House of Ghosts
Want to attend the May 23rd "House of Ghosts" world premiere at the Heights Theatre? Advance tickets are NOW AVAILABLE for purchase!

For only $10 (each), you can be guaranteed to be one of the first to see what is being billed as the spookiest Mihmiverse film yet!

Premiere attendees will enjoy a program complete with hand-picked, era-appropriate newsreels, classic trailers, appearances by most (if not all) of the cast and crew, free cake, autographs and photos with a ghost or two from the film (don't forget to bring your camera), a merchandise raffle, and organ music from the "WCCO Mighty Wurlitzer!" AND, with this being a tribute to the films of William Castle, you can expect some "otherworldly" shenanigans that will happen ONLY at this event! DVDs, posters and other merchandise will also be on sale!

Advance ticket holders will receive an individually numbered collector's ticket (while supplies last) and, as in years past, an exclusive collector's item (TBD)!

For more information and to order your advance tickets, visit the events section of the merchandise page! Since going on sale on the 22nd, the event is already half sold-out! AND, with interest in this Mihmiverse film so ridiculously high, we can all but guarantee this event WILL sell out. The premiere is open to the public, so the ONLY WAY to ensure admittance is to purchase an advance ticket RIGHT NOW! Do not hesitate or you may risk losing out—with no one to blame but yourself!

ALSO, the official poster for "House of Ghosts" has arrived! Pictured above, the poster was designed by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and is instantly reminiscent of classic haunted house films like "Terror in the Haunted House," "The Amityville Horror" and, appropriately, William Castle's original "House on Haunted Hill."

The poster is now in stock and available for purchase! Designed by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, this great 11" x 17" poster would look SMASHING (and so lambent) on your wall—right next to the other six Mihmiverse posters.

Speaking of which, posters are currently available for all seven of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's films! AND, for a limited time, you can purchase a set of all seven posters for the low price of only $25.00 (+$3.00 shipping and handling)! When you include shipping and handling on the normal price, that's a savings of over $10—and autographs are ALWAYS FREE!

To purchase the "House of Ghosts" (or any other movie's) poster OR take advantage of this magnificent limited-time deal, visit the posters section of the merchandise page!

"Attack of the Moon Zombies" has been nominated for a Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Award!

Since 2002, the Rondos have been fandom's only true classic horror award. They are decided by fans, for fans. Every Rondo nominee is being recognized for a significant achievement in the genre during the year of 2011. Voting is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC and is done through email. To vote, visit the following website:

Next, copy the ballot, paste it into an email, pick your choices—including "Attack of the Moon Zombies" in section 8 of the ballot under Best Independent Film—and send it along with your name to

That's it! AND, don't forget to pass this information on to EVERYONE YOU KNOW! We need as many people as humanly possible to vote to make this happen!

Lastly, a new, extremely unique experience has been added to, the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm: "Danny Johnson and the Lucky Coin," a Mihmiverse interactive adventure game set in the Wisawa caves and starring the character of Danny Johnson from "Terror from Beneath the Earth!" This online "text adventure" is presented in a style similar to classic 1980s-era Infocom interactive fiction games like "Zork."

As the story of "Danny Johnson and the Lucky Coin" begins, we find ourselves three years after the events depicted in "Terror from Beneath the Earth." Danny is a little older, a little taller, and a heck of a lot braver. Though his dad and Rosemary (now his stepmom) did all they could to save him, Danny knew the real reason he'd survived that fateful day: he'd had his lucky coin when he entered those caves. Sadly, in the hullaballoo of that crazy event, he dropped it somewhere inside. Now, he wants it back... and nothing is going to stop him!

In "Danny Johnson and the Lucky Coin," you'll assume the identity of the title hero, venture into the Wisawa caves, and try to retrieve Danny's lucky coin. This interactive story will take you deep into the Wisawa caverns, where you'll come up against mind-bending puzzles, mutated monsters, and the very history of the Mihmiverse itself!

