If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for other columns, OR if you're interested in writing one, please contact us at info@sainteuphoria.com and let us know what you think!

"The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us" World Premiere
December 23rd, 2020 — digital premiere @ vimeo.com!

After the worldwide coronavirus pandemic pushed the release of "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us" into 2021, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm found himself facing the real prospect of being forced to break his "one-feature-a-year" streak—which began in 2006! Luckily, he found himself surrounded by the talents of his immediate family, most of whom make up the bulk of the characters in the Phantom Lake Kids gang. After much discussion with his wife and kids, they collectively decided to go ahead and create what they've dubbed the "Mihmiverse quarantine movie," "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Unseen Invasion!"

Working together, the Mihm clan brainstormed a story which touched on the current state of the world, but added a very distinct Mihmiverse spin! The script came together quickly and, after a short pre-production phase (made shorter by reusing existing costumes, props, and locations), principal photography began. With the cast and crew all living under the same roof, filming was easy and swift, with production wrapping in record time and taking just over two months! Minus the ability to travel and promote his films, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm found himself in the unique position of being able to focus almost exclusively on editing and, as a result, was able to finish the film faster than any which preceded it.

The 15th Mihmiverse film in as many years, "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Unseen Invasion" is complete, and that means it's time for another world premiere. However, given the situation, a live event at a movie theater is out of the question. Therefore, the film will be released on December 23rd, 2020—just in time for the holidays on the Mihmiverse Vimeo VOD portal on December 23rd, 2020!

This is the first time ever a Mihmiverse film will hold its world premiere exclusively in a digital space, and writer/director Christopher R. Mihm is planning on trying to recreate as much of the "live premiere" experience as possible. This means that a specific "premiere version" of the film (which will include extra exclusive content) will be available for a limited time (from December 23rd through the first week of January 2021). Afterwards, a "movie-only" version will take its place on the Vimeo service and a physical media release will follow.

The "premiere version" of the film will be available for a single rental price and, if conditions improve, we hope to do a live physical media release party next year. If you're one of the handful of contributors who pre-paid for tickets to the world premiere, you will receive a code which will grant you free access to the digital premiere AND, if we are able to hold a live event, you will be able to attend without having to pay to do so!

Stay tuned for more information as it will be coming throughout the month! Make sure to frequently visit sainteuphoria.com, the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm, OR follow us on Facebook for updates!


With the insanity that is 2020 (including general craziness and delays with the postal service), NOW is the best time to start thinking about your holiday shopping to make sure you get everything for everyone on your list—particularly those cheesy-monster-movie-loving friends and relatives who would appreciated their stockings stuffed with the Mihmiverse!

The following are a few things we currently have available in our online store. (Check out our full store by going HERE!)


Back by popular demand!

Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm has designed a brand new, full-sized (8.5" x 11"), 12-month wall calendar for 2021!

This year's theme highlights "behind-the-scenes" aspects of the filmmaking process, with each month featuring rare photos taken by actors and bystanders during the production of the films of the Mihmiverse. AND, every calendar will be personally signed by Mr. Mihm himself!

As in previous years, the 2021 Mihmiverse wall calendar will be released in EXTREMELY limited quantities (less than 100 will be produced), will be individually numbered and, once they're gone, they are gone for good!

This item is currently PRE-ORDER ONLY. Calendars will ship in early December!

$19.99 each (+$4.99 shipping & handling)


Continue the tradition by adding some retro-monster-cheer to your decorations with the fifth annual Mihmverse holiday ornament!

This year's exclusive ornament celebrates the 10th anniversay of the Mihmiverse release, "Destination: Outer Space," with a design dedicated to the most memorable of all creatures from the film: the Oculons!

This limited-edition collectible is lovingly hand-crafted by members of the Mihm family, individually numbered, includes the year, and joins the ever-growing set which includes last year's title creature from "Queen of Snakes," 2018's mutant bat (from "Terror from Beneath the Earth"), 2017's Steve (from "Danny Johnson Saves The World"), and 2016's Monster of Phantom Lake (from the film of the same name).

