Monday, December 25, 2023
The Mihmiverse wishes you a...
Thursday, December 21, 2023
We only have a few copies of the novelization of "lost" Mihmiverse film, "That Which Lurks in the Dark," left in stock! If you want to own one signed by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, we cannot stress enough how you should ABSOLUTELY order one RIGHT NOW!
To order, visit the December issue of the Mihmiverse Monthly online newsletter by going HERE!
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
In early 2020, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm was knee-deep working on what was to be his 16th film, "That Which Lurks in the Dark," about a group of "lonely hearts" spending their New Year's Eve battling their personal anxieties in the form of overwhelming darkness, otherworldly be-tentacled creatures, a pair of monster hunting scientists and, most frighteningly, their own awkward quests for love!
Unfortunately, after having filmed a third of the script, the Covid-19 pandemic forced the production to be shut down. As the crisis dragged on into 2021, Mr. Mihm had no choice but to cancel the project, worried that it would never see the light of day.
Enter author Greg Mitchell! After submitting a short video to be included in "Annihilate All Humans!," Mr. Mitchell approached Mr. Mihm about adapting his script into a novel! After reading it, Mr. Mitchell was on-board and writing began.
The adaptation is complete, includes cover art and a foreword by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, and is in the process of being printed! We are currently expecting to receive a box of "That Which Lurks in the Dark" books within a few days of the date of this update! Therefore, we are happy to offer them for pre-order—and every copy will be personally signed by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm!
NOTE: This item has been on sale for over a week now and we've already pre-sold over half of our expected incoming stock! Order right away if you hope to get one of these signed copies!
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
The last issue of the Mihmiverse Monthly newsletter of 2023 is here!
This month, you'll find the annual Mihmiverse holiday gift guide, another classic movie of the month (1965's "Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster"), another "Blast from the Past," The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook, and much, much more!
Also, the December episode of the Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast has arrived! The Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is a podcast hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm that focuses specifically on what's going on RIGHT NOW in the Mihmiverse.
Also included: The latest installment of "An Oral History of the Mihmiverse" and more "Atomic Tales," a monthly short story from the author of "The Canoe Cops vs. The Mummy," Stephen D. Sullivan!
To download an .mp3 of the audiocast, click HERE, visit where the file is stored or download it free from Apple Podcasts!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Wednesday, November 22, 2023 Happy Thanksgiving!
It's time for our annual early Black Friday/Small Business Saturday/Cyber Monday sale where, from now through Monday, November 27th, you can save 23% on EVERYTHING in our store!
To start saving money on all the holiday gifts you're going to want to buy for that cheesy-monster-movie-loving person in your life, go HERE!
Several scenes from the new film take place in the offices of the Phantom Lake Sheriff's department and, as such, we need fake WANTED POSTERS with which to decorate the set! For a small contribution to the film, one of those posters can feature your face and will be guaranteed to be seen in the finished film! AND, after filming is complete, we will mail you the poster used in the scene! Thus, this is both an opportunity to be seen in a Mihmiverse film AND own a piece of memorabilia from it!
IMPORTANT! These scenes are slated to go before cameras on the evening of Wednesday, November 22nd (which is less than 72 hours from the posting of this opportunity). Once the scenes have been shot, it will no longer be possible to insert your wanted poster into the film. To give us time to make sure that everyone who wants their "mug shot" in the film is able to participate, this opportunity will cease to exist around midnight on Wednesday, November 22nd.
If you would like to take advantage of this offer, purchase a wanted poster. Once you receive a PayPal confirmation, you MUST send the photo you'd like to see in the film to All photos must be clear and show a SINGLE face (no group shots).
Lastly, we reserve the right to alter your photo in whatever way we deem necessary for the film. We reserve the right to refuse ANY photo submitted to us for any reason we deem appropriate. If we decide NOT to use your photo, your money will be refunded to you as soon as humanly possible! We have limited space for these props and can only accept so many. If you want to be a part of this, get in while you can!
By submitting a photo for a wanted poster, you attest that you have full permission to do so and are expressly giving Saint Euphoria LLC ALL RIGHTS in perpetuity to include it in the film.
Do not hesitate. Do not wait. ORDER NOW by going HERE!