"Danny Johnson and the Lucky Coin" was written and programmed by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm. To access the game, click HERE.

NOTE: You MUST have JavaScript enabled in your browser for "Danny Johnson and the Lucky Coin" to work!

The newest episode of the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast is now available for download!

Jim Norgard
It's the dead of winter in Minnesota and hosts Rhuby 'n' Hater are enjoying the warmth of their home while dreaming of the days when the bonfire shall return. In the meantime, they visit with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, try their hands at some Esperanto, and interview actor Jim Norgard (Dr. Gabriel from "Attack of the Moon Zombies" and Arthur in the upcoming "House of Ghosts").

Also included: "Wash Rinse Repeat," the newest bad poem from writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, the first episode of "Commander Lambent: Space Explorer... in Space!" and something extra-super-special at the end of part three that ties directly into "House of Ghosts!"

Click here to download part 1Click here to download part 2Click here to download part 3

The Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast was created as a supplement to this newsletter and will be released on or around the 15th of every month. Moderated by hosts Rhuby 'n' Hater, this free-to-download monthly audiocast offers exclusive news, interviews with the folks who make the Mihmiverse possible, shameless self-promotion and original recurring content!

This month, our guest will be Anthony Kaczor, the actor who appeared as an Eh'donish man in "Destination: Outer Space" and Dr. Phillips (the "pajama zombie") in "Attack of the Moon Zombies." Anthony will next appear as the butler, Piers, in "House of Ghosts!"

If you'd like to ask a question of the hosts, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, or any of the show's upcoming guest(s), click HERE to submit your queries! If we like them, we may even include them in a future podcast! OR, you can "like" the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast page on Facebook and "participate" by posting to the podcast's wall during recording! The recording date for the March podcast will be Saturday, March 3rd starting at 7:30PM (CST).

The Mihmiverse Monthly, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm, is trying out some new columns. Alongside old standards like the Classic Movie of the Month, Associate Producer of the Month and Calendar of Events, you'll find an ever-changing array of guest-written columns.

This month you'll find:
  • Monster Hits!
    Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards) gives us a historical (and hysterical) perspective on some of the original "popular music" created for the schlocky drive-in films of the 1950s and '60s!
  • Puzzlin' with Sid
    Another puzzle created just for the Mihmiverse Monthly by super-actress and wordsmith Sid Korpi!
  • From the Mihmiverse Test Kitchens
    Best known as Rosemary from "Terror from Beneath the Earth," Stephanie Mihm will share her favorite recipes sure to satisfy any monster-sized appetite!
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for other columns, OR if you're interested in writing one, please contact us at and let us know what you think! In the meantime, enjoy the new-and-improved Mihmiverse Monthly!

The Tingler (1959)
Directed by William Castle
Starring Vincent Price, Oliver Higgins and Judith Evelyn

In this William Castle horror classic, Vincent Price plays Dr. Warren Chapin, a pathologist with an interesting theory about the origins of that tingling sensation experienced during moments of extreme fear. He believes it is the result of a caterpillar-like parasite (dubbed a "tingler") that lives on the spine of every human being, feeds on fear, and can only be neutralized by screaming. When the deaf and mute (and therefore incapable of screaming) wife of a silent-movie house owner dies after a series of seemingly supernatural events, Dr. Chapin is able to test his theory by cutting her dead body open to look for—and ultimately find and capture—a tingler. The good doctor keeps it in his lab but, after being heavily dosed with LSD (seriously) by his cheating wife and attacked by the stronger-than-expected tingler, Dr. Chapin is barely saved by the screams of his sister-in-law. Deciding that the tingler is too dangerous to survive outside the human body, Dr. Chapin decides to return it to the corpse of the theater owner's wife so that it may die with her. While in the theater, the creature escapes and all heck breaks loose! Director William Castle is best known as the filmmaker who used gonzo gimmicks to make going to screenings of his films more of an interactive experience. During certain showings of "The Tingler," Mr. Castle had certain seats wired with "joy buzzer"-like devices that, at the proper moments, would give moviegoers an unexpected "jolt" to replicate the experience of being attacked by a "tingler." Those who were "attacked" were encouraged to stand up and scream as loud as possible to ward off the creature! Though the film itself received mixed reviews, the gimmick has since become a part of Hollywood history and legend. In my opinion, the movie alone is a decent example of Mr. Castle's work. Though not my favorite of his films (that honor goes to 1959's "House on Haunted Hill"), it's still quite enjoyable and worth seeing—especially if you can find a local movie-house willing to show the film in full "Percepto"—joy-buzzer wired seats and all! Highly recommended either way, especially if you're looking for a way to prepare for the upcoming "House of Ghosts" premiere!

