"The Giant Spider"
By Robert Forto

Calling John Goodman, there is a Giant Spider attacking Phantom Lake County and we need an exterminator pronto!

In the 8th annual installment from Saint Euphoria Pictures and filmmaker Christopher R. Mihm we bring you "The Giant Spider!" If you are a fan of 1950s era drive-in movies, cheesy dialoque, and overtly over acting by the characters, you will love the Mihm films and "The Giant Spider" is the best of the bunch.

Blended perfectly with a great story, a creepy-crawly spider, humor, cold war military extravagance, and a Three's Company-esque innuendo or two thrown in– you have a film that should please every one in the family.

Writer/Director Mihm holds back no punches in "Spider." He brings back his familiar cast of actors, many of them friends of his and local talent from around his home state of Minnesota. We welcome back Shannon McDonough, Mike Cook, James Norgard, Sid Korpi, and Mihm does his best Hitchcock trademark by placing himself in the film as a drive-in movie theater owner.

The effects are cheesy but great at the same time. The giant spider fits right in even though you can plainly see he shouldn't. The best scene is the motorcycle scene in which one minute the characters are driving along on a dirt road and in the next frame it is dry pavement! This is all part of the charm of the Mihm films and he does it deliberately to pay homage to the great sci-fi/horror movies we all grew up on watching on our black and white TVs late at night in our parents basement.

Sid Korpi returns and is spectacular! She has been in the last couple of Mihm films ("Attack of the Moon Zombies" 2011 and "House of Ghosts" 2012). In this installment we return to Korpi's victorian-era home in Minneapolis that was made famous in "Ghosts." This time to her attic that she and her husband Antony Kaczor, whom is also in the film, who have decorated in real life as a '50s era malt-shop replete with checker boards and pictures of Elvis. When she and Kaczor are not acting in the Mihm films they teach dance lessons in the attic.

Another great feature of the film is the public domain archived footage of the omni-present military. What a great touch, Chris. I loved it! Not to mention how the Major acts like Private Gomer Pile to his superior 3-star General in the military scenes.

All in all, Mihm outdid himself with "The Giant Spider." It is by far the best film he has made to date. He continues to amaze his fans with what a very small budget, a vision, and a lot of time on your hands, to what a filmmaker can come up with. Who needs multi-million dollar CGI feature films with overpaid actors that care more about the red carpet than they do the films they make, when you can have the genius mind of Mihm on DVD every spring?

Lastly, I just want to know; where can we get one of those delicious Burger Dogs?