If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for other columns, OR if you're interested in writing one, please contact us at info@sainteuphoria.com and let us know what you think!
"Queen of Snakes" World Premiere
April 24, 2019 — doors at 6:30PM, movie at 7:30PM

The 14th Mihmiverse film in as many years is finally here! "Queen of Snakes" debuts in THREE SHORT WEEKS from the release of this newsletter at the Heights Theater in Columbia Heights, MN and advance tickets to the event are AVAILABLE!

World premiere attendees will enjoy an evening of retro-inspired cinematic fun complete with hand-picked, era-appropriate newsreels, classic trailers, appearances by most (if not all) of the cast and crew, autographs, photo opportunities with the title creature, a silent auction and more! DVDs, Blu-Rays, posters and other merchandise will also be on sale!

Advance ticket holders will also receive an individually numbered collector's ticket for every ticket purchased! (For those of you who have already ordered tickets, they are in the mail! Watch your mailboxes!)

IMPORTANT! Interest in this event is EXTREMELY HIGH! Because of this, we CANNOT guarantee the availability of day-of-admission tickets. If the event sells out through advance sales, there will be no tickets available at the door.

DON'T FORGET! You MUST present your ticket(s) at the door (where they will be stamped) to be admitted. If you fail to do so, you will be required to pay AGAIN to enter—and only if tickets are available at the door!

The Heights Theater is located at 3951 Central Avenue Northeast in Columbia Heights, MN.

"Queen of Snakes" World Premiere Advance Tickets — $10.00 each


Even though we're only a handful of weeks from the release of "Queen of Snakes" and pre-production of "That Which Lurks in the Dark" continues behind the scenes, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm has hit upon an idea that he simply CANNOT walk away from: ANOTHER Mihmiverse film, this time a "love letter" to the fans of his movie universe!

In "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us," a local man is suspected of having been transformed into a hideous monster and it's up to a scrappy gang of local kids (Danny & Evelyn Johnson, Butch, Chip, and their friend Billy Blue) to uncover the truth and save Phantom Lake County—and everyone in it—from certain doom in writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's tribute to the creature-features of the 1950s, the history of the Mihmiverse, and "Scooby Doo!"

According to Mr. Mihm, this film will follow Danny Johnson (last seen in 2015's "Danny Johnson Saves The World"), his sister Evelyn and three of their buddies on another adventure into the Mihmiverse. However, this one will be special in that it is being specifically designed to reference as much "Mihmiverse history" as possible. We have been assured that we can expect appearances by a bevy of familiar faces, characters and locations! In fact, Mr. Mihm shared a single sentence from the script on the Mihmiverse Facebook page recently and it is a DOOZY!

"A familiar canoe approaches."

If that sentence alone doesn't thrill you by its exciting implications, we submit that nothing Mihmiverse-related ever will!

"The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us" is currently scripting with principal photography scheduled to begin in June. Should everything work out, it seems that 2020 will be a banner year for the 'verse, with potentially TWO features slated to be released next year! AND, following the overwhelming success of contribution programs for writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's past films, contributor credits for this new film are NOW AVAILABLE for purchase!

For each $25.00 donation, all contributors will be entitled to having a single name* of their choosing listed in the contributors section of the closing credits of the film, a customized, frame-able document certifying their participation in the program and one (1) copy of the finished film! Additional copies of the film and/or world premiere tickets may be pre-ordered as "add-ons" ($10 each) with the purchase of at least one credit.


Credits can even be given as gifts! Imagine the looks on the faces of your loved ones when they find out their names will be immortalized on the silver screen!

Separate credits by commas, & or "and." 


NOTE: If you purchase one of the following credits, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm will contact you shortly after to discuss your purchase!

Associate producers will earn IMDb and on-screen credits and will be allowed certain privileges of producership, including free, exclusive merchandise and other perks (TBD).
Executive producers will earn IMDb and on-screen credits and will be allowed certain privileges of producership, including free, exclusive merchandise, set visits, and other perks (TBD).

