RED ALERT! Are you planning to attend the "House of Ghosts" premiere on May 23, 2012 but haven't bought advance tickets? Well, if you don't do it VERY QUICKLY, you most likely WILL NOT get in! As of the publication of this newsletter, there are fewer than 50 seats available for this once-in-a-lifetime event! This is NOT AN EXAGGERATION! There are literally fewer than 50 tickets available AND, when they sell out, they're gone. There will be NO (zero, zilch, nada!) tickets available at the door, and you will be stuck with nothing but listening to stories of the event's lambentness from the folks who DO attend!
STOP HESITATING and purchase your advance tickets literally RIGHT THIS INSTANT! Stop reading this and visit the events section of the SaintEuphoria.commerchandise page and purchase your ticketsNOW! Seriously! You are running out of time!
Post-Premiere Open House of Ghosts:
Sid Korpi and Anthony Kaczor (Leigh and Piers, respectively) would like to invite members of the audienceespecially any out-of-town visitorswho attend the "House of Ghosts" premiere on May 23rd to join them for a post-premiere open house/tour of the real House of Ghosts. Their 1886 Victorian home in South Minneapolis will be open to Mihmiverse fans Thursday, May 24th from noon 'til 2:00PM. Drop-ins are welcome, but if you plan to attend, please RSVP to
March turned out to be quite an exciting month in the Mihmiverse!
First, and probably most important, the official "House of Ghosts" trailer finally arrived! Watch the video below to see what some are calling the best trailer ever to come from the mind of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm!
So... are you excited yet? Because, if you're not, you should have someone check you for a pulse. You may be a moon zombie!
Speaking of "Attack of the Moon Zombies," the film has now officially won more awards than any other Mihmiverse film to date! After winning the award for "Best Action/Horror Feature" at the 2011 Highway 61 Film Festival, "Attack of the Moon Zombies" swept every category for which it was nominated in the fourth annual Mail Order Zombie Dead Letter Awards! The film was nominated for five awards and not only won all five, BUT also pulled in an extra write-in award and, though not the most nominated film this year, still won more than any other film in the competition!
"Best Director of a Zombie Movie" Christopher R. Mihm
"Best Zombie" Michael Kaiser
"Best Actress in a Zombie Movie" Sid Korpi
"Best One-Liner in a Zombie Movie" "I know I'd rather die in agonizing pain than become some weird meat puppet for those nasty little things out there, wouldn't you?"
"Best Death Scene" Mike Cook as Dr. Vincent Edwards (write-in category)
To hear the actual results announcement podcast, click HERE!
This special "Cryptosis Approved" edition includes the first (and some might say most-beloved) Mihmiverse film in all its glory and, in addition to previously available special features like a deleted scene and blooper reel, PLUS an intro/outro by Dr. Ivan Cryptosis, the official horror host of the Mihmiverse, and a "profanity reel," a hilarious featurette previously unavailable on any DVD edition of the film!
Visit the SaintEuphoria.commerchandise page and order your copy today!
In the latest episode of the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast, hosts Rhuby 'n' Hater visit with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, continue their Esperanto training, and interview the very well-dressed Anthony Kaczor (Dr. Phillips/Pajama Zombie from "Attack of the Moon Zombies" and Piers the butler in the upcoming "House of Ghosts"). Anthony even brought neckties for the whole crew!
Also included: "Horga'hn," the newest bad poem from writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, the second episode of "Commander Lambent: Space Explorer... in Space!" and a continuation of the Phantom Lake Monsters/Harriet Island Beavers World Series game!
Also this month, we experiment with first ever "Rhuby Edit," a shorter, much more focused version of the episode for those who find the three hour version too daunting!
The Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast was created as a supplement to this newsletter and will be released on or around the 15th of every month. Moderated by hosts Rhuby 'n' Hater, this free-to-download monthly audiocast offers exclusive news, interviews with the folks who make the Mihmiverse possible, shameless self-promotion and original recurring content!
The guest for this month will be Elizabeth Kaiser! Elizabeth is best known as Alice Johnson in "Terror from Beneath the Earth" and also has had numerous behind-the-scenes roles in quite a few of the films of the Mihmiversesome which may even surprise you!
If you'd like to ask a question of the hosts, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, or any of the show's upcoming guest(s), click HERE to submit your queries! If we like them, we may even include them in a future podcast! OR, you can "like" the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast page on Facebook and "participate" by posting to the podcast's wall during recording!