— Christopher R. Mihm

Since so many fans and supporters have contributed and become associate producers, we wanted to take time to highlight some of these wonderful people! Thus, every month between now and the release of "House of Ghosts," we will randomly choose and interview one of them.

This month, we interview Ed Oliver, and associate producer who helped build sets for "Attack of the Moon Zombies" and also appeared in the film as a zombie!

Ed Oliver
Introduce yourself to the Mihmiverse!

Hello to the Mihmiverse. My name is Edward Oliver and I live in Big Lake, Minnesota. I am a mechanical engineer by profession. I am a big fan of movies, though maybe not as much of a horror fanatic as many in the Mihmiverse. I do enjoy a good scare every now and then. Since being introduced to the Mihmiverse, I have been revisiting many of the '50s B-horror movie classics and have a greater appreciation for those movies and the films created by Christopher Mihm.

When and how did you discover the films of Christopher R. Mihm?

I was introduced to the Mihmiverse by Rhuby and Hater, the hosts of the the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast. They suggested that I attend the premiere of a movie that was made by one of their friends. Since I am always up for trying new things, I joined them at the premiere of "The Monster of Phantom Lake." I absolutely loved it, especially the quirky hand movements that the monster did—it still makes me laugh to this day. Since then, I have been hooked on the Mihmiverse and have attended every premiere.

Which of the six released films is your favorite and why?

Like many of the associate producers before me, my favorite is "The Monster of Phantom Lake." It was just so different from anything that I had been watching at the time. I think it really took me by surprise. It was very refreshing to see someone come up with something so entertaining with such limited resources. Plus, it was family friendly, which is rare for just about anything these days. It was just a great film and a great evening.

"Attack of the Moon Zombies" finishes a close second, but for different reasons. I had the opportunity to help out behind the scenes on that film and also had a small part as a "Moon Zombie." My enjoyment watching that movie comes from a different place. It has more to do with a sense of pride in being involved and knowing what it took to get it from the script up onto the big screen—which is totally cool.

You recently became an associate producer of "House of Ghosts." Why?

As I mentioned before, I was given an opportunity to help out with some of the behind the scenes tasks on "Attack of the Moon Zombies." Doing that, I was able to spend some time with Christopher R. Mihm. He's a really great guy, and you can tell that he has a genuine passion for making these films. His enthusiasm for the projects is very contagious. Once you've met Chistopher and have been involved with the Mihmiverse, you can't really help wanting to get involved. It's just the next logical step. Plus, I must admit, it's cool to see your name up on the big screen at the world premiere. So all of you out there reading this, what are you waiting for? When you get a chance, become a associate producer—you'll be supporting some really great people and spotlighting some local talent.

The Beau Brummels

Freddy "Boom Boom" Cannon

Mike Clifford

Where do I begin this month?

Should I start with the title, "Village of the Giants," based on the H.G. Wells story "Food of the Gods?"

Or how about the cast? Beau Bridges, Disney star Tommy Kirk, and Johnny Crawford ("The Rifleman's" son), as well as Ron Howard and his father, Rance?

