Wednesday, December 24, 2014 From the entire Mihmiverse family to you and yours...
Friday, December 19, 2014 After a few health-related delays, as of last night, principal photography of "Danny Johnson Saves The World" is complete! Thus, barring any major catastrophes, a brand-spankin'-new Mihmiverse movie WILL BE coming out in 2015!
It's the holiday season and you know what that's Cryptmas!
In this special holiday 2014 edition of the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast, hosts Rhuby 'n' Hater welcome a Leonard-Cohen-impersonating writer/director Christopher R. Mihm into their "winter basement of doom" to help them interview and celebrate the official horror host of the Mihmiverse, Cryptosis, Curator of the Macabre, Center Square of Pop Culture and the Billy Mays of Horror Hosts!
Monday, December 15, 2014 We'd like to apologize for the relative quiet on the newsfeed lately! The offices have been hit especially hard this year by the extremely virulent seasonal flu quickly burning its way across the United States. In fact, the strain is so contagious, it recently temporarily shut down production of "Danny Johnson Saves The World!"
Yesterday (the 14th) was SUPPOSED to be the last day of principal photography but, due to several of the actors slated to appear in the remaining scenes being affected by the illness (as was almost the entire Mihm family involved in the shoot and lighting designer Cherie "Rhuby" Gallinati), the final day of shooting was rescheduled for later in the week.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014 The holiday 2014 issue of the Mihmiverse Monthly is finally here!
In this month's issue, we continue a years-long tradition with our fifth annual Mihmiverse Holiday Gift Guide AND you'll find the latest Mihmiverse news, The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards), From the Mihmiverse Test Kitchens with the first lady of the Mihmiverse, Stephanie Mihm, and a calendar of fun Mihmiverse-related stuff for you to enjoy!
In addition, this latest episode of the new Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast has been made available for your listening pleasure. The Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is a new podcast hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm that focuses specifically on what's going on RIGHT NOW in the Mihmiverse.
In this holiday 2014 episode of the audiocast, host writer/director Christopher R. Mihm updates the listeners on the status of the still-in-production (though soon to be complete) "Danny Johnson Saves The World," gives some interesting background on his nine previous films, oversells the Mihmiverse contributor program and offers a heartfelt holiday message for every person who has ever enjoyed one of his films!
Also included: another classic movie recommendation from Derek M. Koch, host of the classic-monster-focused podcast Monster Kid Radio (which, if you don't already, you REALLY should be listening to!) and a fun "bad" joke from Dr. Bob Tesla, horror host extraordinare of Midnight Monster Movies with Dr. Bob!
To download an .mp3 of the audiocast, click HERE or visit where the file is stored!
Thursday, November 27, 2014 BIG SALE ALERT!
This holiday season, give that cheesy-movie-fan in your family (or circle of friends) the most unique gift possible: the films of the king of new old, good bad movies, Christopher R. Mihm!
As in past years, in honor of Black Friday and Small Business Saturday, shipping on all Mihmiverse Blu-Rays, DVDs, posters and lobby cards is 100% FREE on all orders shipped to addresses in the U.S.!
Visit the merchandise page and get in on this deal while it lasts!
As of now, two Mihmiverse-inspired prints (from artists Sean Spinks and Anna Dale) are available for purchase, one (pictured) depicting the Angel of Death from "House of Ghosts" and the other a moon zombie!
To check out the selection and order your copies right away, visit the new art gallery section of the merchandise page!
ALSO, if you're an artist or know an artist who might be interested in having your work sold here, send an email to for more information!
Lastly, for all the Mihmivites located in the United States who are inclined to celebrate, have a happy, safe and tasty Thanksgiving!
Although being thankful should never be relegated to only one day of the year, this is the perfect opportunity to make it clear that the folks behind the Mihmiverse, this site and the social media team are most thankful for you, the fans!
Thank you for so many amazing years and let's all raise a glass to many more!
The "polar vortex" has returned to Minnesota and with it, the temperature has dropped below freezing, thus forcing the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast crew to bring the festivities back indoors. Fortuitously, hosts Rhuby 'n' Hater and perma-guest writer/director Christopher R. Mihm welcome the first-ever over-the-phone guests: horror host (and good friend of the 'verse) Dr. Bob Tesla and his sidekick Nurse Feratu (of Midnight Monster Movies with Dr. Bob) and their "handlers," Bob and Melanie Gilbert.
Midnight Monster Movies with Dr. Bob: Having evacuated his old lab under a theater to an undisclosed location on the OSU campus, Dr. Bob Tesla still needs to provide a free movie every month to keep his lab space going (stupid contracts). Shows start every second Saturday at 11:30 pm with a chapter of a film serial and classic trailers. Tickets are FREE!
Monday, November 17, 2014 In a huge step on the road to completion of principal photgraphy, as of yesterday, lead actor Elliott Mihm, who plays the title character in the next Mihmiverse film, "Danny Johnson Saves The World," filmed his last scene in the movie! With only a handful of days remaining, principal photography is on-track to be complete by mid-December!