The Mihmiverse Monthly, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm, is trying out some new columns. Alongside old standards like the Classic Movie of the Month, Associate Producer of the Month and Calendar of Events, you'll find an ever-changing array of guest-written columns.
This month you'll find:
Monster Hits! Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards) gives us a historical (and hysterical) perspective on some of the original "popular music" created for the schlocky drive-in films of the 1950s and '60s!
Puzzlin' with Sid Another puzzle created just for the Mihmiverse Monthly by super-actress and wordsmith Sid Korpi!
From the Mihmiverse Test Kitchens Best known as Rosemary from "Terror from Beneath the Earth," Stephanie Mihm will share her favorite recipes sure to satisfy any monster-sized appetite!
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for other columns, OR if you're interested in writing one, please contact us at and let us know what you think! In the meantime, enjoy the new-and-improved Mihmiverse Monthly!
The Monster of Piedras Blancas (1959)
Directed by Irvin Berwick Starring Les Tremayne, Forrest Lewis and Jeanne Carmen
Something murderous is wandering the streets of the sleepy port town of Piedras Blancas and, judging by the title, it's a monster! At first, the local lighthouse owner attempts to keep the beast confined to its seaside cave by offering scraps of meat and food, but eventually the prehistoric beast craves something more substantialHUMAN FLESH! This leads the title creature to start making trips into town to snack on the locals and generally create a panic. The film includes a half-hearted attempt at a love story involving the lighthouse keeper's somewhat estranged daughter (played by Jeanne Carmen in her only lead role) and the young actor best known as the swinging, singing lead in the 1959 film "The Giant Gila Monster," but it's ultimately pointless fluff. The creature costume was made up of a bunch of "leftovers" from other late-1950s B-movies, including the Metaluna Mutant's feet from 1955's "This Island Earth" and the title creatures' hands from 1956's "The Mole People." Surprisingly, the hodge-podge monster actually works and strikes an altogether unique profile! The story is more-or-less predictable, and the film itself is paced, acted, and directed like so many "cheapies" of the 1950s, but "The Monster of Piedras Blancas" stands out for both its effective use of its location AND its blatant and graphic depictions of violencesomething many movies of the era usually avoided. Like so many films of the time, it takes a while to get going, but once it hits its stride, the film's exciting conclusion makes it all worthwhile! Highly recommended!
Christopher R. Mihm
Since so many fans and supporters have contributed and become associate producers, we wanted to take time to highlight some of these wonderful people! Thus, every month between now and the release of "House of Ghosts," we will randomly choose and interview one of them.
This month, we interview an entire family: The Bougneit Family!
From left to right: Kaelin, Joey, Melissa & John
Introduce yourself to the Mihmiverse! We are the Bougneit family from Mukwonago, Wisconsinthe home of the original "Monster of Phantom Lake!" "We" are John, an electrical engineer currently working in Mission, Texas; Melissa, a substitute teacher and busy mom; Kaelin, a freshman at the UW-Oshkosh majoring in radio, TV, and film (think we'll need a visit to the Mihms this summer!) and minoring in music mproduction, and Joey, a junior at Mukwonago High School who is planning to attend UW-Stout in Menomonie for a degree in video game design. We are a family that loves the outdoors, camping and movies!
When and how did you discover the films of Christopher R. Mihm? We initially discovered the "Mihmverse" when writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's first film, "The Monster of Phantom Lake," was showing outdoors at our local park during an event called The Jack-O-Lantern Jaunt. Not only did the title intrigue us, but Melissa went to school with Stephanie Mihm (Rosemary/Dr. Rutherford) and was very excited to see what Steph's husband had done. Needless to say, we loved it! Since we love movies, particularly horror movies, we loved the nostalgic style and humor of the film. We especially LOVE the professor!
Which of the six released films is your favorite and why? Picking a favorite is very difficult because there is something we love about all of them. They have generated several ongoing jokes amongst us and our friends who are also fans. If we were hard-pressed to choose the one we have enjoyed the most, we would have to say it is "The Monster of Phantom Lake"... because it took place in Mukwonago, the Canoe Cops, the professor and...his....manner....of speaking, and that awesome song: "A-Rockin', A-Rollin', All the Way A-Ramblin'!" We sure do love the alien in "It Came from Another World!," the luscious women in "Cave Women on Mars," and the zombies in "Attack of the Moon Zombies" as well. We have found several recurring actors/actresses that we enjoy seeing over and over again as well!