Because stock is limited to no more than 25 ornaments, we highly recommend ordering NOW to ensure shipment in time for the holidays—AND to make sure you get one, because once they're sold out...no more will be made—EVER!

$12.99 (+$4.99 shipping & handling)

With the ongoing pandemic, this year's holiday season is going to be interesting to say the least. Therefore, the safest and easiest way to get your shopping done is to start NOW and do it as remotely as possible. Luckily for all your cheesy-monster-movie-loving friends and family members, the entire Mihmiverse catalog of films and related collectibles are available RIGHT NOW for mail order!

From the finally-back-in-stock DVD of "The Monster of Phantom Lake" (pictured here) to Blu-Rays of the latest releases, "Guns of the Apocalypse" and "Queen of Snakes," the films of the Mihmiverse make great gifts and are a welcome escape from the constant chaos that is the current state of the world. PLUS, nothing says "I actually took the time to think about your gift" than a personally signed copy of one (or all) of the films of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm!

The following list includes every DVD and/or Blu-Ray we have in stock! DVDs cost $9.99 each and Blu-Rays are $19.99 each. Shipping to all U.S. addresses starts at $3.99 for one item (either format) and $1.99 for each additional item. Additional fees apply for all orders shipped outside of the United States.


Check here if the shipping address is outside of the U.S.
Check here to include writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's autograph
NOTE: Autographs require removal of a disc's protective plastic wrap.
By selecting this option, you agree to allow us to do this!


Your opportunity to own one of the first-ever Mihmiverse jigsaw puzzles is QUICKLY fading! The very small stack of puzzles we have left has gotten much smaller and, once that stack is gone, we will not be making more!

This high-quality, 24" x 18" 500-piece puzzle features the official Monsters of the Mihmiverse promo photo and is available in EXTREMELY limited quantities—that are dwindling fast!

This item is ONLY available for U.S.-based customers. If you live outside of the United States and would like to purchase one, please contact us HERE to discuss your options!

Monsters of the Mihmiverse 500-Piece Puzzle
$24.99 (+$11.99 shipping & handling)


When a local man is suspected of having been transformed into a hideous monster, it's up to a scrappy gang of local kids (Danny & Evelyn Johnson, Butch, Chip, and their friend Billy Blue) to uncover the truth and save Phantom Lake County—and everyone in it—from certain doom in writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's tribute to the creature-features of the 1950s, the history of the Mihmiverse, and "Scooby Doo!"

The disc contains a high quality digital transfer of the film and several exclusive special features, including a blooper reel, two photo galleries, feature-length commentary with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, English subtitles, Esperanto audio & subtitles and much more!

Feature Run Time: 1 hour, 19 minutes. Black & White, Widescreen, NOT RATED.

IMPORTANT! This item is pre-order only. All orders will ship on or around the premiere date!

$9.99 (DVD) / $19.99 (Blu-Ray)
(+$3.99 shipping & handling)

Check here if the shipping address is outside of the U.S.
Check here to include writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's autograph
NOTE: Autographs require removal of a disc's protective plastic wrap.
By selecting this option, you agree to allow us to do this!


You can now own a copy of the official Mihmiverse promotional photo taken by Christi Jean Williams (Mrs. Davis in "Queen of Snakes") of Grinkie Photography!

Every 8x10 photo will personally be signed by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm! Order NOW!

Signed Mihmiverse Monsters 8" x 10" Photo
$9.99 (+$1.99 shipping & handling)
If you're like most people these days, you tend to digitally stream your favorite TV shows and movies, particularly because it's way more convenient and you have access to them in more places. Did you know that there are now several places to stream the entire Mihmiverse catalog?

From the movie that started it all, "The Monster of Phantom Lake," to its musical offshoot, "The Monster of Phantom Lake: The Musical!," and the latest release, "Queen of Snakes," everything you need to "visit" the denizens of Phantom Lake County is available for your viewing pleasure!