In other news, the limited-edition lobby card sets for "Attack of the Moon Zombies" and "The Giant Spider" are now completely SOLD OUT! We hope you ordered yours because, as of right now, they will never be available again!
On a related note, a lobby card set for "The Late Night Double Feature" is still available but there are fewer than 5 sets left! To order yours before they're gone, visit the lobby cards section of the merchandise page!
Wednesday, November 5, 2014 The new Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast podcast, officially introduced in the November issue of the Mihmiverse Monthly online newsletter and hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, is now available for download on iTunes!
Check it out HERE and give it a listen! You won't be disappointed!
Sunday, November 2, 2014 The latest issue of the Mihmiverse Monthly has arrived and with it some very exciting new stuff!
This month, you'll find the latest Mihmiverse news, The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards), From the Mihmiverse Test Kitchens with the first lady of the Mihmiverse, Stephanie Mihm, and a calendar of fun Mihmiverse-related stuff for you to enjoy!
ALSO, and most excitingly, this month marks the release of the first episode of the brand new Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast! The Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is a new podcast hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm that focuses specifically on what's going on RIGHT NOW in the Mihmiverse.
In addition, Mr. Mihm will discuss the monster movie-making process, touch briefly on the future of the 'verse, pontificate on random subjects, and be joined by guests from within and without the Mihmiverse. PLUS, each episode will include something unique you can't find anywhere else!
For this month's inaugural episode of the Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast (which clocks in at roughly 40 minutes), Mr. Mihm talks a bit about his next film, the currently-in-production "Danny Johnson Saves The World," goes into a little detail about his involvement in a stage musical version of "The Monster of Phantom Lake" and describes a few tentative plans for the future, including something potentially exciting revolving around his 2010 film, "Destination: Outer Space."
Also included: a classic movie recommendation directly from Derek M. Koch, host of the great classic-monster-focused podcast Monster Kid Radio and Mr. Mihm "gets his Garrison Keillor on" with a dramatic reading of "The Haunted Canoe - A Canoe Cops Adventure" written by the über-talented author (and friend-of-the-'verse) Stephen D. Sullivan!
To download an .mp3 of the audiocast, click HERE or visit where the file is stored!
If you would like to read the latest issue of the Mihmiverse Monthly newsletter, click HERE!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Friday, October 31, 2014
Happy Halloween!
Thursday, October 30, 2014 Don't forget!
Tomorrow is Halloween and, as in years past, you'll be able to see an exclusive sneak preview of the forthcoming Mihmiverse film, "Danny Johnson Saves The World," RIGHT HERE on! Also in line with tradition, the clip will only be available for 24 hours starting at midnight, central timeAND, once it's gone, you'll have to wait for the big world premiere NEXT YEAR to see it again!
Monday, October 26, 2014 A big thank you goes out to all the fine folks who stopped by and patronized the Mihmiverse tables at both Crypticon and ValleyCon this past weekend! Below you'll find a great photo taken at Crypticon by Mark Haider (General Castle) of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm that proves without a shadow of a doubt that Mr. Mihm "talks with his hands!"
As the temperature and leaves fall in Minnesota, the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast crew enjoy a beautiful night by a roaring bonfire (courtesy of fire tender Maggie Schultz). Alongside hosts Rhuby 'n' Hater and perma-guest writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, guests Catherine Hansen (Martha/Yureena Null) and master monster-maker Mitch Gonzales share sordid tales of makin' monster movies.
In addition, we learn a thing or two about what happened to Bosco chocolate syrup (the blood stand-in used in the original "Night of the Living Dead") and get a "visit" from Derek M. Koch, the voice behind the best podcast on the interwebs, Monster Kid Radio!
Visit the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast page to download it OR press play on the player above to listen from this page!
Wednesday, October 8, 2014 We just received word that "The Giant Spider," the Mihmiverse-movie-with-legs (pun intended), has been accepted to and will screen at the Sideshow Freak Flick Film Festival taking place November 29th through the 30th in Grand Rapids, MI! Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm will be in attendance and participate in a Q&A/meet-and-greet after the film!
Visit the events page for more information and to learn about all the Mihmiverse-related events coming up!
Saturday, October 4, 2014 STARTING TONIGHT!
Explore the Mihmiverse with exclusive double-features of the films of Christopher R. Mihm every Saturday in October on TBAE, the Tampa Bay Arts and Education network! As an added bonus, each film will begin with personal introductions by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm!
Wednesday, October 1, 2014 The October issue of the Mihmiverse Monthly is finally here!
This month, you'll find the latest Mihmiverse news, another classic movie of the month (1962's "Eegah"), The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards) and From the Mihmiverse Test Kitchens with the first lady of the Mihmiverse, Stephanie Mihm!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Monday, September 29, 2014 With the "October screening season" just around the corner, don't forget to check the events page for all the fun Mihmiverse-related activities scheduled over the next six weeks, including several screenings from Minneapolis to Las Vegas!
