If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for other columns, OR if you're interested in writing one, please contact us at info@sainteuphoria.com and let us know what you think!

We hope this newsletter finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy during this difficult time. We here at "Mihmiverse Central" are following all guidelines and requirements concerning social distancing and doing our part to slow the pandemic and "flatten the curve." And, as an understandable result, we've had to make quite a few changes to the upcoming slate of Mihmiverse projects and events.

First and foremost, the world premiere of "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us," which was scheduled to take place at the end of this month, has been postponed. As of right now, (depending on circumstances) we are planning to reschedule the event to some point in September or October. Unfortunately, that's as much information as we can provide at this time.

If you purchased tickets to the event, we will be in touch VERY SOON to discuss the options available should you be unable to join us later in the year! No matter what, the film WILL BE released in calendar year 2020, even if it means we must hold a "digital premiere" in time for the holidays!

In other news, we announce with heavy heart that we have temporarily suspended production of "That Which Lurks in the Dark" and "The Mihmiverse Holiday Special." We plan to resume production on both projects as soon as it is safe to do so.

Because we are "ahead of the curve" on shooting "That Which Lurks in the Dark" and never intended to release the film before NEXT YEAR, this delay may not affect its release date. However, with what will now be a severely shortened production window, the release date of "The Mihmiverse Holiday Special" must be pushed to Christmas 2021 (instead of 2020 as we'd hoped). We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but the health and safety of our actors and crew (and, by extension, their loved ones) is paramount.

Stay safe and be well, Mihmivites! Just because these projects are on hold, it doesn't mean writer/director Christopher R. Mihm is sitting around doing NOTHING. In fact, since his most trusted crew members and the bulk of the main cast of "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us" are his immediate family, the Mihm/Kaiser family has decided to spend their "quarantine time" making a brand-new Phantom Lake Kids feature: "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Unseen Invasion!"

With the film currently in the scripting phase, we encourage you to contribute to "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Unseen Invasion" and get your name in the end credits—and help keep the lights on at Saint Euphoria Pictures!

In what writer/director Christopher R. Mihm is calling the "quarantine movie," the Phantom Lake Kids (Danny Johnson, his sisters Alice and Evelyn, and their wacky friends Butch, Chip, and Billy Blue) are stuck in their house during a government-mandated worldwide quarantine and are shocked when most of the gang inexplicably disappears in a flash of light—then reappears moments later! When Alice doesn't return, the rest must meticulously (and hilariously) unravel the mystery behind her disappearance and the invisible forces behind it! Could it be...aliens?

For each $20.00 donation, all contributors will be entitled to having a single name* of their choosing listed in the contributors section of the closing credits of the film and a customized, frame-able document certifying their contribution! Copies of the film and/or world premiere tickets may be pre-ordered as "add-ons" with the purchase of at least one credit.

IMPORTANT! Unlike previous Mihmiverse films, physical media copies of the finished film are NOT automatically included with a basic contribution. If you would like to receive a DVD or Blu-Ray of the film when it is released, you MUST order them separately!

Credits can even be given as gifts! Imagine the looks on the faces of your loved ones when they find out their names will be immortalized on the silver screen!

"The Phantom Lake Kids in The Unseen Invasion"
Separate credits by commas, & or "and." 
DVDS (+$10 each)
BLU-RAYS (+$20 each)
Is your mailing address outside of the U.S.?
(All non-U.S. mailing addresses will be charged a shipping premium for physical media.)


NOTE: If you purchase one of the following credits, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm will contact you shortly after to discuss your purchase!

Associate producers will earn IMBb and on-screen credits and will be allowed certain privileges of producership, including free, exclusive merchandise and other perks (TBD).
Executive producers will earn IMBb and on-screen credits and will be allowed certain privileges of producership, including free, exclusive merchandise, set visits, and other perks (TBD).

*A single credit is defined as the name of one (1) person or corporate entity. Any credit requiring the word "and," an ampersand (&), and/or a comma (except when part of a legal company name) will constitute multiple credits and MUST BE paid for separately.

NOTE: The contributor program is an "equal exchange" program, which means specifically that those participating have NO SAY in the decisions or actions taken by anyone involved in the actual production of the film and are NOT entitled to ANY possible future profits earned by the film, derivative works, and/or merchandise created for or featuring elements from the film. Becoming an contributor does not entitle the participant to ANY ownership WHATSOEVER of the finished film or associated elements.


When a local man is suspected of having been transformed into a hideous monster, it's up to a scrappy gang of local kids (Danny & Evelyn Johnson, Butch, Chip, and their friend Billy Blue) to uncover the truth and save Phantom Lake County—and everyone in it—from certain doom in writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's tribute to the creature-features of the 1950s, the history of the Mihmiverse, and "Scooby Doo!"

The disc contains a high quality digital transfer of the film and several exclusive special features, including a blooper reel, two photo galleries, feature-length commentary with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, English subtitles, Esperanto audio & subtitles and much more!