You recently became an associate producer of "House of Ghosts." Why? After enjoying the movies for so many years, we decided it was time to become associate producers for the newest one, "House of Ghosts," which we are very excited to see. We want to continue to see these wonderful, kitschy movies succeed and see Christopher someday make this his full-time job! If we can help make that happen, that would be wonderful!
The Birds: "That's All That I Need You For" (Please pardon the preposition at the end of the title)
Suzanna Leigh (doing her best Shirley Bassey "Goldfinger" imitation): "Stop the Music"
This month's column should be entitled, "Not to Be Mistaken For..." (Please pardon the preposition ending the sentence).
Our film could be subtitled "The British Invasion," (not to be mistaken for the arrival of The Beatles or the Rolling Stones in America's music scene). It's called "The Deadly Bees," not to be mistaken for the Killer Bees from "Saturday Night Live," and it arrived in the U.S. from England in 1967.
The screenplay was based on H.F. Heard's 1941 novel "A Taste for Honey." It was directed by Freddie Francis, and starred Suzanna Leigh, Guy Doleman, and Frank Finlay...not to be mistaken for Boris Karloff and Christopher Lee, both of whom took a good look at the script and ran for the hills.
The plot? A young pop star collapses from exhaustion and is sent to recuperate at a cottage by the sea. The proprietor is a beekeeper who has discovered a secret about bees and "the smell of fear," which leads to murder and mayhem...not to be mistaken for a "sting" operation. (Sorry, I couldn't pass that one up!)
Suzanna Leigh plays the pop star, and of course she sings a song or two during the film. Music was also performed by the The Birds, not to be mistaken for The Byrds, although both were real groups back in the '60s. The Birds featured Ron Wood, not to be mistaken for...oh wait, it WAS the same Ron Wood from The Rolling Stones, so maybe this qualifies as part of "The British Invasion" after all!
Here are two songs from that film. Neither one of them should be mistaken for chart England OR America.
Be patient with the videos. They actually follow each other in the film, so you need to watch them in order.
Mike Cook
Each letter in the sentence below has been consistently substituted for another letter. (For instance, to get you started, every Q below stands for an E in the puzzle's Mihmiverse-related solution sentence.)
Prepare cake mix batter according to package directions; pour into a 13-in. x 9-in. baking pan coated with cooking spray.
Bake at 350° for 15-20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool completely on a wire rack.
In a large bowl, whisk milk and pudding mix for 2 minutes. Let stand for 2 minutes or until soft-set.
In a small bowl, beat cream cheese until smooth. Beat in pudding mixture until blended. Spread evenly over cake. Sprinkle with pineapple; spread with whipped topping. Sprinkle with walnuts and garnish with cherries. Refrigerate until serving.
Yield: 20 servings.
1 piece equals 131 calories. My monster crowd gives this fabulous dessert 5 out of 5 "roars."
You can find this recipe (and many more like it) and its corresponding nutrition information on the Taste of Home website!
Stephanie Mihm
Tuesday Nights - 9:00PM Andy Wilkins (The Medium) hosts a trivia night at the Green Mill in Eagan, Minnesota!
April 11May 20 M. Scott Taulman appears in "Mark Twain's Mississippi," a new play with music based on Twain's book "Life on the Mississipi," performed aboard the Minnesota Centennial Showboat Docked on the Mississippi River at Harriet Island in St. Paul.
April 14, 2012 - 11:30PM "Cave Women on Mars" screens for the third episode of Midnight Monster Movies with Dr. Bob at the Grandview Theatre! Attendees can look forward to cave-women-related hijinx and bravery-based free passes to those who have the courage to last the night. Dr. Bob will have an Igor on hand to assist him in presenting the movie.
First 10 people in the door will get a free "Cave Women on Mars" movie poster! The poster is FREE and so is admission!
April 1315 Join Dr. Ivan Cryptosis, the official horror host of the Mihmiverse, as he brings the films of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm to the blockbuster entertainment event of America's Heartland: C2E2, the Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo. DVDs from "The Monster of Phantom Lake" through "Attack of the Moon Zombies" will be available! There will be enough Cryptosis and Mihmiverse swag on hand to meet the needs of the most discerning fans. So buckle up your broncos and join the "good doctor" in Chicago!
April 1315 & 2022 Stephanie Mihm (Rosemary/Dr. Rutherford) returns to the stage to portray two characters in the Andy Wilkins (The Medium) directed play, "Mama Won't Fly."
April 2022, 2012 Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and Mark Haider (Dr. Haterov/Nok) will be selling Mihmiverse merchandise at StarFest in Denver! In addition, Mr. Mihm will be presenting a screening of "Attack of the Moon Zombies" with a special Q & A session immediately after!