It's a beautiful night in September and the podcast crew (hosts Rhuby 'n' Hater, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and the first lady of the Mihmiverse, Stephanie Mihm) have found themselves around a fantastic fire and interviewing two (and a half) great guests: Ware Carlton-Ford (the ill-fated Joe in "The Giant Spider"), Rik Schwinden, owner of Mr. Zero's Pop Culture Shop and multiple extras in multiple Mihmiverse films AND fire-tender Tim Fox (Eleanor in "The Giant Spider").
Jokes and stories fly, a name or two is forgotten and fun is had a-plenty! Enjoy!
Visit the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast page to download it OR press play on the player above to listen from this page!
Monday, September 15, 2014 Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm just appeared on the "Drive-in Memories" episode of Geek Ave Presents: Steve's Video Store, a podcast dedicated to all things geeky and nostalgic! The very entertaining two-hour show is well worth a listen (warning: some explicit language is used) and is now available for online listening and download. Click HERE to download the file directly!
These unique promotional materials were designed by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and are available (only) as a set of eight 8.5" x 11" cards. Each card depicts a different scene from both films ("X: The Fiend from Beyond Space" and "The Wall People") and are hand-colorized and stylistically "weathered" to look extra retro!
NOTE: This item is now available for pre-order! These card sets are in the process of being printed and will ship as soon as we receive them, which, we anticipate, will be within the next few days!
To order a set of these extremely rare collectibles, visit the lobby cards section of the merchandise page!
Saturday, September 6, 2014 COOL EVENT ALERT!
On October 25th (8:00PM) at the Landmark Cinemas in Peoria, IL, it's a Mihmiverse drive-in double feature courtesy of the fine folks at Drunken Zombie!
Visit the events page for all relevant information (and to see a list of all the great upcoming Mihmiverse events)!
Monday, September 1, 2014 We've just posted the "back-to-school" issue of the Mihmiverse Monthly and any self-respecting Mihmivite should check it out AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!
This month, you'll find a special preview of the currently-in-production "Danny Johnson Saves The World," the latest Mihmiverse news, another classic movie of the month (1961's "The Phantom Planet"), The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards) and From the Mihmiverse Test Kitchens with the first lady of the Mihmiverse, Stephanie Mihm!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Monday, August 25, 2014 While performing his duties as a guest of honor at the recent OsFest 7, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm was interviewed by The Grawlix Podcast, a monthly podcast about comic books, web comics, and other geek culture media. As of last night, the episode in which Mr. Mihm's interview appears is now available for download at under episode #7: OsFest 7 Special!
Monday, August 18, 2014 Over the past weekend we were sent a very cool piece of Mihmiverse fan fiction by Mr. Scott Heitkam, a Mihmivite who, as he put it, "very rarely" writes fan fiction. Judging by the tale he submitted (and has graciously allowed us to post), he should perhaps consider writing it more often! His very entertaining story effectively melds the worlds of "Cave Women on Mars" and "X: The Fiend From Beyond Space" into something very much worth the time it'll take you to read it.
In this "very special episode" of the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast, hosts Rhuby 'n' Hater and perma-guest Christopher R. Mihm welcome Andy Wilkins (known for such roles as The Medium in "House of Ghosts" and Doherty in the "X: The Fiend From Beyond Space" half of "The Late Night Double Feature") and her partner, Justin Ropella, to the warmth of the podcast bonfire to talk about Ms. Wilkins' (formerly known to the Mihmiverse as J. Andrew Wilkins) transition from male to female.
They chat, share stories, ask tough, probing questions, cry and laugh their collective behinds off! Educational and fun, this episode is definitely worth every second of your time! If, however, you are not interested in hearing this particular story but, instead, simply want to hear Mihmiverse-specific info, check out the heavily pared-down "Rhuby edit!"
Visit the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast page to download it OR press play on the player above to listen from this page!
Thursday, August 7, 2014 Today we supply a unique behind-the-scenes photo from the next Mihmiverse film, "Danny Johnson Saves The World!" This photo was taken in the studio (garage) of monster-maker Mitch Gonzales and these disparate parts represent the "beginning stages" of a menacing 1950s-style evil robot! Though it doesn't look like much based on this photo, we believe in Mr. Gonzales' boundless talent and can't WAIT to see monster-of-all-trades Michael Kaiser wearing the final product!
Thursday, July 31, 2014 The latest issue of the Mihmiverse Monthly is now available for your reading pleasure!
This month, you'll find the latest Mihmiverse news, another classic movie of the month (1955's "Day the World Ended") and two guest-written columns: The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards) and From the Mihmiverse Test Kitchens with the first lady of the Mihmiverse, Stephanie Mihm!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Thursday, July 24, 2014 Check out the first official still (below) from the currently-in-production Mihmiverse film, "Danny Johnson Saves The World!" Based on this intriguing photo (featuring Alice Mihm as Danny's little sister Evelyn), a specific question enters our collective heads: what EXACTLY is young Danny going to be saving the world from!?