Feature Run Time: 1 hour, 19 minutes. Black & White, Widescreen, NOT RATED.

IMPORTANT! This item is pre-order only. All orders will ship on or around the premiere date!

$9.99 (DVD) / $19.99 (Blu-Ray)
(+$3.99 shipping & handling)

Check here if the shipping address is outside of the U.S.
Check here to include writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's autograph
NOTE: Autographs require removal of a disc's protective plastic wrap.
By selecting this option, you agree to allow us to do this!


You can now own a copy of the newly-commissioned, official Mihmiverse promotional photo taken by Christi Jean Williams (Mrs. Davis in "Queen of Snakes") of Grinkie Photography!

Every 8x10 photo will personally be signed by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm! Order NOW!

Signed Mihmiverse Monsters 8" x 10" Photo
$9.99 (FREE shipping & handling!)
In addition to many of the films of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm available on Amazon Prime, there are now OTHER options to stream the Mihmiverse!

First, the Mihmiverse catalog (minus the soon-to-be-added "The Monster of Phantom Lake: The Musical!") is now being offered for on-demand streaming and digital download at Vimeo! Every film accessible through the Mihmiverse Vimeo page is of the highest quality transfer available to both rent and/or own! PLUS, every movie you purchase includes a blooper reel!

Second, the Mihmiverse now has its own Roku channel: Drive-in Monsters!

Drive-in Monsters is the place to find all the films of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm AND a curated collection of special features! We plan to add some really cool, exclusive content over time, so we encourage you to add the channel to your Roku lineup. To find the Drive-in Monsters channel, simply search for it through your Roku service!

To make sure we never have to charge a premium for the channel, we are currently collecting subscribers and star ratings so we can convert the channel to "advertiser-supported" (as opposed to a subscriber-based service). The more stars and ratings we receive, the better we are able to approach higher quality advertisers. The higher the "quality" of our advertisers, the more money the channel earns. The more money the channel earns, the more Mihmiverse content we make! It's a win-win for everyone!

SO, make sure that once you've installed the channel, you GIVE IT A STAR RATING—the higher the better! Then, be sure to tell everyone you know to install the channel and do the same! With your help, we'll be able to continue to bring you the best Mihmiverse-related content for years to come!

Lastly and most sadly, the films of Christopher R. Mihm are slowly being removed from Amazon Prime. The company has taken an openly "hostile stance" toward independent films on its service. Films of a particularly lower-budget stripe are continuing to be pulled in an attempt by the company to "clean up" its movie selection.

Recently "It Came From Another World!" joined "Destination: Outer Space" in being inexplicably pulled from the service. Unfortunately, now that they've been removed, neither can be resubmitted and will NEVER be reconsidered by the service. There continues to be no explanation beyond vague boilerplate language about "customer quality standards."

So, unfortunately, it appears the Mihmiverse's days on Amazon Prime are numbered. As such, we encourage you to enjoy them through their service while they last...just make sure if you START a movie, FINISH it! We've learned that can be a factor in the removal of films because the implication is that a movie that is started but not completed may not be of sufficient "quality" to be on its service!

Once you've finished watching something, give it a star rating...but only if your star rating is AT LEAST three. Anything below three stars negatively affects the film and potentially drags it toward the "removal threshold." If you feel so inclined, give it a review, but be honest! Tell the world what you think and maybe even let others know that there are MORE Mihmiverse films available to watch on the service! THEN, encourage everyone you know to do the same! The more streaming minutes the 'verse gets, the longer the films will remain—so feel free to view (and rate!) what's left of the collection!

Thank you for your help!
The latest episode of the Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast has arrived!

This month, host writer/director Christopher R. Mihm discusses the current situation in the world (for posterity's sake) and what he and the Phantom Lake Kids are doing to keep busy... and to keep the 'verse A-Rockin', A-Rollin', and All-the-Way-A-Ramblin'!

Also included: "The Kansas City Crypt" with Monster Movie Kid Rich Chamberlain and another joke from Dr. Bob Tesla of Midnight Monster Movies with Dr. Bob.

To download an .mp3 of the audiocast, click HERE, visit archive.org where the file is stored or download it free from Apple Podcasts!

Otherwise, if you'd like to listen to the episode right from this browser window, click the play button on the player below!

The Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and is focused specifically on what's going on RIGHT NOW in the Mihmiverse. In addition, Mr. Mihm will discuss the monster movie-making process, touch briefly on the future of the 'verse, pontificate on random subjects, and be joined by guests from within and without the Mihmiverse. PLUS, each episode will include something unique you won't find anywhere else!

Welcome to the Mihmiverse Monthly feature where we talk to YOU, the fans! Every month, we choose a random Mihmivite and ask them a few Mihmiverse-related questions in an attempt to get to know them better and find out what they REALLY think about the films of Christopher R. Mihm!

This month, we interview Bryan Bonner!