*A single credit is defined as the name of one (1) person or corporate entity. Any credit requiring the word "and," an ampersand (&), and/or a comma (except when part of a legal company name) will constitute multiple credits and MUST BE paid for separately.

NOTE: The contributor program is an "equal exchange" program, which means specifically that those participating have NO SAY in the decisions or actions taken by anyone involved in the actual production of the film and are NOT entitled to ANY possible future profits earned by the film, derivative works, and/or merchandise created for or featuring elements from the film. Becoming an contributor does not entitle the participant to ANY ownership WHATSOEVER of the finished film or associated elements.

One of the most common questions received at Mihmiverse central is: "When will writer/director Christopher R. Mihm release Blu-Rays of his films?"

Manufacturing costs of Blu-Ray discs are considerably higher than standard-definition DVDs but, by comparison, DVDs suffer from a lack of video clarity and quality. Since we now live in a high definition world, it's time for fans to be given access to the best possible presentations of the films of the Mihmiverse! AND, even though the first six movies were shot in standard definition, higher quality, higher bit rate versions of the films DO exist, and no one besides the writer/director himself has ever seen them!

After FINALLY finding the right software to handle the authoring of such discs and a manufacturer with the perfect price point, Mr. Mihm has decided to go forward with officially releasing the first 12 films as special edition double-feature Blu-Rays!

The plan includes releasing six retail-ready, duplicated BD25 Blu-Ray discs—each containing a remastered, highest-quality-possible SD print of one of the first six films, paired with a full 1080p HD print of one of the subsequent six films. In addition, each film will include a NEW commentary by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm recorded specifically for these double-feature discs! Extra as-yet-to-be-determined special features will be added to each disc as space allows.

These discs will retail for roughly $20 each, with a full set of six costing $120. However, everyone who pre-orders a set NOW (before they're manufactured) will receive a special $20 off the full price discount and, in essence, get two Mihmiverse films (ONE DOUBLE-FEATURE BLU-RAY)—FREE! BFGO! (Buy five, get one!)

GREAT NEWS! We have hit all our crowd-funding goals! A big "thank you" goes out to everyone who helped to make it possible for Saint Euphoria Pictures to produce these long sought-after releases! As a result, we will be adding "Guns of the Apocalypse" to the mix! Since "Queen of Snakes" is already going to be released on Blu-Ray on the same day as DVD, this will cover every completed Mihmiverse film to date. Every person who helped us reach all our goals may also order a Blu-Ray copy of "Guns of the Apocalypse" for only $5!

Mihmiverse Double-Feature Blu-Ray Sets (6 discs, 12 movies)
$100 per set PLUS shipping & handling
number of sets:
include "Guns of the Apocalypse?"

IMPORTANT! You are PRE-ORDERING a full set of six Mihmiverse double-feature Blu-Rays (and potentially a Blu-Ray copy of "Guns of the Apocalypse"). Each disc is currently in the "authoring" stage and should be in the hands of manufacturers very soon! As of right now, the plan is to have them available to ship in time for the big "Queen of Snakes" world premiere BUT, with the amount of work that goes into events of this magnitude, this is NOT a guarantee!


Back by popular demand, full sets of Monsters of the Mihmiverse trading cards are once again available! This series of cool collectibles consists of 25 cards (24 monster cards, one cover/checklist) and were personally designed by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm. AND, every full set includes one card hand-signed by actor Michael Kaiser, the man inside the creature suits of most of the iconic monsters of the Mihmiverse!

Mimicking classic trading cards like the "Mars Attacks" series from Topps, you'll find an image of a different Mihmiverse monster on the front of each card with a paragraph of unique information about that creature on the back.

IMPORTANT! This run of Monsters of the Mihmiverse trading cards is being limited to ONLY 25 full sets. If you missed out on these amazing collectibles last time, we highly recommend purchasing your set NOW!

In addition, certain ultra-rare cards have already popped up at events and were only available at those events.