The fabled, long-gestating Phantom Lake Paddle Girls episode of the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast has FINALLY come together and it is every bit as glorious as any Mihmivite could hope for! Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm takes over full hosting duties from Rhuby (who dons her "guest" hat) and, along with partner-in-crime Hater, delves deep into the four actresses who portray the Paddle Girls in "The Giant Spider:" Cherie "Rhuby" Gallinati, Kira Pontiff, Ann Segar and Melissa Dirtzu!
As one would expect, the episode quickly devolves into risqué (though hilarious) territory as the "Paddle Girls Home Game" is invented, it is revealed which of the four was "only in it to nab a Canoe Cop" and much, much more! PLUS, a very special guest stops by! Don't miss it!
Visit the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast page to download it OR press play on the player above to listen from this page!
ALSO, in honor of the Paddle Girls podcast, a new VERY LIMITED collectible is available: Phantom Lake Paddle Girls Signed Mini-Paddles! These beautiful hand-crafted mini-paddles are signed by all four actresses (Cherie "Rhuby" Gallinati, Kira Pontiff, Ann Segar and Melissa Dirtzu) who played the Paddle Girls in the fan-favorite Mihmiverse film, "The Giant Spider!" There are only FOUR of these unique collectibles (hand made by the fine folks at Oak Tree Arts) and are priced at $40 each (plus $10 shipping and handling).
Wednesday, July 16, 2014 Check out this amazing photo taken by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm this past weekend at the 2014 BlobFest in Phoenixville, PA! According to him, the event (which, as you can see from the marquee, featured a double feature of classic B-movie "The Blob" and Mr. Mihm's "The Giant Spider") was an all-around success and "one of the best classic film events in the country!"
Thursday, July 10, 2014 After a short absence, "The Giant Spider" posters are back in stock!
Buy 'em while they last by visiting the posters section of the merchandise page!
Tuesday, July 8, 2014 Cool event alert! We just received word that the latest Mihmiverse film, "The Late Night Double Feature," will be screening at this year's Music in Mears, a celebration of Minnesota music, movies, cuisine and beer! Local bands and food trucks round out this cool outdoor event!
Wednesday, July 2, 2014 We just posted the July issue of the Mihmiverse Monthly!
This month, you'll find the latest Mihmiverse news, another classic movie of the month (1955's "Revenge of the Creature") and two guest-written columns: The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards) and From the Mihmiverse Test Kitchens with the first lady of the Mihmiverse, Stephanie Mihm!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Monday, June 30, 2014 While attending the recent 2014 Monster Bash convention in Pennsylvania, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm was pleased to finally meet longtime Mihmiverse supporter Derek M. Koch in person! Mr. Koch is the host of the highly entertaining (and educational!) podcast Monster Kid Radio and, while at the event, interviewed Mr. Mihm for a recently-released episode of the show.
Though it's been months since the podcast crew found themselves recording around a blazing bonfire in the great outdoors, this month's episode proves they certainly didn't forget how! Thanks to a gorgeous late-Spring evening, the fire was roaring and the mood was perfect. AND, to make things even more interesting, hosts Rhuby 'n' Hater decided to surprise writer/director Christopher R. Mihm with their guest selection (you'll have to listen to find out who)!
Fire-tender Stephen Miller (Lord of the Flame, Master of Games) joined in the fun and frivolity as tales were told, secrets revealed and embarrassment reigned supreme!
Visit the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast page to download it OR press play on the player above to listen from this page!
Tuesday, June 17, 2014 The fantastic gents over at the Film Reviews from the Basement podcast have reviewed the latest Mihmiverse film, "The Late Night Double Feature," and, as it always goes with our favorite Canadians, their podcast is entertaining as hell! We highly recommend checking it out to see what they thought but, be warned! This episode contains A LOT of language which may be considered inappropriate by some!
Monday, June 16, 2014 Following the overwhelming success of previous contribution programs for writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's last five films, contributor credits are NOW AVAILABLE for his next retro-styled movie, "Danny Johnson Saves The World!"
For each $25.00 contribution, all participants will be entitled to having a single name of their choosing listed in the contributors section of the closing credits of the film, a customized, framable document certifying your participation in the program and your choice of one (1) copy of the finished film on DVD or one (1) collector's ticket to the film's world premiere! Best of all, for the first time, additional DVDs and premiere tickets are available to be purchased at the same time!
Tuesday, June 3, 2014 This latest issue of the Mihmiverse Monthly is now available for your reading pleasure!
This month, you'll find the latest Mihmiverse news, another classic movie of the month (1960's "The Angry Red Planet") and two guest-written columns: The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards) and From the Mihmiverse Test Kitchens with the first lady of the Mihmiverse, Stephanie Mihm!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Wednesday, May 28, 2014 Even though these are almost half a year late coming to our attention, we've just been informed that a reviewer at Ain't It Cool News, the world-famous movie-geek site, has reviewed several Mihmiverse films, including "House of Ghosts" (review), "Attack of the Moon Zombies" (review) and "The Monster of Phantom Lake" (review). All three reviews lean toward positive territory, with the most praise being given for writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's work on "House of Ghosts."