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Back by popular demand, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm has designed a brand new, full-sized (8.5" x 11"), 12-month wall calendar for 2024!
Next year, one of the most important people to ever be associated with the Mihmiverse will celebrate his 60th birthday: Mitch Gonzales! Mitch is the insanely talented artist who has been responsible for the look and feel of the creatures seen in the films of Christopher R. Mihm since 2010! Therefore, in honor of Mitch's unparalleled talent and priceless contributions to the 'verse, each month will highlight the man, the myth, and, naturally, THE MONSTERS!
As in previous years, the 2024 Mihmiverse wall calendar will be released in EXTREMELY limited quantities (less than 100 will be produced). They'll be individually numbered, personally signed by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, and as always, once they're sold out, no more will be printed!
IMPORTANT! This item is currently PRE-ORDER ONLY and will ship in early December. However, we need to pre-sell a certain number of them to make sure they go into production! So, if you want to do you part to ensure that they get printed, pre-order yours NOW by going HERE!
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Continue the tradition by adding some retro-monster-cheer to your decorations with the eighth annual Mihmverse holiday ornament!
This year's exclusive ornament is based on the aliens seen in the newest Mihimverse film, "Annihilate All Humans!"
Because stock is limited to no more than 25 ornaments, we highly recommend ordering NOW to ensure shipment in time for the holidays—AND to make sure you get one, because once they're sold more will be made—EVER!
IMPORTANT! This item is ALSO pre-order only and will ship on or around December 1st!
To order your 2023 Mihmiverse holiday ornament, go HERE!
Friday, November 3, 2023
The latest issue of the Mihmiverse Monthly newsletter is now available for your reading pleasure!
This month, you'll find the most up-to-the-minute Mihmiverse-related news, another classic movie of the month (1957's "The Astounding She-Monster"), another "Blast from the Past," The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook, and much, much more!
Also, the September episode of the Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast has arrived! The Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is a podcast hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm that focuses specifically on what's going on RIGHT NOW in the Mihmiverse.
This month, host writer/director Christopher R. Mihm talks about his next film and the unique challenge presented by making a faux-documentary, and muses on the "generational divide" in regards to how people watch filmed entertainment!
Also included: The latest installment of "An Oral History of the Mihmiverse" and more "Atomic Tales," a monthly short story from the author of "The Canoe Cops vs. The Mummy," Stephen D. Sullivan!
To download an .mp3 of the audiocast, click HERE, visit where the file is stored or download it free from Apple Podcasts!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
We would like to apologize to everyone who tried to reach our website yesterday! The servers which host this site experienced a catastrophic power failure and it took all day to fix! Luckily, it has been repaired and, since you're able to see this, it's working again! We hope you had a great Halloween!
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Stay safe! Have fun! Watch Mihmiverse movies!
Sunday, October 22, 2023
While working on his next film, "The Wad: The True Story Behind the Phantom Lake County Chewing Gum Disaster," writer/director Christopher R. Mihm felt strongly he needed to share something he found while going through some very old file footage of the incident upon which the film is based: a rather clear photo of the giant killer gumball that attacked the county!
Check it out below!
Truly frightening stuff—and so gross! Just imagine how much dirt, bones, and blood are in that sticky, carnivorous mass of evil and it just about shakes you to your soul!
If you want to help Mr. Mihm get to the absolute truth about this horrific incident, please consider contributing to the film by going HERE!
Friday, October 13, 2023
Due to inclement weather in the Mukwonago area, we are sad to report that tonight's screening of "Annihilate All Humans!" at the Jack-O-Lantern Jaunt has been cancelled.
Weather reports indicate that the rain should let up by tomorrow afternoon, which means we will still be able to show the movie tomorrow night! We hope you see you then!
Thursday, October 5, 2023
The Halloween-month issue of the Mihmiverse Monthly newsletter has arrived!
This month, you'll find the most up-to-the-minute Mihmiverse-related news, another classic movie of the month (1958's "I Married a Monster from Outer Space"), another "Blast from the Past," The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook, and much, much more!
Also, the latest episode of the Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is now available for your listening pleasure! The Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is a podcast hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm that focuses specifically on what's going on RIGHT NOW in the Mihmiverse.
