The official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm

September 2009 Edition


As the summer winds down, production of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's latest film, "Destination: Outer Space," has ramped up! To date, more than a dozen scenes are "in the can" (that's movie-speak for "filmed") with the coming months of September and October heavy with continuing principal photography. Late at night on non-shoot days, Mr. Mihm has begun editing footage, having completed the opening credits and the first and last scenes of the film. During the day, however, behind-the-scenes work keeps him (and his ever-expanding production team) extremely busy! The film is on pace for a spring 2010 release.

SPECIAL NOTE: writer/director Christopher R. Mihm asked us to relay an extra special thanks to the aforementioned production crew, specifically Rylan Bachman, Carol Eade, Cherie Gallinati, Mitchell Gonzales, Elizabeth Kaiser, Michael Kaiser, Stephanie Mihm, Maggie Schultz, Robert Silinghia, and Angelina Thompson for their dedication to this project. Without your input and talents, the new film would be going nowhere fast!

Halloween is just around the corner and, as it has been since the release of "The Monster of Phantom Lake" in 2006, this time of year means high demand for screenings of the films and appearances by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm. Over the last two months, a whole slew of film festivals, conventions, and stand-alone screenings have been added to the calendar.

"Terror from Beneath the Earth" will screen in a prime slot at this year's ShockerFest (where the film was nominated for two awards -- the "Larry Stanley 'B Movie' Award" and "Best Science Fiction/Fantasy Feature"), twice in one night at the Micon Cinemas 8 in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, multiple times over a weekend at the Jack-o-Lantern Jaunt in Mukwonago, Wisconsin, and during the Zombie Con X in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. A special Halloween screening of the film at the Woodbury 10 Theatre is in the works, but nothing is set in stone at this point.

In addition to screenings, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm will be appearing in person at several events across the upper midwest. Along with other Mihmiverse regulars, Mr. Mihm will be a guest on Not Picture Perfect on Blog Talk Radio later this month. He'll be hanging out with horror host Dr. Ivan Cryptosis (last seen in the special features section of the "Terror from Beneath the Earth" DVD) and selling his films at Zombie Con X. He will also be personally attending the screenings in both Chippewa Falls and Mukwonago, so make sure you stop by and say hello!

Lastly, "It Came From Another World!" has been accepted to -- and will screen at -- the Bram Stoker International Film Festival in Whitby, England. The schedule has not been made available but, according to the festival's website, it will be posted some time this month!

For more information on all past, present, and future screenings, visit (and bookmark) the screenings page at, the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm.


Welcome to the Meet the Associate Producers section of the newsletter! Since so many fans and supporters have contributed and become associate producers, we wanted to take time to highlight some of these wonderful people! Thus, every month between now and the release of "Destination: Outer Space," we will randomly choose and interview one of them.

This month, we interview self-proclaimed "number one fan" Julie Zilka!

Jennifer Hanson and Francis Zilka
Introduce yourself to the Mihmiverse!
Hi, I'm Julie Zilka and I am Chris Mihm's self-proclaimed number one fan! My love of low-budget horror films began when I was a teenage babysitter. This was before cable TV and the only movies on Friday and Saturday late night were the likes of "The Crawling Hand," "The Thing," "Tarantula" and my all-time favorite, "The Blob." From these movies, I developed a love of horror movies that stimulate a sense of fear and suspense and leave me shouting, "Don’t go in there!!!" (See "Jeepers Creepers" (2001)). I don't enjoy the slasher movies of this past decade, although I do enjoy the "Scary Movie" series and I'm a huge fan of "Mystery Science Theatre 3000!"

When and how did you discover the films of Christopher R. Mihm?
I saw my first Chris Mihm film, "The Monster of Phantom Lake," at the Heights Theatre. We live close by and as I was driving home one evening, I noticed this movie on the marquee. My daughter and I thought this might be a fun "girl's night out" since we both enjoy the old 50's horror flicks. We really didn't know what we were getting into! At first, we thought there were a lot of really strange, annoying people in the theatre, dressed in 50's garb, and talking loudly. It wasn't until the film started that we realized we were seeing the world premiere of "The Monster of Phantom Lake" and sitting amidst the greatness of Chris Mihm and company! Since then, my family has seen all of Chris's films.