We highly recommend reading all three reviews. They're all short and effectively to-the-point! Visit the press page to check them out!
It was the night before the big world premiere of the latest Mihmiverse movie, "The Late Night Double Feature," and the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast crew (hosts Rhuby 'n' Hater, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and the first lady of the Mihmiverse, Stephanie Mihm) found themselves the center of attention at the "Night Before the Thing," the first-ever Mihmiverse premiere pre-party!
In this episode, 2013 Versie awards are awarded, stories are told, "Commander Lambent: Space Space!" returns from the grave AND, most importantly, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm FINALLY reveals whether or not he's quitting the movie-makin' game! You DO NOT want to miss it.
Visit the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast page to download it OR press play on the player above to listen from this page!
Tuesday, May 20, 2014 Great news! We've just been informed that writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's ode to the "big bug" movies of the 1950s, "The Giant Spider" has won the Forrest J. Ackerman Film Award at this past weekend's Famous Monsters of Filmland Film Festival! Congratulations to the cast and crew!
For those who don't know, Forrest J. Ackerman was the editor and principal writer of Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine, a science fiction/horror publication that first appeared in the 1950s and helped popularize science fiction fandom. Mr. Ackerman was also a huge proponent of the Esperanto language and, in fact, it was his love of Esperanto that inspired writer/director Christopher R. Mihm to include it in "Attack of the Moon Zombies" and each subsequent Mihmiverse release!
Friday, May 9, 2014 After a VERY long week of promoting the Mihmiverse across the country followed by a great screening of "The Late Night Double Feature" at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, we've just posted some new reviews of the just-released film AND a dual review of "The Giant Spider" and "House of Ghosts" courtesy of our friends over at B- Is For Best.
To read the latest reviews (all of which are exceedingly positive!), visit the press page OR click HERE (Daily Grindhouse), HERE (Fright Film Geek) and/or HERE (B- Is For Best)!
In this issue, you'll find a recap of the big world premiere (and pre-party), the latest Mihmiverse news, a review of a NEW classic movie and two guest-written columns: The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards) and From the Mihmiverse Test Kitchens with the first lady of the Mihmiverse, Stephanie Mihm!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Monday, April 28, 2014 WOW!
This past weekend's "The Late Night Double Feature" pre-party and world premiere were truly LEGENDARY and will most likely go down in Mihmiverse history as such!
The lucky few who were able to snag tickets the first-ever premiere pre-party (the "Night Before the Thing") were treated to a dinner of Uncle John's Burger Dogs served by the fine folks from the House of Hunger food truck, an interactive recording of an episode of "Commander Lambent: Space Explorer...IN SPACE!," a live taping of the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast, birthday cake, the first-ever public performance of a scene from the currently-in-development "The Monster of Phantom Lake" stage musical and music by Shannon McDonough (Zita Marczak/Julie Ann Saint Marie) and Elvis impersonator extraordinare Anthony Shore! With many familiar Mihmiverse faces in attendance, fans were able to rub elbows with the folks behind the films and enjoy a night of unique entertainment!
As for the "main event," the world premiere of "The Late Night Double Feature" was VERY well attended by an extremely enthusiastic audience that laughed, cried and gasped in all the right places! Attendees capped off the night with a fabulous cupcake from Red Velvet Mel's and autographs from the myriad of Mihmiverse personalities sprinkled throughout the crowd. Needless to say, if you weren't there, you really missed something special! Check out the photos below for proof!
Lastly, the first official review of the latest Mihmiverse film appeared online yesterday! Spoiler alert: the reviewer loved it, calling it "Mihm's best work to date!" If you'd like to read the entire review, click HERE or visit the "The Late Night Double Feature" section of the press page!
Photos, from left to right, top to bottom: Folks start lining up outside the theater far in advance of the doors opening, Dr. Bob Tesla (of Midnight Monster Movies with Dr. Bob), the title creature from "X: The Fiend From Beyond Space" and writer/director Christopher R. Mihm pose for an oddly forlorn photo, Daniel R. Sjerven (Captain Frehley), Kira Pontiff (Paddle Girl Recruit), Mark Haider (Phillips) and Maggie Schultz (Dr. Deering) pose for the camera, a thoroughly picked-over display of cupcakes, super-fans Mike Plows, Diane Perrault, Janet Stiles and Mitch Obrecht eagerly await the latest Mihmiverse film!
Saturday, April 26, 2014 DON'T FORGET! The big world premiere of "The Late Night Double Feature" if tonight ANDtickets WILL be available at the door! Please come and join us for this fantastic event!
Thursday, April 24, 2014 IMPORTANT!
Since the world premiere of "The Late Night Double Feature" is less than 48 hours away, advance tickets are no longer on sale! HOWEVER, the event is NOT sold outthere will be tickets available at the door!
In other news, a pair of very fun and interesting Mihmiverse events have been added to the calendar!
