reached out and started communicating with Chris. As a Mom looking for good gift ideas for a teenager, I ordered T-shirts, posters and videos, and I was always impressed with the personal touches and care Chris gave each order. Each film that came out was better than the last! So our gallery of framed, signed posters and memorabilia grew and so did my infatuation with this person who seems to be uncompromising in the pursuit of his passions. I can see why a teenage boy who wants to get into special effects and movie making is entranced by these films, but I also see so much more. I see someone who is doing what he always dreamed of, and doing it uniquely and well.
Which of the four released films is your favorite and why?
James: I would have to say that my favorite movie is "It Came From Another World!" It's got great humor, a funny story line, and a very scary bad guy.
Julie: My favourite movie is unequivocally "Terror From Beneath the Earth!" It has the BEST. CREATURE. EVER. No contest! The kitschy dialogue, the admirable acting chops of the illustrious cast, but most of all the BATS! Darn it all, I just LOVE BATS!
You recently became an associate producer of the next Mihmiverse film. Why?
James: I want to do all I can do help Chris out with his movies. I hope that he continues to make many more in the future, and I hope he has a fun time doing so!
Julie: Being an associate producer was not only the PERFECT birthday gift from me to James but also a way to do more than talk about how much I support what Chris is doing. And from what I've teasingly been told, "Destination: Outer Space" will be the sun in the Mihmiverse solar system! To be associated with such truth of purpose, clarity of vision and passion is rewarding enough, but to know that it's Chris' most ambitious, epic, visionary film yet is simply spellbinding! THIS is what independent filmmaking is all about, and no one does it better than Chris! See you all at the premiere!

Interested in becoming an associate producer? For a miniscule monetary investment, all associate producers will have their name listed in the end credits of next year's " Destination: Outer Space," receive a pair of collector's ticket packages to the premiere, five copies of the film on DVD and a framed certificate with their name and title perfect for your own "wall of fame!" Visit the merchandise page at SaintEuphoria.com, the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm, for more information. Who knows? Maybe next month we'll be interviewing YOU!
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Now through November 1
 Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards) appears as "Jerry" in "A Nice Family Gathering" at the Fanny Hill Dinner Theatre.
Fanny Hill Dinner Theatre, 3919 Crescent Avenue, Eau Claire, WI

Starting October 31 Shannon McDonough's (Julie Ann Saint Marie-Jackson) new project, The Wolf Pack, begins at Wolf Studios in Minnetonka, Minnesota. Every Friday and Saturday, you can enjoy a combination of live fights, music, DJs and performances by The Wolf Pack, a troupe of dancing and singing divas (fully equipped to rock your world)! Wolf Studios, 15730 Wayzata Boulevard, Minnetonka, MN
November 1-January 24 Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards) appears as "Tom" in " Rudy's Holidaze Reunion" at the Fanny Hill Dinner Theatre. Fanny Hill Dinner Theatre, 3919 Crescent Avenue, Eau Claire, WI
November 7 " The Paper Man," a short film starring Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards), will be screening at 12:30pm, during the Big Water Film Festival in Washburn, Wisconsin. Check the website for exact show times. Bay Area Film Society @ Stage North, 123 W. Omaha Street, Washburn, WI
November 12-29 Deanne McDonald (Elizabeth) appears in " A Christmas Carol" at Minnesota State University Mankato. Minnesota State University Mankato, 201 Performing Arts Center, Mankato, MN
December 7-22 M. Scott Taulman (Sven) appears in " Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins" at the Minnesota Jewish Theatre Company. Minnesota Jewish Theatre Company, 1978 Ford Parkway, St. Paul, MN
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Keep up with Justen Overlander (Jonathan/Sheriff Elliott) in his epic quest to conquer Hollywood by visiting his blog at: mn2la.blogspot.com.

" Why am I in a Box?," the directorial debut of Rachel Grubb (Amy/Hagra) is now available for purchase on DVD. In addition to the director, the film also includes Mihmiverse stars Brooke Lemke (Eina) and Daniel R. Sjerven (Lt. Elliott/Stan Johnson). The DVD is priced at $15 plus $2 shipping & handling. Contact Rachel at info@sbdproductions.com for more details and ordering instructions.
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Pictures / All for George Productions 2009
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