Which of the four released films is your favorite and why?
I would have to say "The Monster of Phantom Lake" because that was my introduction to Chris's films. It was the eyes. I could really see and feel the pain in the Monster's mesmerizing eyes. For weeks after the movie, my daughter and I would answer each other's questions with, "I just... don't... know!" And, of course, who could forget Professor Jackson and what surely should have made Billboard's top 10, "A-Rockin, A-Rollin, All the Way A-Ramblin!"

You recently became an associate producer of the next Mihmiverse film. Why?
Because the show must go on! May in the Zilka home is energized with the anticipation of the release of each Mihm movie! We won't let this economic downturn thwart the fun, excitement, and relief from the everyday mundane that these movies provide. Plus, making my family members associate producers (Francis Zilka and Jennifer Hanson, pictured) of the next film is a gift I think they will love!

Interested in becoming an associate producer? For a miniscule monetary investment, all associate producers will have their name listed in the end credits of next year's "Destination: Outer Space," receive a pair of collector's ticket packages to the premiere, five copies of the film on DVD and a framed certificate with their name and title — perfect for your own "wall of fame!" Plus associate producer credits can be given as gifts, just as Julie Zilka did!

Visit the merchandise page at, the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm, for more information. Who knows? Maybe next month we'll be interviewing YOU!


Kronos (1957)
Directed by Kurt Neumann.
Starring Jeff Morrow and Barbara Lawrence.

A flying saucer crashes into the Gulf of Mexico, and from it emerges a giant, seemingly unstoppable machine. The strange, little-cube-on-top-of-big-cube-with-legs robot trudges across the countryside and methodically drains the Earth of all its electricity, one power plant at a time. Jeff Morrow plays a scientist (he always does) in charge of stopping the hulking metal monster before it sends humanity back to the dark ages -- literally! As if that weren't enough, he also has to fight off an alien-possessed lab director, protect his beautiful (and brainy) girlfriend and stop the governments of the world from destroying everything by pointlessly attacking the monstrosity with their ineffective atomic arsenals! This film has all the trappings of a great 1950s science-fiction film including evil aliens, a preposterous end-of-the-world scenario, atomic bombs, giant robots, perfect-for-the-era special effects and wonderful, over-the-top performances. Though working with a relatively small budget, director Kurt Neumann (who also directed the 1958 classic -- and July 2009 Phantom Lake Almanac classic movie of the month -- "The Fly") does a great job of taking a rather ridiculous and trite premise and making something very original out of it. Highly recommended!

— Christopher R. Mihm


Now through September 7, 8:00 AM

Leigha Horton (Stephanie Yates) portrays "First Class Stewardess/Nurse Evelyn Marsden" in "Titanic" at the Science Museum of Minnesota.

Science Museum of Minnesota, 120 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, MN

September 1 - 3

"Into Temptation," a film starring Jeremy Sisto ("Law & Order"),  Kristen Chenoweth ("Pushing Daisies") and Brian Baumgartner ("The Office") and featuring Emily Fradenburgh (Gorga) with cameos by Rachel Grubb (Amy/Hagra) and Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards), will be screening at the Lagoon Cinema in Minneapolis. Check the Lagoon website for show times.

Lagoon Cinema, 1320 Lagoon Avenue, Minneapolis, MN

September 11, 8:30 PM

"Ovation — A Salute to the Music of Purple Rain," featuring Shannon McDonough (Julie Ann Saint Marie-Jackson) brings the distinctive sound of Prince to the Cabooze.

Cabooze, 917 Cedar Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN

September 11 - November 1

Mike Cook (Gustav) appears as "Jerry" in "A Nice Family Gathering" at the Fanny Hill Dinner Theatre.

