If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for other columns, OR if you're interested in writing one, please contact us at info@sainteuphoria.com and let us know what you think!

Exciting news! Principal photography of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's next great film, "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us," is already two-thirds COMPLETE! The cast and crew have been working hard to put together what promises to be the most fun Mihmiverse film to date! Should production stay on schedule, filming should wrap up just in time for the cast (most of whom are kids) to get ready to go back to school!

ALSO, since the script is built to pay homage to the previous 15 years of Mihmiverse history, it NATURALLY wouldn't be complete without a visit from two of the most requested and well-loved characters in the 'verse: the Canoe Cops! Even though they haven't TECHNICALLY been seen since 2007's "It Came From Another World!" ("The Monster of Phantom Lake: The Musical!" notwithstanding), Sven & Gustav have finally returned to the shores of Phantom Lake.

Check out the photo below for proof!

As you can see, Mike Cook is back in his iconic role as Gustav. However, with the original actor who played Sven having moved on from the 'verse, we're getting the next best thing: Greg Kernkamp, the man who portrayed the character in the debut run of "The Monster of Phantom Lake: The Musical!"

In "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us," a local man is suspected of having been transformed into a hideous monster and it's up to a scrappy gang of local kids to uncover the truth and save Phantom Lake County—and everyone in it—from certain doom! Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm is creating a "triple tribute" to the creature-features of the 1950s, the history of the Mihmiverse, and "Scooby Doo!"

According to Mr. Mihm, this film will follow Danny Johnson (last seen in 2015's "Danny Johnson Saves The World"), his sister Evelyn and three of their buddies on another adventure into the Mihmiverse. This one, however, will be special in that it is being specifically designed to reference as much "Mihmiverse history" as possible and will include a bevy of familiar faces, characters and locations!

"The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us" is currently in active production with principal photography scheduled to continue throughout the summer! Should everything work out, it seems that 2020 will be a banner year for the 'verse, with potentially TWO features slated to be released during the year! AND, following the overwhelming success of contribution programs for writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's past films, contributor credits for this new film are NOW AVAILABLE for purchase!

For each $25.00 donation, all contributors will be entitled to having a single name* of their choosing listed in the contributors section of the closing credits of the film, a customized, frame-able document certifying their participation in the program and one (1) copy of the finished film! Additional copies of the film and/or world premiere tickets may be pre-ordered as "add-ons" ($10 each) with the purchase of at least one credit.


Credits can even be given as gifts! Imagine the looks on the faces of your loved ones when they find out their names will be immortalized on the silver screen!

Separate credits by commas, & or "and." 


NOTE: If you purchase one of the following credits, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm will contact you shortly after to discuss your purchase!

Associate producers will earn IMDb and on-screen credits and will be allowed certain privileges of producership, including free, exclusive merchandise and other perks (TBD).
Executive producers will earn IMDb and on-screen credits and will be allowed certain privileges of producership, including free, exclusive merchandise, set visits, and other perks (TBD).

*A single credit is defined as the name of one (1) person or corporate entity. Any credit requiring the word "and," an ampersand (&), and/or a comma (except when part of a legal company name) will constitute multiple credits and MUST BE paid for separately.

NOTE: The contributor program is an "equal exchange" program, which means specifically that those participating have NO SAY in the decisions or actions taken by anyone involved in the actual production of the film and are NOT entitled to ANY possible future profits earned by the film, derivative works, and/or merchandise created for or featuring elements from the film. Becoming an contributor does not entitle the participant to ANY ownership WHATSOEVER of the finished film or associated elements.

As we enter the dog days of summer, we want to give YOU a good excuse to spend those lazy, hazy nights enjoying the films of the Mihmiverse, either in the refuge of your air-conditioned home or by holding an impromptu neighborhood "backyard drive-in!" Whichever way you want to enjoy the last days of the season, you now have an opportunity to own the ENTIRE Mihmiverse catalog in the highest quality versions currently available ANYWHERE!