First, over Memorial Day weekend, "The Late Night Double Feature" will continue a years-long Mihmiverse tradition by screening at the Hi-way 18 Outdoor Theatre in Jefferson, WI! The movie will screen as the third film of a triple-feature.
Second, it was officially announced that writer/director Christopher R. Mihm will present a special screening of "The Giant Spider," with a special Q&A session immediately afterward, at Blobfest, a three day event in commemoration of the original 1958 classic "The Blob." The event, which takes place July 11th through the 13th, will include screenings of "The Blob" and other horror classics, re-enactment of the theater running-out sequence, competitions and a street fair.
For a list of all the Mihmiverse-related events coming up, visit the events page!
Lastly, a fantastic "triple-feature" review of "Cave Women on Mars," "Destination: Outer Space" and "Attack of the Moon Zombies" appeared yesterday on the B-movie themed blog B- Is For Best. The review is VERY MUCH worthy of a thorough read as it clearly chronicles how the reviewer (known only as the B-Movie Avenger) became a HUGE Mihmivite!
To read the full text of the article, click HEREOR visit the press page!
The arctic freeze has finally come to an end in the great state of Minnesota, thus allowing the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast crew to light up the pit! In honor of the very forthcoming "The Late Night Double Feature" world premiere, hosts Rhuby 'n' Hater, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and the first lady of the Mihmiverse, Stephanie Mihm, gather around the roaring fire and read the nominees for the third annual Mihmiverse Awards (known colloquially as the 'versies), the winners of which will be revealed at "The Night Before The Thing," the first-ever Mihmiverse premiere pre-party!
As you would expect, much fun is had, swear words are spoken, someone says something questionable and master Mihmiverse monster-maker Mitch Gonzales is razzed (again)!
Visit the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast page to download it OR press play on the player above to listen from this page!
Tuesday, April 15, 2014 Watch your mailbox!
Collector's tickets to the world premiere of "The Late Night Double Feature" went out in yesterday's mail and should be arriving within the next couple dayspossibly even today if you live in the Twin Cities area! If you don't receive your ticket(s) by Monday, April 21st, please contact us ASAP and we will do whatever we can to rectify the situation!
If you're interested in attending the world premiere but have not yet purchased advance tickets, a handful are still availablebut they're going fast! Click HERE to order yours right away or risk missing out on the event of the year!
Thursday, April 10, 2014 After a trip to Las Vegas to attend CinemaCon to sell Uncle John's Burger Dogs and the films of the Mihmiverse directly to theater owners and a weekend in Burbank selling DVDs at the Monsterpalooza convention (and an extended period of internet connectivity issues), writer/director Christopher R. Mihm is back and solely focused on the forthcoming "The Late Night Double Feature" world premiere!
With just two short weeks to go before the big event (advance tickets are still available!), a ton of exciting things are happening!
First, collector's tickets have been printed, received and are ready to go out! The plan is to have them in the mail no later than this coming Saturday. Thus, they should be in your hands (if you ordered advance tickets or contributed to the production of the film) by early next week!
In this issue, you'll find the latest news, another classic movie of the month (1957's "Attack of the Crab Monsters"), and two guest-written columns: From the Mihmiverse Test Kitchens with the first lady of the Mihmiverse, Stephanie Mihm, and The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards)!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Tuesday, April 1, 2014 We've just received a piece of news today that, frankly, we're not even prepared to fully process yet. It came to us as a direct message from writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and this is the exact text...
Sadly, this is the hardest decision I've ever had to make but, I've thought long and hard about this and decided that it is time. As of this date, I formally announce my retirement from filmmaking. After so many years of creating and maintaining the Mihmiverse, I've come to the conclusion that my ability to sustain the energy levels required to keep the 'verse alive are simply no longer there. Besides, I will need all the energy available to me if I'm to be successful in the next phase of my life: pursuing Olympic gold in the great sport of curling. Therefore, "The Late Night Double Feature" will be my last film. Thank you all for your amazing support over the years. I hope I've been able to entertain you, even if only a little bit.
Yes, we're just as shocked as you are.
Thursday, March 20, 2014 We've just received word that "The Giant Spider" has been accepted to and will screen at the Famous Monsters of Filmland film festival being held in conjunction with Big Wow! ComicFest! The event will take place May 17th through the 18th in San Jose, CA. For more information, visit the event's website.
We don't have EXACT time and date for the screening of "The Giant Spider," but, as soon as we know, we'll post it here!
Wednesday, March 19, 2014 "The Late Night Double Feature" DVD is complete, authored and in the hands of the replication company! This means, of course, that with plenty of time to spare before the April 26th world premiere, the film WILL BE available for purchase at the event!
ALSO, a new run of "Cave Women on Mars" DVDs (with new special features!) will be coming within the next couple of weeks! As soon as we receive them, we will let you know as soon as humanly possible!