This month, host writer/director Christopher R. Mihm discusses the state of his next movie, "The Wad," pontificates on his renewed sense of excitement for the art of filmmaking, and updates the world on his daughter's ambitions in the sport of curling!
Also included: More "Atomic Tales," a monthly short story from the author of "The Canoe Cops vs. The Mummy," Stephen D. Sullivan!
To download an .mp3 of the audiocast, click HERE, visit where the file is stored or download it free from Apple Podcasts!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm needs extras this Saturday morning (starting around 9:30am) in Blaine, Minnesota to film a scene where people run away from the title creature of the new film! This opportunity is unpaid, but it'll be quick and you'll get to be a permanent part of the Mihmiverse!
If you're interested in joining us, send an email to for more specific information! People of all ages, shapes, and sizes are welcome and encouraged!
Friday, September 29, 2023 DON'T FORGET!
This Saturday the Mihmiverse Movie Marathon comes to the Time Community Theater in Oshkosh, Wisconsin!
Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm personally chose six of his favorite films from his catalog and will be on hand—along with a good number of familiar Mihmiverse faces—to present them and sell and sign DVDs and other exclusive Mihmiverse merchandise!
AND, the marathon will conclude with the Wisconsin premiere of the newest Mihmiverse movie, "Annihilate All Humans!"
For more information and the full schedule, go HERE!
Monday, September 25, 2023 NEW SALE ALERT!
In honor of the beginning of "spooky season" (which is the best time of year for monster movies!), from now through Sunday, October 1st, you can save 25% off of EVERYTHING in the Saint Euphoria online store!
From DVDs to posters and exclusive collectibles, the Saint Euphoria online store has almost every Mihmiverse-related item you might need to get a jump on Halloween!
To take advantage of this spectacular deal, go HERE! Don't miss out!
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
One of the things we are CONSTANTLY asked about is Mihmiverse-branded T-shirts! Everyone wants them! Unfortunately, most people don't realize that there's a place online where you can order Mihmiverse apparel: the Saint Euphoria TeePublic store!
All the designs are officially sanctioned by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm himself, are available to be printed on-demand, and ship from a reputable & trusted company!
Monday, September 11, 2023
Alice Mihm Youth Olympic Trials update!
The trials are officially over! Team Mihm won two games and lost three. Sadly, their record wasn't quite good enough to put them through to the quarter finals. Still, Team Mihm never let ANY competitor walk away with any game. In fact, they're one of the only teams to never be blown out, with more than one game going into overtime! Instead, Team Mihm forced every team they faced—including one that made it into (and ultimately lost) the final game!—to bring their best against her scrappy little team! Though the final outcome wasn't exactly what Alice was hoping for, she proved to everyone that she is and will continue to be a curling force to be reckoned with!
Thank you to everyone who followed along, donated to the cause, and cheered her along! She's back home and exhausted, but grateful beyond words!
To everyone who ordered stuff during the past week, all orders will be filled and mailed out TODAY, so be on the lookout for your packages!
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
There will be a slight delay in order processing due to Alice Mihm (Evelyn Johnson) participating in the Youth Olympic trials at the end of this week! Alice will be attempting to represent the United States in the sport of curling for the 2024 Youth Olympics. In honor of her "quest for the gold" and to make it up for the short delays, we've decided to run a special 24% off sale on EVERYTHING in the Saint Euphoria store!
To take advantage of this great deal while it lasts, go HERE!
Friday, September 1, 2023
The latest issue of the Mihmiverse Monthly newsletter is now available for your reading pleasure!
This month, you'll find the most up-to-the-minute Mihmiverse-related news, another classic movie of the month (1958's "The Blob"), another "Blast from the Past," The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook, and much, much more!
Also, the September episode of the Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast has arrived! The Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is a podcast hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm that focuses specifically on what's going on RIGHT NOW in the Mihmiverse.
Also included: The latest installment of "An Oral History of the Mihmiverse" and more "Atomic Tales," a monthly short story from the author of "The Canoe Cops vs. The Mummy," Stephen D. Sullivan!
To download an .mp3 of the audiocast, click HERE, visit where the file is stored or download it free from Apple Podcasts!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Thursday, August 24, 2023
Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm was recently interviewed for the Scratch Claw Push podcast and the episode has just been released! If you've ever wanted to know more about how and why Mr. Mihm does what he does, we highly recommend checking it out below!