With this offer—only available through this newsletter—you can now own the entire collection of Mihmiverse Blu-Rays for ONLY $99.99! These discs normally run $19.99 each and, with eight discs (14 titles) total, that's a cost of $159.92! Through this sale, you'll save almost $60! Also, if you've been on the fence about "upgrading" your collection, this is the BEST deal you're EVER going to get! ACT NOW!

Mihmiverse Blu-Ray Set (8 discs, 14 films)
$99.99 (+$12.99 shipping & handling)

Check here if the shipping address is outside of the U.S.
Check here to include writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's autograph
NOTE: Autographs require removal of a Blu-Ray's protective plastic wrap.
By selecting this option, you agree to allow us to do this!

Angry at her daughter/ caretaker for being directly responsible for her paraplegia, the reclusive Mrs. Crawford accidentally receives a package containing a mysterious amulet. The ancient treasure grants her the horrific powers of a lesser Norse goddess known as the Queen of Snakes and, in a quest to control them, becomes a danger to herself...and potentially the ENTIRE WORLD!

The DVD contains a high quality digital transfer of the film and several exclusive special features, including a blooper reel, two photo galleries, featurettes, feature-length commentary with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, English subtitles, Esperanto audio & subtitles and much more!

Feature Run Time: 1 hour, 9 minutes. Color, Widescreen, NOT RATED.

$9.99 (+$3.99 shipping & handling)

Check here if the shipping address is outside of the U.S.
Check here to include writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's autograph
NOTE: Autographs require removal of a DVD's protective plastic wrap.
By selecting this option, you agree to allow us to do this!

If you're not aware, almost every Mihmiverse film is currently available to be streamed on Amazon Prime! Amazon, however, is currently undergoing a "silent purge" of independent films on its service. Many films of a particularly lower-budget stripe are starting to be pulled (without explanation) in an attempt by the company to "clean up" its movie selection. Unfortunately, the works of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm are not immune.

The first Mihmiverse film to be dropped from their service was "Destination: Outer Space" and, unfortunately, once removed, it CANNOT be resubmitted and will NOT be reconsidered by the service. Again, there was no explanation beyond a vague boilerplate response about "customer quality standards." "Destination: Outer Space" was the first Mihmiverse film to have a "star rating" slip below three and, as far as we can tell, that's the biggest reason it was dropped.

For a majority of people around the world, streaming has become the de facto home delivery method for movies, and having the films of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm available on one of the largest services is important to help fund future projects!

To make sure the films STAY on Amazon Prime, we desperately need your help—and it's easy to do! Simply stream any Mihmiverse film from beginning to end. Once it's done, give it a star rating. Then, if you feel so inclined, give it a review! Be honest! Tell the world what you think! THEN, encourage everyone you know to do the same! The more streaming minutes the 'verse gets, the more likely the films will remain on the service, so feel free to view (and rate!) the entire collection!

Thank you for your help!
The latest episode of the Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast has arrived!

This month, host writer/director Christopher R. Mihm discusses the progress of principal photography of his next film, talks about bringing the Canoe Cops back into the 'verse, and explains why YOU should take advantage of the Mihmiverse summer Blu-Ray sale!

Also included: A few select pieces of Mr. Mihm's bad poetry taken from the now defunct Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast!

To download an .mp3 of the audiocast, click HERE, visit archive.org where the file is stored or download it free from Apple Podcasts!

Otherwise, if you'd like to listen to the episode right from this browser window, click the play button on the player below!

The Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and is focused specifically on what's going on RIGHT NOW in the Mihmiverse. In addition, Mr. Mihm will discuss the monster movie-making process, touch briefly on the future of the 'verse, pontificate on random subjects, and be joined by guests from within and without the Mihmiverse. PLUS, each episode will include something unique you won't find anywhere else!

August 16-18, 2019
Tyler Haines (Agar/The Unnamed Man) will be on hand to sell Mihmiverse merch and present screenings of "The Giant Spider" and "Guns of the Apocalypse" (of which he is one of the stars) at Coulee Con in La Crosse, WI!