Since 2002, the Rondos have been fandom's only true classic horror award. They are decided by fans, for fans. Every Rondo nominee is being recognized for a significant achievement in the genre during the year of 2013. Voting is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC and is done through email. To vote, visit the following website:
Next, copy the ballot, paste it into an email, pick your choices ("The Giant Spider" is in section nine of the ballot under Best Independent Film), and send it along with your name to
That's it! AND, don't forget to pass this information on to EVERYONE YOU KNOW! We need as many people as humanly possible to make this happen!
As the endless frigid Minnesota winter rages on, podcast hosts Rhuby 'n' Hater and perma-guest writer/director Christopher R. Mihm are stuck back in the basement huddled around the "Mitch Gonzales memorial" candle.
This month, the crew welcome actor Aaron Courteau (who appeared in "The Giant Spider" as the Major) and the rest of the team behind Wondervision Productions, Kevin Horn and Michael Jurayj. The group engages in a lively discussion about the state of independent film, why European cars are sexy, how Mark Haider is a better actor than he realizes AND much, much more!
Visit the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast page to download it OR press play on the player above to listen from this page!
Wednesday, March 12, 2014 The official trailer for "The Late Night Double Feature" has finally arrived! Check it out below!
Created by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm (with some very helpful input by monster maker Mitch Gonzales), the design mimics a retro "double bill" poster from the heyday of the drive-in era! We here at, the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm, are VERY happy with this poster design and, frankly, feel it was very much worth the wait!
Now that the poster is here, you can expect to be able to buy these very soon in our online store!
If you would like to view a larger version of the poster, drag your mouse pointer over the image to the right and a bigger (and easier to see) version will automatically pop-up!
ALSO, we've been informed that the trailer for the new film will be debuting at some point in the next seven to ten days! As soon as it's available, you will see it here!
Monday, March 3, 2014 This month's issue of the Mihmiverse Monthly is now available for your reading pleasure!
In this issue, you'll find the latest news, an interview with "The Late Night Double Feature" contributor David Lund, another classic movie of the month (1957's "Kronos"), and two guest-written columns: The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards) and From the Mihmiverse Test Kitchens with the first lady of the Mihmiverse, Stephanie Mihm!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Thursday, February 27, 2014 After a long absence, Mihmiverse classic "Destination: Outer Space" is again available for purchase on DVD! In honor of this, we have slashed its price to ONLY $4.99!
Visit the merchandise page to pick it up while this sweet deal lasts!
Saturday, February 22, 2014 Exciting news!
We've been informed that editing of the "The Wall People" half of "The Late Night Double Feature" is COMPLETE and the "X: The Fiend from Beyond Space" half only requires a single special effects shot and opening credits. Once closing credits are added to the entire film (both halves plus an intermission), the film will be done! Writer/director (and editor) Christopher R. Mihm estimates he will reach this milestone by the end of this week!
Stay tuned...
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
The Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast returns with a bang as hosts Rhuby 'n' Hater and perma-guest writer/director Christopher R. Mihm overcome their winter blues long enough to record one of the most entertaining episodes in quite some time!
This month, the podcast crew mix up the format (a little) when they welcome their guest, the ever-talented Rachel Grubb (Amy/Hagra), into the podcast basement (sadly, the fire pit is still covered by two feet of snow) to watch and record the first-ever MBP3K "commentary" for Mr. Mihm's (and Ms. Grubb's) first film in the Mihmiverse series, "The Monster of Phantom Lake!"
Hijinks and "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" references abound!
Visit the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast page to download it OR press play on the player above to listen from this page!
Monday, February 17, 2014 We will be holding the first official Uncle John's Burger Dog launch party at 7:00 PM on Thursday, March 13th at the Riverview Theater in Minneapolis, MN!
This event is open to the public and all attendees will be treated to Uncle John's Burger Dogs served by the "Burger Dog girls" and a free screening of the award-winning Mihmiverse film which served as the inspiration for the Uncle John's Burger Dog, "The Giant Spider!" We will also be selling frozen packages of Uncle John's Burger Dogs at the event!
Advance tickets are now available! Tickets are $7 each and include admission to the event and one (1) food ticket to receive a single Uncle John's Burger Dog (bun and condiments included)!
AND, as a special deal only available through the Uncle John's Burger Dog website, for an additional $3, you can pre-order an extra food ticket which can be redeemed for a second Uncle John's Burger Dog at the event!
Saturday, February 8, 2014 As the editing process of "The Late Night Double Feature" nears its end, we wanted to share a cool photo writer/director Christopher R. Mihm sent us today! This is an "accidental still" (a randomly captured freeze-frame from the editing program) of Catherine Hansen (Mary/Yureena Null) in "The Wall People" half of the film. We don't know what's happening here but this image sure is disturbingin the best way possible!
Sunday, February 2, 2014 The latest edition of the Mihmiverse Monthly is now available!