ALSO, if you're wondering why one of the podcast's hosts looks so familiar, it's because it's actor Billie Jo Konze, who played Dr. Hackett in "The Giant Spider" and Ethyl in "Queen of Snakes!"
Monday, August 7, 2023
We just added an awesome new event that you DO NOT want to miss out on: a Mihmiverse Movie Marathon at the Time Community Theater in Oshkosh, Wisconsin!
Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm personally chose six of his favorite films from his catalog and will be on hand—along with a bunch of familiar Mihmiverse faces—to present them and sell and sign DVDs and other exclusive Mihmiverse merchandise!
AND, the marathon will conclude with the Wisconsin premiere of the newest Mihmiverse movie, "Annihilate All Humans!"
For more information and the full schedule, go HERE!
Saturday, August 5, 2023
It's been several days since the world premiere of "Annihilate All Humans!" and we're excited to finally be able to report that the event was a ROARING success! Despite an entirely unexpected torrential downpour before the festivities began, the audience seemed to greatly enjoy the new movie and reviews have been almost universally positive!
The image below was taken by the first lady of the Mihmiverse, Stephanie Mihm, just before writer/director Christopher R. Mihm "took the stage" to kick things off—and only minutes after the intense rainstorm finally ceased. If you look closely, you can even see the river of rainwater flowing down Central Avenue outside of the theater!
Regardless of the rain, a good time was truly had by most! We hope to see you next year at the world premiere of "The Wad!"
Wednesday, August 2, 2023 Tonight's the night!
The next great Mihmiverse film, "Annihilate All Humans!," debuts this evening at the historic Heights Theater! A handful of tickets remain (and we often get a few last-minute cancellations) so, if you'd like to attend the event but didn't purchase advance tickets, join us! However, we highly recommend coming down BEFORE the doors open at 6:30 to ensure you snag one (or more) of the last few seats!
In addition to the main attraction, attendees will enjoy a program complete with hand-picked, era-appropriate newsreels, classic trailers, appearances by most (if not all) of the cast and crew, autographs, photo opportunities with a creature from the film, and a silent auction! DVDs, Blu-Rays, posters, and other merchandise will also be on sale!
This month, you'll find the most up-to-the-minute Mihmiverse-related news, another classic movie of the month (1953's Martian-invasion-classic "War of the Worlds"), another "Blast from the Past," The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook, and much, much more!
Also, the latest episode of the Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is available for your listening pleasure! The Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is a podcast hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm that focuses specifically on what's going on RIGHT NOW in the Mihmiverse.
This month, host writer/director Christopher R. Mihm explains why he made sure to release the Mihmiverse Monthly before the big world premiere of "Annihilate All Humans!," talks about the craziness that is the time period right before a big event, and reminds everyone that now is the time to contribute to the next movie, "The Wad!"
Also included: The latest installment of "An Oral History of the Mihmiverse" and another edition of "Atomic Tales," a monthly short story from the author of "The Canoe Cops vs. The Mummy," Stephen D. Sullivan!
To download an .mp3 of the audiocast, click HERE, visit where the file is stored or download it free from Apple Podcasts!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Only eight days to go before the big, live, in-theater world premiere of the next great Mihmiverse film, "Annihilate All Humans!," at the Heights Theater!
Advance tickets are still available, but they're almost gone! Remember, if advance tickets sell out before the event, we WILL NOT be selling tickets at the door! The only way to guarantee admission to this once-in-a-lifetime event, is to buy advance tickets!
In addition to the main attraction, premiere attendees will enjoy a program complete with hand-picked, era-appropriate newsreels, classic trailers, appearances by most (if not all) of the cast and crew, autographs, photo opportunities with creatures from the film, and a silent auction! This is writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's 18th film in as many years. If you've never attended a Mihmiverse world premiere, this is your chance to take part in a tradition that's continued for almost two decades!
DVDs, Blu-Rays, posters, and other exclusive merchandise will also be on sale!
First, the "Annihilate All Humans!" world premiere is only two weeks away from today! Make sure you can attend by purchasing your advance tickets to the big event! They're selling fast and we'd hate for you to miss out! To order your advance tickets, go HERE!