Or maybe the choreography by Toni Basil? (Yes, the same Toni Basil that gave us "Hey Mickey!")

Then there's the music by the Beau Brummels, Freddy "Boom Boom" Cannon and Mike Clifford, the one hit wonder who gave us "Close to Cathy" in 1962.

In 1965, Bert I. Gordon wrote, produced and directed this combination beach party/comedy/horror flick and stocked it with young actors and musical acts he thought would make the film a hit. It ended up being a huge failure on all counts. It was a box office bomb, and none of the songs from the movie was a hit.

So what's the plot? Well, the story revolves around a chemical substance called "Goop" (accidentally invented by Ron Howard's character), which causes giant growth in living things, and what happens after a gang of rebellious 30-year-old teenagers get their hands on it.

But mostly, it's an excuse to watch some good looking girls and a couple of giant ducks do the Watusi.

Here are three tunes for the price of one, from the not-good-enough-to-be-a cult-classic film, "Village of the Giants!"

— Mike Cook

Mihmiverse Jumble—Unscramble these sets of letters to make Mihmiverse-related terms/names.









— Sid Korpi

We had two lovely guests for dinner several weeks back: super-fans and part-time-players Bob Arndt (Dr. Banks) and Rob Wartick (Dr. Rod). On the menu was "Italian Pasta Casserole" and, needless to say, every last bit was gobbled down—not a morsel left in the pan! So if you have some super-fans stop by your monster pad, here's a fabulous dish that serves 6+!

Italian Pasta Casserole
Italian Pasta Casserole

  • 2 cups uncooked spiral pasta
  • 1/2 pound lean ground beef (90% lean)
  • 1/2 pound Italian turkey sausage links, casings removed
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 2 cans (14-1/2 ounces each) diced tomatoes, undrained
  • 1/3 cup tomato paste
  • 3/4 teaspoon Italian seasoning
  • 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1/8 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 ounces sliced turkey pepperoni
  • 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese

Cook pasta according to package directions. Meanwhile, crumble beef and sausage into a large skillet; add onion. Cook and stir over medium heat until meat is no longer pink. Add garlic; cook 1 minute longer. Drain. Stir in the tomatoes, tomato paste and seasonings. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, for 5 minutes.

Drain pasta; stir in meat mixture and pepperoni. Transfer half of the pasta mixture to a 2-qt. baking dish coated with cooking spray. Sprinkle with half of the cheese; repeat layers.

Cover and bake at 350° for 20-25 minutes or until bubbly.

Yield: 6 servings.

2/3 cup equals 335 calories. I think it's safe to say that this casserole gets 5 out of 5 "growls." Serve with a fresh veggie side salad and some garlic toast. Every super-fan will ask for more!

You can find this recipe (and many more like it) and its corresponding nutrition information on the Taste of Home website!
— Stephanie Mihm

Tuesday Nights - 9:00PM

Andy Wilkins (The Medium) hosts a trivia night at the Green Mill in Eagan, Minnesota!

Green Mill, 1940 Rahncliff Road, Eagan, MN
Now through April 1

Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards) plays 10 characters in "Tuna Does Vegas" at the Fanny Hill Dinner Theatre.

Fanny Hill Dinner Theatre, 3919 Crescent Avenue, Eau Claire, WI
March 10 - 11:30PM
"It Came From Another World!" screens for the second episode of Midnight Monster Movies with Dr. Bob at the Grandview Theatre! Attendees can look forward to a campfire sing-along with Professor Jackson and bravery-based free passes to those who have the courage to last the night. Dr. Bob will have an Igor on hand to assist him in presenting the movie.

First 10 people in the door will get a free "It Came From Another World!" movie poster! The poster is FREE and so is admission!