In honor of the return of this highly-sought-after collectible, two ultra-rare cards celebrating "Guns of the Apocalypse" and "Queen of Snakes" will be available at the "Queen of Snakes" world premiere on April 24th! BE THERE (or make sure you know someone who is going) and get yours, because they will ONLY be available at the premiere!

$19.99 per set
(+$4.99 shipping & handling)


Curling is an ice sport (it's the one with the rocks and the brooms) that has proven quite popular with many folks who help make the films of the Mihmiverse. Currently, there exist two official curling teams of the Mihmiverse, The Rock Monsters and Team Broomski.

Every year, the Four Seasons Curling Club hosts the Lupus 'Spiel, a bonspiel (curling terminology for "tournament") which serves as a fundraiser to fight Lupus, a long-term autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system becomes hyperactive and attacks normal, healthy tissue. Lupus affects approximately 1.5 million Americans and at least 5 million people worldwide.

Two familiar Mihmiverse faces, monster-of-all-trades Michael Kaiser and Alice Mihm (last seen as Hope in "Guns of the Apocalypse"), have signed up under the name Team Broomski to compete in this year's Lupus Spiel! One of the best facets of this particular event is that "regular Joe" players are able to play on teams skipped (another curling term meaning "captained") by internationally ranked curling teams, some of whom are multiple medal-winning Olympians!

Michael and Alice are currently seeking donations for their slots in the bonspiel and would love your help! AND, the more they raise, the better their chances to select a team with a REALLY GOOD skip!

Let's show the Lupus Research Foundation just how generous fans of the Mihmiverse can be and help their mission of finding a cure within the next seven years! To donate, go HERE!

The Lupus Spiel will take place at the Four Seasons Curling Club the first weekend of May!

Angry at her daughter/caretaker for being directly responsible for her paraplegia, the reclusive Mrs. Crawford accidentally receives a package containing a mysterious amulet. The ancient treasure grants her the horrific powers of a lesser Norse goddess known as the Queen of Snakes and, in a quest to control them, becomes a danger to herself...and potentially the ENTIRE WORLD!

The DVD contains a high quality digital transfer of the film and several exclusive special features, including a blooper reel, two photo galleries, featurettes, feature-length commentary with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, English subtitles, Esperanto audio & subtitles and much more!

Feature Run Time: 1 hour, 9 minutes. Widescreen, NOT RATED.

NOTE: This item is pre-order only! All pre-ordered copies will ship on or around April 24th, 2019.

$9.99 (+$3.99 shipping & handling)

Check here if the shipping address is outside of the U.S.
Check here to include writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's autograph
NOTE: Autographs require removal of a DVD's protective plastic wrap.
By selecting this option, you agree to allow us to do this!
The latest episode of the Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast has arrived!

This month, host writer/director Christopher R. Mihm gets excited about the forthcoming "Queen of Snakes" world premiere, discusses how you can help keep the Mihimverse films on Amazon, and reveals some tantalizing secrets about the new movie in development, "The Phantom Lake Kids in The Beast Walks Among Us!"

Also included: "The Kansas City Crypt" with Monster Movie Kid Rich Chamberlain, a little recap of the "month that was" at Monster Kid Radio, and another "joke" from Dr. Bob Tesla of Midnight Monster Movies with Dr. Bob.

To download an .mp3 of the audiocast, click HERE, visit archive.org where the file is stored or download it free from iTunes!

Otherwise, if you'd like to listen to the episode right from this browser window, click the play button on the player below!

The Mihmiverse Monthly Audiocast is hosted by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and is focused specifically on what's going on RIGHT NOW in the Mihmiverse. In addition, Mr. Mihm will discuss the monster movie-making process, touch briefly on the future of the 'verse, pontificate on random subjects, and be joined by guests from within and without the Mihmiverse. PLUS, each episode will include something unique you won't find anywhere else!

April 13, 2019 - 7:00PM
Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm will personally present and discuss his film, "Weresquito: Nazi Hunter," during "Movie Night" at Central Arts of Bedford!