Second, the status of the NEXT Mihmiverse film, "The Wad," has changed from "scripting" to "pre-production!" If you'd like to contribute to the film and help to get it made, please do so by going HERE!
Lastly, the "Annihilate All Humans!" poster is now on sale! This is a limited-edition collectible and only 50 have been printed. If you love the design as much as we do, we highly recommend picking up your copy TODAY by going HERE!
Thursday, July 13, 2023
The world premiere of "Annihilate All Humans!" is only three short weeks away and advance tickets are selling quickly! If you are planning on joining us for the big event, order your tickets while you still can!
In this issue, you'll find the most up-to-the-minute news including the official announcement of the NEXT Mihmiverse film, "The Wad," another classic movie of the month (1955's "Revenge of the Creature"), the Mihmiverse Fan Focus, The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook and much, much more!
Also, the latest episode of the Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is available for your listening pleasure! The Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is a podcast hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm that focuses specifically on what's going on RIGHT NOW in the Mihmiverse.
This month, host writer/director Christopher R. Mihm gets excited for the impending "Annihilate All Humans!" world premiere and explains where he got the idea for his next movie, "The Wad!"
Also included: The latest installment of "An Oral History of the Mihmiverse" and another edition of "Atomic Tales," a monthly short story from the author of "The Canoe Cops vs. The Mummy," Stephen D. Sullivan!
To download an .mp3 of the audiocast, click HERE, visit where the file is stored or download it free from Apple Podcasts!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Tuesday, June 20, 2023 Advance tickets to the August 2nd world premiere of "Annihilate All Humans!" are selling FAST! If you plan on joining us for the big event, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND grabbing some before it's sold out! Don't hesitate and run the risk of missing out on the event of the year!
The 18th Mihmiverse film in as many years, "Annihilate All Humans!," is ready to be unleashed upon the masses, and that means it's time to get back to the Heights Theater in Columbia Heights, MN for a live, in-theater MIHMIVERSE WORLD PREMIERE!
Attendees will enjoy an evening of retro-inspired cinematic fun complete with hand-picked, era-appropriate newsreels, classic trailers, appearances by most (if not all) of the cast and crew, autographs, photo opportunities with creatures from the movie, a silent auction and more! DVDs, Blu-Rays, posters, exclusive collectibles, and other merchandise will be on sale!
Advance ticket holders will receive exclusive, collectible, individually-numbered tickets for every admission purchased. To be admitted, you MUST present your ticket(s) at the door. If you fail to do so, you will be required to pay AGAIN to enter—and only if tickets are available at the door! Collector's tickets will be mailed out by mid-July!
The Heights Theater is located at 3951 Central Avenue Northeast in Columbia Heights, MN.
The world is under attack by flying saucers and only top scientists Dr. Edwards (Mike Cook) and Dr. Gabriel (James Norgard) can put an end to their unearthly aggression! Unfortunately, they have no idea it's even happening because they've been kidnapped by General Castle (Mark Haider) and taken to a remote cabin in the deep woods for some unsolicited rest & relaxation! Can our heroes find their way back to civilization in time to stop the alien menace, or will the seemingly unstoppable space invaders succeed in their quest to ANNIHILATE ALL HUMANS!?
Both the DVD & Blu-Ray feature a high quality digital transfer of the film, a blooper reel, two photo galleries, feature-length commentary with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, English subtitles, and much more!
Pre-order your copy today and you'll receive it as soon as it's available, which will be on or around the date of the big world premiere on August 2nd!
Friday, June 2, 2023
The new issue of the Mihmiverse Monthly newsletter is now available for your reading pleasure!
In this issue, you'll find the most up-to-the-minute news, another classic movie of the month (1959's "The Tingler"), a new "Blast from the Past" column, The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook and much, much more!
Also, the June episode of the Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is has arrived! The Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is a podcast hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm that focuses specifically on what's going on RIGHT NOW in the Mihmiverse.
This month, host writer/director Christopher R. Mihm discusses the censorship of history & why it's important to learn from the past, and delves deep into his growing affection for his soon-to-be-released film, "Annihilate All Humans!"
Also included: The next installment in "An Oral History of the Mihmiverse," and "Atomic Tales," a monthly short story from the author of "The Canoe Cops vs. The Mummy," Stephen D. Sullivan, is back!
