One of the most common questions we receive here at SaintEuphoria.com is: "When will writer/director Christopher R. Mihm release Blu-Rays of his films?"

Manufacturing costs of Blu-Ray discs are considerably higher than standard-definition DVDs but, by comparison, DVDs suffer from a lack of video clarity and quality. Since we now live in a high definition world, it's time for fans to be given access to the best possible presentations of the films of the Mihmiverse! AND, even though the first six movies were shot in standard definition, higher quality, higher bitrate versions of the films DO exist, and no one besides the writer/director himself has ever seen them!

After FINALLY finding the right software to handle the authoring of such discs and a manufacturer with the perfect price point, Mr. Mihm has decided to go forward with officially releasing the first 12 films as special edition double-feature Blu-Rays!

The plan includes releasing six retail-ready, duplicated BD25 Blu-Ray discs—each containing a remastered, highest-quality-possible SD print of one of the first six films, paired with a full 1080p HD print of one of the subsequent six films. In addition, each film will include a NEW commentary by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm recorded specifically for these double-feature discs! Extra as-yet-to-be-determined special features will be added to each disc as space allows.

These discs will retail for roughly $20 each, with a full set of six costing $120. However, everyone who pre-orders a set NOW (before they're manufactured) will receive a special $20 off the full price and, in essence, get two Mihmiverse films (ONE DOUBLE-FEATURE BLU-RAY) for FREE! BFGO! (Buy five, get one!)

Mihmiverse Double-Feature
Blu-Ray Sets
(6 discs, 12 movies)
$100 per set (+S&H)
number of sets:
include "Guns of the Apocalypse?"
GREAT NEWS! We have hit stretch goal! A big "thank you" goes out to everyone who helped to make it possible for Saint Euphoria Pictures to produce these long sought-after releases! As a result, we will be adding "Guns of the Apocalypse" to the mix! Since "Queen of Snakes" is already going to be released on Blu-Ray on the same day as DVD, this will cover every completed Mihmiverse film to date. Every person who helped us reach all our goals may also order a Blu-Ray copy of "Guns of the Apocalypse" for only $5!

IMPORTANT! THIS IS A CROWD-FUNDING CAMPAIGN and by participating, you are PRE-ORDERING a full set of six Mihmiverse double-feature Blu-Rays. Each disc is currently in the "authoring" stage and should be in the hands of manufacturers at some point in March. As of right now, the plan is to have them available to ship in time for the big "Queen of Snakes" world premiere on April 24th!

NOTE: If you have already pre-purchased a set of Blu-Rays and would like to get your copy of the "Guns of the Apocalypse" Blu-Ray for only $5!, click HERE!

© Saint Euphoria Pictures / All For George Productions