Central Arts of Bedford, 2816 Central Drive #140, Bedford, TX
April 14, 2019 - 4:00PM, $5.00
Christopher R. Mihm returns to the Alamo Drafthouse in Richardson, TX for a screening of "Destination: Outer Space!"

Alamo Drafthouse, 100 South Central Expressway #14, Richardson, TX
April 24, 2019 - doors at 6:30PM, movie at 7:30PM
"Queen of Snakes" holds its world premiere at the historic Heights Theater!

In addition to the main attraction, attendees will enjoy a program complete with hand-picked, era-appropriate newsreels, classic trailers, appearances by most (if not all) of the cast and crew, autographs, photo opportunities with the title creature, and a silent auction! DVDs, posters, and other exclusive merchandise will also be on sale!

Advance tickets are now ON SALE HERE!

Heights Theater, 3951 Central Avenue NE, Columbia Heights, MN
April 26-28, 2019
Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and the first lady of the Mihmiverse, Stephanie Mihm, will be selling Mihmiverse merchandise and presenting Mihmiverse movie screenings at StarFest in Denver!

Check out the StarFest website for more information!
Don't live near one of the cities where the films of Christopher R. Mihm are screening? Why not check with an independently-owned theater near you about hosting a Mihm-movie-night event?

Please contact us at info@sainteuphoria.com for more information. Depending on scheduling and distance, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and a monster or two may even make it to your event!

For a complete list of Mihmiverse-related events, visit (and bookmark) the SaintEuphoria.com events page!
Welcome to the Mihmiverse Monthly feature where we talk to YOU, the fans! Every month, we choose a random Mihmivite and ask them a few Mihmiverse-related questions in an attempt to get to know them better and find out what they REALLY think about the films of Christopher R. Mihm!

This month, we interview Joe Richards!

Introduce yourself to the Mihmiverse!
My brother and I share an old farmhouse in mid-Michigan. It's the same farm house we grew up in with our parents, grandparents, an uncle, and the four of us kids. Our closest neighbors were our cousins about a mile down the road. Get-togethers with our cousins and other neighbors were common and usually consisted of hot chocolate and sledding down the barn hill in the winter, kites and tree climbing in the spring, baseball in the field with old tires as bases in summer, and hoops with the rim attached to side of the barn in fall. After-school often included old movies on television like Abbott and Costello, Charlie Chan mysteries, and Johnny Weismueller as Tarzan. Our uncle introduced us to the drive-in back in the day.

Trained to teach. I now work in a residential setting that houses abused and neglected boys who are trying to reunite with family or have no home to return to.

When and how did you discover the films of Christopher R. Mihm?
About six months ago, I concluded there was so little mainstream film that peaked my interest I began looking for movies we used to watch together as a family, either at home on a rented VHS player or at the drive-in. We even rented video disc players when they were available! It was a big deal to go to the rental store and get the machine and movies.

Looking for old Harryhausen, Corman, Romero movies and being a fan of the old Universal monsters (especially the Wolfman and the Creature from the Black Lagoon), I was noticing a "late night" theme. A search for "late night movies" lead to writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's 2014 film, "The Late Night Double Feature," and I was hooked! It had the look and feel of the movies I would watch with my family on weekends, and it made me instantly want to share this experience with others! Upon Watching more of the films of the Mihmiverse and losing myself in the well-written stories and, quite honestly, the artistry of the films, I wondered why it had taken so long for me to discover these movies!

If you had to pick just ONE, which of the Mihmiverse films would be your favorite?
Choosing just one film is difficult! As an introduction for others, I always recommend "Danny Johnson Saves The World." Anyone can watch that and it works as a family film. My personal favorite would probably be "Terror from Beneath the Earth." I love everything about that film. The acting is great, the story is well written, the banter is funny, and it is also a caring presentation of family and community coming together for the greater good. Is that making too much of it? There is an innocence and concern that is captured that just seems to be glossed over in so many films now, if it even exists. "Guns Of The Apocalypse" is also a strong contender. There is something about every film that makes it kind of special!