Grandview Theatre, 1247 Grandview Avenue, Columbus, OH
March 11
The official horror host of the Mihmiverse, Dr. Ivan Cryptosis, will be appearing in Grayslake, IL at Zurko's ChicagolandZ Premiere Monthly Antique Market. Dr. Ivan Cryptosis (AKA America's Pitchman) will be promoting the films of the renown "classic" filmmaker, Christopher R. Mihm. Dr. Cryptosis will be taking pre-orders for Mr. Mihm's soon-to-be-released "House of Ghosts," while simultaneously offering all six previous classics from "The Monster of Phantom Lake" to "Attack of the Moon Zombies!" This event is your chance to rub elbows with Cryptosis AND get your collection of Mihm films up to date. If you are looking for that one collectible to add to your collection OR to rub Cryptosis' elbows, this event is the place!

Check for details.
March 18 - 6:00PM–9:00PM
The now infamous-in-the-Mihmiverse independent feature "Lambent Fuse," featuring Daniel R. Sjerven (Lt. Elliott/Stan Johnson/Capt. "Ace" Frehley) and James Norgard (Dr. Gabriel), premieres!

St. Anthony Main, 115 Southeast Main Street, Minneapolis, MN
March 23–April 1
Leigha Horton (Stephanie Yates) will be performing the role of Kayleen in the Intermedia Arts production of "Gruesome Playground Injuries."

Intermedia Arts, 2822 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN
March 30-31
"Dead Weight," featuring Bob Arndt (Dr. Banks) and Rob Wartick ("King of the Wall People"), holds its two-day world premiere.

Time Community Theater, 445 North Main Street, Oshkosh, WI
April 11–May 20
M. Scott Taulman appears in "Mark Twain's Mississippi," a new play with music based on Twain's book "Life on the Mississipi," performed aboard the Minnesota Centennial Showboat Docked on the Mississippi River at Harriet Island in St. Paul.

Visit the show's website for more information!
April 13-15
Join Dr. Ivan Cryptosis, the official horror host of the Mihmiverse, as he brings the films of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm to the blockbuster entertainment event of America's Heartland: C2E2, the Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo. DVDs from "The Monster of Phantom Lake" through "Attack of the Moon Zombies" will be available! There will be enough Cryptosis and Mihmiverse swag on hand to meet the needs of the most discerning fans. So buckle up your broncos and join the "good doctor" in Chicago!

McCormick Place, 2301 South Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL
April 13-15 & 20-22
Stephanie Mihm (Rosemary/Dr. Rutherford) returns to the stage to portray two characters in the Andy Wilkins (The Medium) directed play, "Mama Won't Fly."

Lakeville Area Arts Center, 20965 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, MN

Sid Korpi (Administrator Ripley) will soon be releasing her new DVD "Sid's Canine Kitchen—How to make your own raw-dog-food diet for your discriminating dog" filmed by Mihmiverse super fans Bob Arndt (Dr. Banks) and Rob Wartick ("King of the Wall People"), with lighting design by Cherie "Rhuby" Gallinati. Keep an eye on her website ( or her Facebook page for info on the release date.
Deanne McDonald (Elizabeth) appears in a new student short film available to watch online: "Watched," directed by Lisa Her. Also, check out her new headshots at her website (!
Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards) plays "The Building Super" in the ongoing Sci-Fi/Fantasy web series "Forsythia." Watch the entire first season at "Forsythia" is an official selection at the 2012 LA Web Series Festival!

"The Monster of Phantom Lake," "It Came From Another World!," "Cave Women on Mars," "Terror from Beneath the Earth," "Destination: Outer Space," and "Attack of the Moon Zombies" DVDs are now available at, the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm.

In addition, "The Monster of Phantom Lake" Collector's Edition DVDs, exclusive movie posters, patches, collectibles and other merchandise are now in stock. Everything is available in extremely limited quantities, so get yours today before they run out!

Copyright © and All Rights Reserved Saint Euphoria LLC 2012

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