La Crosse Center, 300 Harborview Plaza, La Crosse, WI
August 22, 2019–September 2, 2019 - 3:00PM daily
Come see a different Mihmiverse movie at the Blue Moon Dine-in Theatre every day at 3:00PM at the Minnesota State Fair!

August 22 –  "Guns of the Apocalypse"
August 23 –  "The Monster of Phantom Lake"
August 24 –  "The Giant Spider" and "The Monster of Phantom Lake: The Musical!"
August 25 –  "The Late Night Double Feature"
August 26 –  "Attack of the Moon Zombies"
August 27 –  "House of Ghosts"
August 28 –  "Terror from Beneath the Earth" and "Queen of Snakes"
August 29 –  "Demon with the Atomic Brain"
August 30 –  "Danny Johnson Saves The World"
August 31 –  "Weresquito: Nazi Hunter" and "Cave Women on Mars"
September 1 –  "Queen of Snakes"
September 2 –  "It Came From Another World!" and "Destination: Outer Space"

The Blue Moon Dine-in Theatre, on the corner of Carnes Avenue and Chambers Street — at the Minnesota State Fair, 1265 Snelling Ave North, St. Paul, MN
September 6-8, 2019
Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm will be a guest at Crypticon Minneapolis! Come on down and hang out with the Mihmiverse gang at the BEST horror convention in Minnesota!

Hilton Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport, 3800 American Boulevard East, Bloomington, MN
September 14-15, 2019
Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm will be a guest at the Spooky Spectacle (formerly known as the Granbury Paranormal Expo)!

Will Rogers Memorial Center, 3401 West Lancaster Avenue, Fort Worth, TX
Don't live near one of the cities where the films of Christopher R. Mihm are screening? Why not check with an independently-owned theater near you about hosting a Mihm-movie-night event?

Please contact us at info@sainteuphoria.com for more information. Depending on scheduling and distance, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and a monster or two may even make it to your event!

For a complete list of Mihmiverse-related events, visit (and bookmark) the SaintEuphoria.com events page!
Welcome to the Mihmiverse Monthly feature where we talk to YOU, the fans! Every month, we choose a random Mihmivite and ask them a few Mihmiverse-related questions in an attempt to get to know them better and find out what they REALLY think about the films of Christopher R. Mihm!

This month, we interview Rob Lansley!

Introduce yourself to the Mihmiverse!
Hey, I'm Rob, longtime fan of the Mihmiverse. The first movie I saw was actually "The Monster of Phantom Lake." I've always been a huge fan of old drive-in movies and these films come closer than most to capturing that charm. My DVD collection has more black & white classic movies than modern "blockbusters." I think the old movies have more charm and craftsmanship, just like the Mihmiverse!

When and how did you discover the films of Christopher R. Mihm?
I don't remember how I heard of The Monster of Phantom Lake," but I suspect it was probably in Scary Monsters magazine. Regardless, I grabbed a copy as quick as I could and it remains one of my favorite late night movie go-to's. After that, I've gotten more Mihmiverse DVDs from conventions, Amazon, or straight from the Saint Euphoria website. I once met writer/director Christopher R. Mihm at a convention and gushed like a fan-boy—but it's praise he totally deserves!

Tell us how you, in particular, show your "Mihmiverse pride!"
I have ten of Mr. Mihm's movies on DVD and always make friends watch them. "The Giant Spider" and "Weresquito: Nazi Hunter" are classics in my opinion. If anyone isn't sure about it, I make them have a look at my Monsters of the Mihmiverse trading card set! I think they definitely make people WANT to see the movies!