Most of the films of the Mihmiverse—excluding "It Came From Another World!" and "Destination: Outer Space"—are free to watch for every Amazon Prime subscriber on Amazon Video. Most modern "smart" TVs, set-top boxes, and Blu-Ray players have the ability to stream Mihmiverse movies into your homes and devices. AND, as of right now, streaming through Amazon Video is one of the few services that earns Saint Euphoria Pictures a couple bucks in the process! It's not nearly as much as purchasing physical media, but every penny helps!

Drive-in Monsters is the official Mihmiverse Roku channel and is the place to find all the films of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm AND a collection of special features curated by the man himself! Eventually, it is Mr. Mihm's plan to add some really cool, exclusive content over time, so we encourage you to add the channel to your Roku lineup. To find the Drive-in Monsters channel, simply search for it through your Roku service!

To make sure we never have to charge a premium for the channel, we are currently collecting subscribers and star ratings so we can convert the channel to "advertiser-supported" (as opposed to a subscriber-based service). The more stars and ratings we receive, the better we are able to approach higher quality advertisers. The higher the "quality" of our advertisers, the more money the channel earns. The more money the channel earns, the more Mihmiverse content we make! It's a win-win for everyone!

SO, make sure that once you've installed the channel, you GIVE IT A STAR RATING—the higher the better! Then, be sure to tell everyone you know to install the channel and do the same! With your help, we'll be able to continue to bring you the best Mihmiverse-related content for years to come!

Lastly, the entire Mihmiverse collection is also available for both rental and purchase through its Vimeo VOD portal! Every film is presented using the same ultra high-quality renders used for the official Blu-Ray releases and actually feeds video content to the Drive-in Monsters Roku channel. Most importantly, the Mihmiverse Vimeo VOD portal is the ONLY PLACE to legally own the films digitally!
The latest episode of the Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast has arrived!

This month, host writer/director Christopher R. Mihm reveals more information about the digital premiere of "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Unseen Invasion" and interviews two of the film's stars, Elliott Mihm (Danny Johnson) and Caleb Frank (Billy Blue)!

Also included: The first episode of "Atomic Tales," a new monthly short story from the author of "The Canoe Cops vs. The Mummy," Stephen D. Sullivan!

To download an .mp3 of the audiocast, click HERE, visit archive.org where the file is stored or download it free from Apple Podcasts!

Otherwise, if you'd like to listen to the episode right from this browser window, click the play button on the player below!

The Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and is focused specifically on what's going on RIGHT NOW in the Mihmiverse. In addition, Mr. Mihm will discuss the monster movie-making process, touch briefly on the future of the 'verse, pontificate on random subjects, and be joined by guests from within and without the Mihmiverse. PLUS, each episode will include something unique you won't find anywhere else!

Welcome to the Mihmiverse Monthly feature where we talk to YOU, the fans! Every month, we choose a random Mihmivite and ask them a few Mihmiverse-related questions in an attempt to get to know them better and find out what they REALLY think about the films of Christopher R. Mihm!

This month, we interview Mike Ryan!

Introduce yourself to the Mihmiverse!
I'm Mike Ryan, 48, and I've been a life-long fan of science fiction and other genre films. I currently work in inventory, I'm not married, and have no kids or pets. The pandemic aside, I do cosplay for fun and charity.

When and how did you discover the films of Christopher R. Mihm?
About late-2016/early-2017, my friend, the late, great Michael Cross, started talking up these cool retro throwback films made the style of 1950s sci-fi and horror. I was unable to attend the first two or three Mihmiverse screenigns here in Texas for one reason or another, but was finally able to catch "Attack of The Moon Zombies" at the Alamo Drafthouse in Richardson, TX where I was able to also meet writer/director Christopher R. Mihm. I have been hooked ever since!

If you had to pick just ONE, which of the Mihmiverse films would be your favorite?
Definitely "Danny Johnson Saves the World!" I think it has the best blend of retro fun, a great plot, cool characters, good action, and a silly, tight story which maintains a good pace throughout!