Fanny Hill Dinner Theatre, 3919 Crescent Avenue, Eau Claire, WI

September 13, 5:15 PM and 7:15 PM

"Terror from Beneath the Earth" screens twice in one night at the Micon Cinemas 8.

Micon Cinemas 8, 475 Chippewa Mall Drive, Chippewa Falls, WI

September 24, 9:30 PM

World premiere of a trio of films written, directed, and/or starring Rachel Grubb (Amy/Hagra) and Brooke Lemke (Eina). A question and answer session with Rachel and Brooke will be held after the screening and DVDs will be on sale. An off-site after party follows! The night's program includes:
  • The feature "Why am I in a Box?," written and directed by Rachel Grubb. Rachel also stars in the film alongside Brooke Lemke (Eina) and Daniel R. Sjerven (Lt. Elliott/Stan Johnson).
  • The short film "A Broken Family," written and directed by Brooke Lemke (Eina) and starring Daniel R. Sjerven (Lt. Elliott/Stan Johnson) and Josh Craig (Professor Jackson/Captain Jackson).
  • The short film "Young Eyes," directed by Brooke Lemke (Eina) and starring Alana Bloom (Orla).
Riverview Theater, 3800 42nd Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN

September 26, 7:30 PM

"Terror from Beneath the Earth" screens at the eighth annual ShockerFest International Film Festival.

Galaxy 12 Theater, 2525 Patterson Road, Riverbank, CA

October 1 - 11

Deanne McDonald (Elizabeth) will be playing Florinda in "Into the Woods" at Minnesota State University Mankato.

Minnesota State University Mankato, 201 Performing Arts Center, Mankato, MN

October 16-17 - dusk (CDT), $1.00 donation

Continuing another tradition, "Terror from Beneath the Earth" will screen at this year's Jack-o-Lantern Jaunt in Mukwonago, Wisconsin! Mukwonago, home of the actual Phantom Lake, will again host this great family-friendly event where Field Park (essentially the town's "Central Park") is decorated with hundreds of carved, lit pumpkins placed along the walking path that runs through it. The movie will be screened "drive-in style" in the middle of the park. Bring your own seating! Admission is only $1.00 per person and the proceeds will go to good local causes.

Field Park, corner of Highway 83 and County Road NN, Mukwonago, WI

October 31, 10:00 PM

"Ovation — A Salute to the Music of Purple Rain," featuring Shannon McDonough (Julie Ann Saint Marie-Jackson) performs at Scatz Sports Bar & Nightclub.

Scatz Sports Bar & Nightclub, 2248 Deming Way, Middleton, WI

Starting October 31

Shannon McDonough's (Julie Ann Saint Marie-Jackson) new project, The Wolf Pack, begins at Wolf Studios in Minnetonka, Minnesota. Every Friday and Saturday, you can enjoy a combination of live fights, music, DJs and performances by The Wolf Pack, a troupe of dancing and singing divas (fully equipped to rock your world)!

Wolf Studios, 15730 Wayzata Boulevard, Minnetonka, MN


September 23 - 10:00 PM (CDT)

Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm appears as a guest on Not Picture Perfect on Blog Talk Radio.

Daniel R. Sjerven (Lt. Elliott/Stan Johnson) was recently featured on the History Channel series "MonsterQuest" in an episode entitled "The Real Moby Dick." Though it originally aired on August 26th, the episode is currently available online and in repeat showings. Check your local listings!


"The Monster of Phantom Lake," "It Came From Another World!," "Cave Women on Mars," and "Terror from Beneath the Earth" DVDs are now available at, the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm. In addition, "The Monster of Phantom Lake" Collector's Edition DVDs, exclusive movie posters, patches and other merchandise is now in stock. Everything is available in extremely limited quantities, so get yours today before they run out!
Copyright © and All Rights Reserved Saint Euphoria Pictures / All for George Productions 2009

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