Check out the StarFest website for more information!
April 27, 2012 - 9:00AM1:00PM Take a beautiful walk around the gorgeous Minnesota Landscape Arboretum with your dog, starting with a moment of reflection for our departed pets led by Sid Korpi (Administrator Ripley) at the All About Dogs Day @ the Arb.
April 2829, 2012 The actual "House of Ghosts," where the movie was filmed in South Minneapolis, will be open for touring during the Minneapolis/St. Paul Home Tour. Hours are Saturday, 10:00AM5:00PM and Sunday, 1:00PM5:00PM. Meet several of the actors and their director, Christopher R. Mihm, on-site.
McKnight Park, McKnight Road and Pioneer Trail, Chaska, MN
May 20, 2012 - 1:00PM4:00PM Anthony Kaczor (Dr. Phillips/Pajama Zombie) will be standing in for his wife Sid Korpi (Administrator Ripley) at the Active Dog Days Out event sponsored by Active Dog Sports Training. This event is a chance for people to come out and spend some time with their dogs, and maybe even do a bit of shopping!
Carver Lake Vet Center, 2201 Ventura Drive, Woodbury, MN
May 23, 2012 - doors at 6:45PM, movie at 7:30PM "House of Ghosts" holds its WORLD PREMIERE at the historic Heights Theatre!
Premiere attendees will enjoy a program complete with hand-picked, era-appropriate newsreels, classic trailers, appearances by most (if not all) of the cast and crew, free cake, autographs and photos with a ghost or two from the film (Don't forget to bring your camera!), a merchandise raffle and organ music from the "WCCO Mighty Wurlitzer!" AND, with this being a tribute to the films of William Castle, you can expect some "otherworldly" shenanigans that will ONLY happen at this event! DVDs, posters and other merchandise will also be on sale!
Advance tickets are NOW AVAILABLE! For only $10 (each), your ticket will guarantee that you are one of the first to see what is being billed as the spookiest Mihmiverse film yet! Advance ticket holders will receive an individually numbered collector's ticket (while supplies last) and, as in years past, an exclusive collector's itema signed piece of one of the ghost costumes from the film!
For more information and to order your advance tickets, visit the events section of the merchandise page! This event is fewer than 50 seats away from being SOLD OUT so STOP PROCASTINATING and purchase your ticketsNOW!
The premiere is open to the public so, the ONLY WAY to ensure admittance is to purchase an advance ticketRIGHT NOW!
May 26, 2012 - dusk "House of Ghosts" will continue a years-long Mihmiverse tradition by screening at the Hi-way 18 Outdoor Theatre in Jefferson, Wisconsin! The movie will screen as the third film of a triple-featureother films are TBA.
NOTE: This year the theater is trying something different and will be screening the film ONLY ONCE over the weekend, on Saturday night!
The Sci Fi Center, 900 Karen Avenue, Suite D-202 (upstairs inside the Commercial Center), Las Vegas, NV
Keep track of all of Sid Korpi's (Administrator Ripley) signings, interviews, appearances, and other promotional events for her book "Good Grief: Finding Peace After Pet Loss" by visiting the appearances page at her website:
James Norgard (Dr. Gabriel) plays a demented surgeon in the just-released music video for the With a Gun For a Face song, "Parade of Horribles." Check out this disturbingly entertaining video on YouTube!
The Mihmiverse is Expanding!
Those of you who listened to the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast episode 3 with special guest Justen Overlander are aware he is developing a Christian-themed feature, but we have just learned that Justen is also developing a spin-off Mihmiverse project! Justen describes the project, titled "The Bequeather," as an homage to "Young Frankenstein," "Airplane," and old "Abbott & Costello" movies. We're told it will have some familiar monsters appear and that, unlike writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's films, it's an all-out farcical comedy.
The script is just about ready to go and the cast is set with Mihmiverse mainstays and new faces alike. Principal photography is set to commence this summer!
Just like writer/director Christopher R. Mihm does with his projects, Justen is offering associate producer credits in exchange for donations. Or, if you're itching to fund a greater chunk of the movie and become an EXECUTIVE producer, consider becoming an investor and sharing in the profits. Follow this link ( or contact Justen directly for more details:, and stay tuned to this newsletter for the latest on this exciting new Mihmiverse-inspired project!
In addition, "The Monster of Phantom Lake" Collector's Edition DVDs, exclusive movie posters, patches, collectibles and other merchandise are now in stock. Everything is available in extremely limited quantities, so get yours today before they run out!