To download an .mp3 of the audiocast, click HERE, visit where the file is stored or download it free from Apple Podcasts!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
The official trailer for the next great Mihmiverse film, "Annihilate All Humans!," has finally arrived! Check it out below!
The date of the world premiere for this film has been set for August 2nd! Advance tickets will go on sale soon! Stay tuned!
Tuesday, May 16, 2023 It's official!
The world premiere of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's 18th feature in as many years, "Annihilate All Humans!," will take place on Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023 at the historic Heights Theater in Columbia Heights, MN!
In addition to the main attraction, attendees will enjoy a program complete with hand-picked, era-appropriate newsreels, classic trailers, appearances by most (if not all) of the cast and crew, autographs, photo opportunities with creatures from the film, and a silent auction! DVDs, Blu-Rays, posters, and other exclusive merchandise will also be on sale!
Advance tickets will go on sale soon! In the meantime, mark your calendars! You won't want to miss out!
Friday, May 12, 2023 YOU'RE RUNNING OUT OF TIME!
With the film now complete, contributor credits for the next great Mihmiverse movie, "Annihilate All Humans!," will only be available for the next few days! If you have not contributed yet, you're about to lose the opportunity to do so! Remember, you not only help ensure the film gets released, you get to see a name of your choosing in the end credits! There are few experiences as thrilling as seeing your name (or your spouse's, child's, or pet's—it's up to you!) on the silver screen! Take advantage while you still can!
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
The following is a still from the "Annihilate All Humans!" trailer—which will debut at the 10th anniversary celebration of "The Giant Spider" coming in less than two short weeks on Saturday, May 20th!
Advance tickets to the event are now on sale! In addition to seeing the new trailer, attendees will be able to participate in a Mihmiverse trivia contest against the Phantom Lake Kids, games, surprises, appearances by several Mihmiverse stars, AND be one of the first people to hear what writer/director Christopher R. Mihm is doing next!
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
The May issue of the Mihmiverse Monthly newsletter has arrived!
In this issue, you'll find the most up-to-the-minute news, another classic movie of the month (1957's "The Cyclops"), the Mihmiverse Fan Focus, The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook and much, much more!
Also, the latest episode of the Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is now available for your listening pleasure! The Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is a podcast hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm that focuses specifically on what's going on RIGHT NOW in the Mihmiverse.
This month, host writer/director Christopher R. Mihm gets excited about finishing his newest film, "Annihilate All Humans!," and discusses its eventual world premiere and what the date he's leaning toward has to do with the Mihmiverse Wall Calendar!
Also included: The next installment of "An Oral History of the Mihmiverse!"
To download an .mp3 of the audiocast, click HERE, visit where the file is stored or download it free from Apple Podcasts!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Join writer/director Christopher R. Mihm for a special 10th anniversary event celebrating his most popular film to date, "The Giant Spider!"
This special "get-together" will include a screening of the film (including appearances by several of its stars!), a "beat-the-Phantom-Lake-Kids" Mihmiverse trivia contest, games, surprises, snacks, autographs, exclusive merchandise, and fun galore! DVDs, posters and other merchandise will also be on sale! This event is safe and fun for all ages!
AND attendees will be the first people in the world to see the trailer for the next Mihmiverse film, "Annihilate All Humans!" In addition, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm will be revealing the title of his NEXT film at this event!
This event will take place in the basement of Faith United Methodist Church located at 2708 33rd Avenue Northeast in St. Anthony, Minnesota (just on the outskirts of Minneapolis).
Advance tickets are now on sale! Grab yours before they sell out by going HERE!
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
We are excited to announce that writer/director Christopher R. Mihm has JUST finished the "rough draft" edit of his newest film, "Annihilate All Humans!" AND, the best part of this news is that it means we'll be seeing a poster, trailer, release date, and (hopefully) an announcement of what's coming next very soon!
It's important to note that now that the film is this close to being 100% complete, the clock is ticking on how long you'll have to contribute to the production and get your name in the end credits! DON'T WAIT!Contribute today by going HERE!
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Today is the 15th anniversary of the release of "Cave Women on Mars!"