Tell us how you, in particular, show your "Mihmiverse pride!"
I talk up the Mihmiverse every chance I get. I have done two cosplays for the Mihmiverse: middle-aged-gone-to-hell-Danny-Johnson and Professor Jackson. I own a decent number of Mihmiverse-related collectibles and memorabilia that shall remain unquantified. I'm also North America's top "Christopher R. Mihm tribute artist."

Where would you like to see the Mihmiverse go in the future?
More giant bugs! More aliens! More canoe cops! Maybe a beach party!
Want to be interviewed for a future edition of the Mihmiverse Fan Focus? Send an email to info@sainteuphoria.com and let us know! Maybe next month the subject will be YOU!
Zombies of Mora Tau (1957)
Directed by Edward L. Cahn
Starring Gregg Palmer and Allison Hayes

A treasure hunter and his crew arrive on the coast of Africa with every intent to pilfer the loot contained in an old sunken ship. Unfortunately, they find the legends surrounding the wreck to be true: the crew of the ship has been reanimated by an ancient African idol and is cursed to guard it (and a cache of jewels) for all eternity. Though many have tried and failed miserably to obtain the booty, the leader of the expedition is undeterred from his quest, zombie curses be damned! Even when his own wife is mesmerized by the power of the idol, he presses on and not-so-surprisingly, finds himself having to fight for his very soul. This cheap, quickly made film from legendary B-movie producer Sam Katzman is far more entertaining than it has any right to be! The zombie crew members are of the slow-moving type and aren't particularly gory or frightening. There's a bit of a romantic subplot running through the film that isn't detrimental in any real way, but feels more like a minor distraction. As a B-movie connoisseur, I was particularly impressed with the ultra-cheesy "underwater" scenes, which were basically filmed on a soundstage using a guy in a diving helmet being chased by a zombie (walking on the bottom of the sea, no less). They literally used a bubble machine strapped to the "diver's" back to emulate the underwater release of carbon dioxide—a very low-budget solution to a big-budget problem that needs to be seen to be truly appreciated. The movie is a step above the cheapest-of-the-cheap 1950s B-grade pictures—but not by much! Definitely worth checking out if you've never seen it.
— Christopher R. Mihm
You Gotta Have Faith!

This month, we're looking back 65 years to 1955, when B-movie actress Faith Domergue co-starred in FOUR Sci-fi movies in a row! Three of them were chock full of cheesy goodness...but one was (and still is) a classic. Below is a 2-part quiz:

The first part will list 3 of her films and 3 plot lines. Your job is to match them up. For the second part, I will give you the plot line of the classic film, and you supply the title. (No checking on IMDb for the answers!) You can do it—I have, uhh, Faith in you!

Part I:
Match'em Up:

1. (1955) "Cult of the Cobra"
2. (1955) "It Came from Beneath the Sea"
3. (1955) "The Atomic Man"

A. A radioactive creature wreaks havoc in San Francisco. Kenneth Tobey co-stars.
B. Six American G.I.s stationed overseas witness something they shouldn't, and when the return to the states, they are mysteriously killed one-by-one.
C. A radioactive scientist (Gene Nelson) working on artificial tungsten is catapulted 7 seconds into the future.

Part II:
Aliens come to earth to ask our scientists to help them win a war. Jeff Morrow and Russell Johnson (The Professor!) co-star.

Your Answer? (1955)
Scroll to the bottom of the Mihmiverse Monthly for the answers.
— Mike Cook
Mihmiverse DVDs & Blu-Rays are now available at SaintEuphoria.com, the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm. In addition, exclusive movie posters, collectibles, and other merchandise are now in stock. Everything is available in extremely limited quantities, so get yours today before they run out!
The Trivia Corner answers: Part I: 1/B, 2/A, 3/C Part II: "This Island Earth"

Copyright © and All Rights Reserved
Saint Euphoria LLC 2020

If you no longer wish to receive the Mihmiverse Monthly, send a blank email with the subject "unsubscribe newsletter" to info@sainteuphoria.com