Introduce yourself to the Mihmiverse!
I am the founding member of the Rocky Mountain Paranormal Research Society, a photographer, public speaker/educator, historian, film festival organizer, horror convention organizer, horror and oddities museum curator and Mihmiverse junkie. All my info can be found at rockymountainparanormal.com.

When and how did you discover the films of Christopher R. Mihm?
While speaking at Horrorfest in Denver, CO.

If you had to pick just ONE, which of the Mihmiverse films would be your favorite?
I'm torn between "The Monster of Phantom Lake: The Musical!" or "Weresquito: Nazi Hunter." I have almost the entire collection signed.

Tell us how you, in particular, show your "Mihmiverse pride!"
I have a collection of signed DVDs, the Mihmiverse Wall Calendar proudly displayed at my 9-to-5, and I have one of the tarantula molts from the Mihm family spider used in "The Giant Spider" as well as a piece of the Phantom Lake monster costume in my museum.

Where would you like to see the Mihmiverse go in the future?
The way that it has been going is so much fun, I just want to continue watching it evolve!
Want to be interviewed for a future edition of the Mihmiverse Fan Focus? Send an email to info@sainteuphoria.com and let us know! Maybe next month the subject will be YOU!
Panic in Year Zero (1962)
Directed by Ray Milland, starring Ray Milland, Jean Hagen and Frankie Avalon

Ray Milland does double-duty as lead actor and director in this cold war gem about what happens to the perfect nuclear family (no pun intended!) when the "enemy" drops atomic bombs on all major U.S. cities. Unable to return home from their camping trip, the family (including a non-Beach-dancing Frankie Avalon as the eldest son) is forced to hole up in the hills where they must use all their survival skills to overcome rising lawlessness. Surrounded by a morally crumbling and frightened society, the family has to make hard decisions in a desperate effort to hold on to their traditional values while those values unravel in everyone they meet. This film is superbly written in a very unsentimental way, treating a 1950s/60s hot-button "what-if" scenario with dead seriousness. The acting, for the most part, is decent. Aside from the oddly bored teenage daughter, every actor in the film does a great job. The movie is quite dark and the subject matter (and the way it's handled) is heavy in all the right ways. Not a happy film by any stretch of any imagination, "Panic in Year Zero" instead serves as a great example of the fears and mindset of the average post-war 1950s suburban family brought to shocking life on the silver screen. Personally, I found this film to be surprisingly good. Also, given the current environment in which we all live, it hits home even harder than it normally would. Recommended.
— Christopher R. Mihm
Cheesy Diseases

Pandemic Movie Trivia? Yes, I'm going there. There are several films to choose from, but I'm only listing five, just in case I need to go with Part II next month.

List #1: The Titles & Release Years. List #2: Plot Points. Your prescription: Match 'em up!

1. (1939) "Pacific Liner"
2. (1950) "The Killer That Stalked New York"
3. (1957) "The Seventh Seal"
4. (1964) "The Last Man on Earth"
5. (1973) "The Crazies"

A. Victor McLaglen, Wendy Barrie, and Chester Morris star in a story about a love triangle, an epidemic, and a quarantine that that only makes things worse.
B. The police are looking for a smuggler, and doctors are looking for a smallpox carrier, unaware that she's the same person.
C. Vincent Price stars as a vampire hunter in a film about a disease that turns everyone into zombies.
D. George Romero directs a film about a man-made virus and the government's attempt to control it!
E. In a story line that might remind you of "Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey," Ingmar Bergman directs a film about man who plays chess with Death during an outbreak of the Bubonic Plague. Max Von Sydow stars.
Scroll to the bottom of the Mihmiverse Monthly for the answers.
— Mike Cook
Did you know that "The Monster of Phantom Lake: The Musical!" is now available to be performed by schools and theatre companies nationwide?!

We offer carefully prepared materials of similar (or higher) quality than what you would receive from one of the big Broadway theatrical licensing companies. However, our independent licensing model allows us offer individualized service catered to your organization. When you decide to license a show with us, the success of your production becomes our number-one priority! Heck, the authors might even fly out to see one of your shows!

Production packages include scripts, orchestra books, and conductor/accompanist scores (condensed and full score options), all professionally printed in a beautiful and clean format. We even include rehearsal backing tracks that fully match the music printed in the libretto and on the cast recording CD! This is a great option for productions where using a live orchestra isn't possible, for "black box" style theaters, or when your group doesn't have a rehearsal accompanist regularly available.

We also include free logos for use in your advertising materials, and we can offer personalized graphic design as well as transpositions of vocal and orchestra parts on demand. Visit monsterofphantomlake.com to hear songs from the show, learn more about the script, and request a quote, perusal script, or license agreement.
Mihmiverse DVDs & Blu-Rays are now available at SaintEuphoria.com, the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm. In addition, exclusive movie posters, collectibles, and other merchandise are now in stock. Everything is available in extremely limited quantities, so get yours today before they run out!
The Trivia Corner answers: 1-A 2-B, 3-E, 4-C, 5-D

Copyright © and All Rights Reserved
Saint Euphoria LLC 2020

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