In this issue, you will find the latest news, an interview with "The Late Night Double Feature" contributor Mitch Obrecht, another classic movie of the month (1957's Roger Corman directed "The Saga of the Viking Women and their Voyage to the Waters of the Great Sea Serpent"), and two guest-written columns: The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards) and From the Mihmiverse Test Kitchens with the first lady of the Mihmiverse, Stephanie Mihm!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
The debut of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's ode to the drive-in double features of yesteryear will take place on Saturday, April 26th at the historic Heights Theatre on the outskirts of Minneapolis, MN. Doors will open at 6:30PM with the movie starting at or around 7:30.
In addition to the main attraction, attendees will enjoy a program complete with hand-picked, era-appropriate newsreels, classic trailers, appearances by most (if not all) of the cast and crew, autographs, free cupcakes, photo opportunities with monsters from the film (don't forget your camera!), a silent auction and organ music from the "WCCO Mighty Wurlitzer!" DVDs, posters and other exclusive merchandise will also be on sale!
NOTE: All advance ticket holders will receive an individually numbered collector's ticket which will be mailed within the first two weeks of April! All attendees must present their collector's ticket(s) at the door to be admitted into the event.
Because the premiere will be held on a Saturday, for the first time ever we will be holding a special pre-party the night beforean event we are playfully calling "The Night Before The Thing!"
Limited to 40 lucky guests, the pre-party will take place on Friday, April 25th from 6:00PM to 10:00 at the LivINN Hotel in Fridley, MN (only two miles north of the Heights Theatre).
The night will include dinner provided by Uncle John's Burger Dog, a panel discussion/live podcast recording with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast crew, appearances by several familiar Mihmiverse faces, AND top secret entertainment and shenanigans you will NOT want to miss!
ALSO, all pre-party attendees may pre-order a limited-edition, collectible T-shirt that will ONLY be available at the event (the exact design will be revealed at a later date)! You MUST pre-order a T-shirt to receive one but it is NOT required to attend!
Coming from out of town and need a place to stay? The Mihmiverse has teamed up with the LivINN Hotel in Fridley, MN to offer a special deal on accomodations: $75.00 per nightor upgrade to one of their suites for just $10 more!
Located just two miles north of the Heights Theatre, the LivINN Hotel is part of what's known as the "Best Value" Hotel Chain for lodging accommodations in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, providing quality guest rooms and suites. The LivINN is ALSO the location where the premiere pre-party will take place!
To take advantage of this special offer, reserve your room(s) by phone and ask to be added to the "Saint Euphoria LLC" block of rooms!
IMPORTANT! Interest in these events is EXTREMELY HIGH! Because of this, we cannot guarantee the availability of day-of admission tickets. If either event sells out through advance sales, there will be no tickets available at the door. To put this into some perspective, last year's premiere of "The Giant Spider" sold out within 17 days!
These events are open to the public, so the ONLY WAY to ensure admittance to either is to purchase an advance ticket!
On a blisteringly cold winter day, the main Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast crew found themselves together and ready to record the best podcast they've ever recorded! A full twenty minutes later... everything fell apart as illness struck one of the hosts and Hater was called away on "business."
In place of the "greatest-podcast-ever-recorded," this month's episode turned into the first-ever Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast clip show, covering every episode released in 2013. All audio clips were pulled from the 37-minute mark of the second file (or first, if only one existed) for each month. The final result is magically odd and highly entertaining.
Visit the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast page to download it OR press play on the player above to listen from this page!
The title creature from one of the most well-loved and enduring Mihmiverse films, "The Monster of Phantom Lake," is now available in "action figure" size!
These hand-made Phantom Lake monsters were molded by Mihmiverse monster maker Mitch Gonzales from a sculpt created by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm. Hand-painted in green, black and white, every figure includes writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's initials and the year on the bottom of one foot and an individual number on the other.
These rare collectibles are available for a limited time and in VERY limited numbers. Visit the collectibles section of the merchandise page to get yours today!
Wednesday, January 8, 2014 Collectible update!
Though the Saint Euphoria logo baseball caps sold out quickly, we've received enough requests that we've ordered more! They're slated to arrive sometime on or around the 23rd of this month and, as soon as they're back in stock, we'll put them up for sale!
Also, a new collectible will soon be availableand by soon, we mean within days! We won't spoil it but, if you're a fan of "The Monster of Phantom Lake," you won't be disappointed!
Stay tuned...
Thursday, January 2, 2014 We just posted the first Mihmiverse Monthly of 2014!
In this issue, you will find a year-in-review, the latest news, an interview with "The Late Night Double Feature" contributor and filmmaker Paul Bunnell, another classic movie of the month (1957's "The Brain from Planet Arous"), and two guest-written columns: The Trivia Corner with Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards) and From the Mihmiverse Test Kitchens with the first lady of the Mihmiverse, Stephanie Mihm!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Lastly, if you're wondering why this page appears significantly shorter than it was just yesterday, it's because on or around the first of every new year, we archive the previous year's news into its own convenient archive page. This ensures that this page never runs TOO long or takes too long to load!
To access the 2013 archive, click HEREOR visit the relevant link at the bottom of this page or from the drop-down menu over the news navigation at the top of the page.