The Monster of Phantom Lake
It Came From Another World!
Cave Women on Mars
Terror from Beneath the Earth
Destination: Outer Space
Attack of the Moon Zombies

House of Ghosts
The Giant Spider
The Late Night Double Feature

The Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast

A podcast hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm that focuses specifically on what's going on in the Mihmiverse. Mr. Mihm will discuss the monster movie-making process, touch briefly on the future of the 'verse, pontificate on random subjects, and be joined by guests from within and without the Mihmiverse. PLUS, each episode will include something unique you can't find anywhere else!

Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast

The new monthly audio cast featuring hosts Rhuby n' Hater, updates with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, exclusive interviews with Mihmiverse movie cast and crewmembers, bad poetry, mock commercials, and other fun stuff!

The Art of TheDarkCloak

The official website of the "TheDarkCloak," the extremely talented artist who created the poster and DVD cover art for "Destination: Outer Space"

Danny Johnson and the Lucky Coin

Play the interactive adventure game set in the Wisawa caves following the events depicted in "Terror from Beneath the Earth." Starring the character of Danny Johnson from "Danny Johnson Saves The World," this online "text adventure" is presented in a style similar to 1980s-era Infocom interactive fiction games like "Zork." "Danny Johnson and the Lucky Coin" was written and programmed by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm.

Become a fan on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, OR visit our YouTube channel


Professor Jackson vs. the Prince of the Universe

Written by Mitch Obrecht — a direct sequel to "It Came From Another World!" in script form

Cave Women on Mars vs. The Fiend

Written by Scott Heitkam — a rip-roaring adventure tale that continues the "Cave Women on Mars" story by melding it with the people-absorbing creature from "The Late Night Double Feature"

Do you have fan fiction to share? Send it to and, if we like it, we'll post it!


To save files on your computer, right click on the
file name and select "Save Target As..."
mp3:  A-Rockin', A-Rollin, All the Way A-Ramblin'
  as featured in "The Monster of Phantom Lake"
mp3:  Paddlin' Along
  as featured in "It Came From Another World!"
mp3:  The Monster of Phantom Lake Remix
  by Cool Kids Dinner Party
mp3:  Moonlight (2003, 11 songs +2 bonus tracks)
  a free to download and share full-length album by EchoDriver (.zip file contains 13 .mp3 files)


The following "Mihmiverse-inspired" photos were submitted by fans just like you! If you've got a photo you want considered for this page, send it to If we like it (and it's appropriate), we'll post it here. Please include a full description of, who appears in and the story behind your photo.

Click a thumbnail to view the full photo!

© Saint Euphoria Pictures / All For George Productions