Where would you like to see the Mihmiverse go in the future?
More movies, of course! Plus, it would be great to see more content on the Mihmiverse YouTube channel, or viewing parties on Facebook.
Want to be interviewed for a future edition of the Mihmiverse Fan Focus? Send an email to info@sainteuphoria.com and let us know! Maybe next month the subject will be YOU!
Tarantula! (1955)
Directed by Jack Arnold
Starring John Agar and Mara Corday

A hungry, overgrown arachnid rampages through the American southwest in one of the best "giant killer insect" movies of the 1950s. After an accident at a lab specializing in radiation-fueled, extreme-growth experiments, a gigantic, mutated version of the title creature escapes and, well... I'm pretty sure you can guess what happens. A suave country doctor (played by B-movie regular John Agar) and a beautiful lab assistant (Mara Corday) spend much of the film flirting with both eight-legged disaster and each other. For a film from the mid-1950s, the special effects are actually quite impressive and creepy, albeit still not QUITE as good as its Mihmiverse equivalent, "The Giant Spider."

Overall, "Tarantula!" is preposterous and has plot holes big enough to drive an 18-wheeler through. Still, it really doesn't matter because plausibility was never the point of this particular genre! I honestly cannot recommended this movie more. If you haven't seen it, seek it out as soon as possible!
— Christopher R. Mihm
Bradbury Brilliance!

Ray Bradbury, one of America's most prolific horror and fantasy writers (he disliked the term sci-fi), was born 99 years ago on August 22, 1920. During his 91 years on this planet, he wrote hundreds of novels, short stories and screenplays, and was awarded a special Lifetime Achievement Pulitzer Prize for his collective works.

This month, in his honor, we take a look at just a tiny fraction of his incredible output. Below, you'll find a few facts about 5 of his films and a list of titles. Your mission: Match 'em up!

1. (1953) A spaceship crashes in the Arizona desert, and only an amateur stargazer (Richard Carlson) and a school teacher (Barbara Rush) suspect alien influence when the townspeople start acting strangely. Bradbury wrote the story that was adapted into the screenplay.
2. (1953) Thanks to atomic testing, a dinosaur is awakened and terrorizes New York City. This film was an adaptation of the Bradbury story: "The Fog Horn."
3. (1966) One of Bradbury's most famous novels was adapted into this film about a fireman who, in a dystopian future, is ordered to destroy all books.
4. (1972) Another of Bradbury's most famous works was adapted into a film about Mr. Dark's Pandemonium Carnival.
5. (1983) Okay, this wasn't a film, but it was considered one of the best TV mini-series of its time. Rock Hudson starred in a story about colonizing another planet, and the problems he ran into with hostile natives—among other things. Roddy McDowell, Darren McGavin and Bernadette Peters were also in the cast.

A. "The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms"
B. "Fahrenheit 451"
C. "The Martian Chronicles"
D. "It Came From Outer Space"
E. "Something Wicked This Way Comes"
Scroll to the bottom of the Mihmiverse Monthly for the answers.
— Mike Cook
Did you know that "The Monster of Phantom Lake: The Musical!" is now available to be performed by schools and theatre companies nationwide?!

We offer carefully prepared materials of similar (or higher) quality than what you would receive from one of the big Broadway theatrical licensing companies. However, our independent licensing model allows us offer individualized service catered to your organization. When you decide to license a show with us, the success of your production becomes our number-one priority! Heck, the authors might even fly out to see one of your shows!

Production packages include scripts, orchestra books, and conductor/accompanist scores (condensed and full score options), all professionally printed in a beautiful and clean format. We even include rehearsal backing tracks that fully match the music printed in the libretto and on the cast recording CD! This is a great option for productions where using a live orchestra isn't possible, for "black box" style theaters, or when your group doesn't have a rehearsal accompanist regularly available.

We also include free logos for use in your advertising materials, and we can offer personalized graphic design as well as transpositions of vocal and orchestra parts on demand. Visit monsterofphantomlake.com to hear songs from the show, learn more about the script, and request a quote, perusal script, or license agreement.
Mihmiverse DVDs & Blu-Rays are now available at SaintEuphoria.com, the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm. In addition, exclusive movie posters, collectibles and other merchandise are now in stock. Everything is available in extremely limited quantities, so get yours today before they run out!
The Trivia Corner answers: 1-D, 2-A, 3-B, 4-E, 5-C

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Saint Euphoria LLC 2019

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