It was on this day in 2008 that the only Mihmiverse film to be produced under the Shadow Creek Studios label was unleashed on an unsuspecting public. It was the first movie to star Daniel R. Sjerven in one of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's movies and the first time Josh Craig played a character other than Professor Jackson (though he did play an older version of the Professor in the film). Captain Jackson later reappeared in 2010's "Destination: Outer Space."
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
The latest issue of the Mihmiverse Monthly newsletter is now available for your reading pleasure!
In this issue, you'll find the most up-to-the-minute news, another classic movie of the month (1965's "Village of the Giants"), the Mihmiverse Fan Focus, The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook and much, much more!
Also, the April episode of the Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast has arrived! The Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is a podcast hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm that focuses specifically on what's going on RIGHT NOW in the Mihmiverse.
This month, host writer/director Christopher R. Mihm talks about spending every free minute working on special effects for "Annihilate All Humans!," implores everyone to help him find drive-ins willing to show his films, and "spitballs" ideas for a Mihmiverse traveling show!
Also included: The latest installment of "An Oral History of the Mihmiverse" and another edition of "Atomic Tales," a monthly short story from the author of "The Canoe Cops vs. The Mummy," Stephen D. Sullivan!
To download an .mp3 of the audiocast, click HERE, visit where the file is stored or download it free from Apple Podcasts!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Saturday, April 1, 2023
We are excited to announce that Saint Euphoria LLC (the parent company of the films of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm) has signed a lucrative deal with Kenner Toys to produce a line of 3.75" Mihmiverse monsters action figures!
The initial line will include the Phantom Lake monster, the weresquito, the mutant bat, the Queen of Snakes, and Butch! If these highly collectible figures sell as well as anticipated, plans are in the works to expand the line to include several other fan-favorite creatures!
Mihmiverse action figures have been the one collectible fans have been clamoring for since the very beginning. We're excited it's finally becoming a reality!
Stay tuned for more information as it's revealed!
Thursday, March 9, 2023
On this special day in 2006, "The Monster of Phantom Lake" held its world premiere at the Heights Theater to a near-sold-out crowd. As soon as it was released, the film began to receive positive press and, to this day, still earns great reviews and remains a perennial favorite. It continues to screen all over the world and has appeared in countless film festivals and earned numerous awards.
Dubbed "the little movie that could," "The Monster of Phantom Lake" is where the Mihmiverse officially began, introducing the ever-growing fan base to such staples as the Jackson family, "A-Rockin', A-Rollin', All the Way A-Ramblin'," the Canoe Cops, the "flashlight thing," and much, much more!
Just remember, without "The Monster of Phantom Lake," we would never have been introduced to this enduring and ever-expanding universe! So, don't forget to tell everyone you know "HAPPY MONSTER DAY" and encourage them to check out the entire Mihmiverse catalog!
Friday, March 3, 2023
The March issue of the Mihmiverse Monthly newsletter has arrived!
In this issue, you'll find the most up-to-the-minute news, another classic movie of the month (1958's "Attack of the Puppet People"), the Mihmiverse Fan Focus, The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook and much, much more!
Also, the latest episode of the Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is available for your listening pleasure! The Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is a podcast hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm that focuses specifically on what's going on RIGHT NOW in the Mihmiverse.
This month, host writer/director talks about the non-monetary rewards of making movies, gets real about the financial state of the Mihmiverse, and discusses the next great Mihm-movie, "Annihilate All Humans!"
Also included: The latest installment of "An Oral History of the Mihmiverse" and another edition of "Atomic Tales," a monthly short story from the author of "The Canoe Cops vs. The Mummy," Stephen D. Sullivan!
To download an .mp3 of the audiocast, click HERE, visit where the file is stored or download it free from Apple Podcasts!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Friday, February 24, 2023
We know it's been a little quiet around here lately, but have no fear! The Mihmiverse is always moving forward!
Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm is in "full post-production mode" and focusing all of his energy on editing his next opus, "Annihilate All Humans!" The film is very special-effects-intensive, which means everything takes a little extra time and effort to get just right!
Regardless of the lack of updates, we have been assured that the movie is coming along VERY WELL and, as long as everything continues as it currently is, will be released this coming summer!
In the meantime, YOU could really help out the production and ensure the film gets released by contributing! The Mihmiverse runs solely on fans like yourself, and the best way to keep it alive is by going HERE and adding your name to the end credits!
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm has been focusing all his attention lately on editing his next film, "Annihilate All Humans!," and, according to him, he's knee deep in the most time-consuming part of the process: special effects! To show exactly what it is he's doing, he sent us this exclusive still from the new movie and we could not wait to share it with you!
How great is that?! While most Mihmiverse films take place in and around Phantom Lake County, it looks like this one is going to travel much farther outside of the upper Midwest! Like you, we can't wait to see this movie!
In the meantime, don't forget to contribute to the film to help keep the Mihmiverse afloat! To contribute and get your name in the end credits, go HERE!
Thursday, February 2, 2023
The latest issue of the Mihmiverse Monthly newsletter is now available for your reading pleasure!
In this issue, you'll find the most up-to-the-minute news, another classic movie of the month (1961's "Mr. Sardonicus"), the Mihmiverse Fan Focus, The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook and much, much more!
Also, the February episode of the Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast has arrived! The Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is a podcast hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm that focuses specifically on what's going on RIGHT NOW in the Mihmiverse.
This month, host writer/director Christopher R. Mihm gets very excited about how "Annihilate All Humans!" is coming together, recounts how the Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast came to be, and celebrates the 100th episode of the podcast!
Also included: The latest installment of "An Oral History of the Mihmiverse" and another edition of "Atomic Tales," a monthly short story from the author of "The Canoe Cops vs. The Mummy," Stephen D. Sullivan!
To download an .mp3 of the audiocast, click HERE, visit where the file is stored or download it free from Apple Podcasts!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Thursday, January 26, 2023
Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm recently appeared as a guest on the Do You Like Scary Movies? podcast where he had a great time discussing his work, his take on the state of independent film, and thoughts about horror movies in general. The episode was recently released and is absolutely worth your time to listen!
Monday, January 16, 2023
Normally $19.99 each, all Mihmiverse Blu-Rays are now ON SALE for 25% off—even the double-feature ones!
AND, thanks to a print shop overrun, we ended up with a handful of extra Mihmiverse 2023 Wall Calendars! Since it's already 2023, we've further discounted what we have left to only $14.99 each. They originally sold for $25!
Take advantage of these great deals while they last by going HERE!
Thursday, January 12, 2023
We just scheduled the first Mihmiverse-related event for 2023!
Celebrate the new year by saving 23% off of EVERYTHING on the merchandise page!
Get it? 23%? Because it's 2023? You get it! Now, get your hands on some Mihmiverse stuff at a discounted rate by going HERE!
Tuesday, January 3, 2023
The first issue of the Mihmiverse Monthly newsletter of 2023 is here!
In this issue, you'll find a fun recap of the previous year's Mihmiverse-related excitement, the most up-to-the-minute news, another classic movie of the month (1957's "
Kronos"), the Mihmiverse Fan Focus, The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook and much, much more!
Also, the January episode of the Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is here! The Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is a podcast hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm that focuses specifically on what's going on RIGHT NOW in the Mihmiverse.
This month, host writer/director Christopher R. Mihm says a happy goodbye to 2022, talks about delays in finishing principal photography of "Annihilate All Humans!," and explains why it's taking so long to add "The Mihmiverse Holiday Special" to the Drive-in Monsters Mihmiverse Roku channel!
Also included: The next installment in "An Oral History of the Mihmiverse," and the latest edition of "Atomic Tales," a monthly short story from the author of "The Canoe Cops vs. The Mummy," Stephen D. Sullivan!
To download an .mp3 of the audiocast, click HERE, visit where the file is stored or download it free from Apple Podcasts!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Sunday, January 1, 2023 HAPPY NEW YEAR!
After a tumultuous year, 2023 has finally arrived and with it, a sense of cautious optimism that this new year will be filled with lots of Mihmiverse-related wonder and joy brought to you by the leader in indie-retro-monster-cinema!
We pray that this new year is filled with peace and good health for everyone, and writer/director Christopher R. Mihm hopes to be able to safely do more live screenings, events, and appearances in the coming months.
Remember, life is short, so make a point to never take ANYTHING or ANYONE for granted! The staff of the Mihmiverse Monthly wishes you a happy and safe new year filled with cheesy, black-and-white monster movies, love, friendship, and much success!