Tell us how you, in particular, show your "Mihmiverse pride!"
I often use social media to share links and information about the films because it is an easy way to get the word out. I make specific recommendations to specific people who I believe would appreciate Mr. Mihm's films and let them know how to view them. Basically, I tout the films and tell people about them all of the time—highlighting the fact that this is independent, community-based filmmaking and an excellent example of what can be done when one really puts their mind to something and tries! Also, I stress that these films are a fine example of people who love the genre and treat it with respect, rather than ridiculing it or belittling others who appreciate it.

Where would you like to see the Mihmiverse go in the future?
I would love for these films to be shown more often in smaller community settings. To see people who appreciate these films make the effort to think out of the box and find ways to introduce these films to their communities as events and gatherings. My hope is writer/director Christopher R. Mihm will continue to be successful with these films and garner a larger and larger audience, all while never losing that sense of community. Lastly, I'd love to see Mr. Mihm spend time developing new ways to expand the artistic community locally.
Want to be interviewed for a future edition of the Mihmiverse Fan Focus? Send an email to info@sainteuphoria.com and let us know! Maybe next month the subject will be YOU!
Queen of Blood (1966)
Directed by Curtis Harrington
Starring Basil Rathbone, Dennis Hopper and Judi Meredith

First contact with an alien species is made and while the alien envoy is en route to Earth, its spacecraft crashes on Mars. A rescue mission is launched and, upon locating the wreckage, scans indicate no signs of life...EXCEPT, an intact escape pod is found on the Martian moon Phobos and the crew finds something DID survive: a green, humanoid female! As they escort the mysterious woman back to Earth, members of the crew start turning up dead, with their bodies drained entirely of blood! Retro sci-fi thrills, chills, and scares ensue! The film is pure mid-1960s science fiction and is vaguely reminiscent of the "king" of that particular era: the original "Star Trek" series. Oversaturated candy-colored lighting and costumes create a distinct look and feel, with some of the special effects footage taken from a couple of Soviet films. All things considered, "Queen of Blood" is an entertainingly cheeseball experience. Highly recommended!
— Christopher R. Mihm
What's Canoe With You?

Who doesn't love the Canoe Cops!? Over the years, the Mihmiverse has featured them in a variety of ways. Below are 7 questions. If you can answer them correctly...well, I think I've said too much already.

NOTE: Answers to the questions below INCLUDE "The Monster of Phantom Lake: The Musical!"

1. In what 4 films do the Canoe Cops appear?
2. Two actors have played Sven. Name them.
3. What is the Canoe Cop motto?
4. In "The Giant Spider," what was the name of the character (played by Cherie "Rhuby" Gallinati) in charge of the Canoe Cop Ladies Auxiliary?
5. By what nickname are the ladies of the auxiliary known as?
6. Award-winning writer Stephen D. Sulllivan wrote a book about the Canoe Cops. What was the title?
7. What song are the Canoe Cops famous for?
Scroll to the bottom of the Mihmiverse Monthly for the answers.
— Mike Cook
Man Explores Space!

Welcome once again to The Retro-Spective! I hope you are enjoying it each month. This month, we are going to talk about man venturing out to explore among the stars. This is the setting of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's film, "Destination: Outer Space," and contains a story clearly inspired by several sci-fi movies of the era of "drive-in cinema." The following is my attempt to dig a little deeper into this specific genre. Let take a look...

Maybe the best "man in space" movie of the '50s is "Forbidden Planet." Released in 1956, this film boasts a writing credit for William Shakespeare. The story is (very) loosely based on Shakespeare's "The Tempest." A great story backed with state-of-the-art special effects made this film stand out from the pack and it has now gained status as one of the greatest science fiction films of all time. It also gave us the first appearance of Robbie the Robot. Robbie would go on to appear in many other films and TV shows and was the basis of the robot in "Lost in Space." Fun fact: the Walt Disney Company was called in to provide the special effects of the "id" monster.

"Forbidden Planet" (1956)

While "Forbidden Planet" may be considered the best, the era gave us many other examples that fit the subject of this month's column. 1958's "From the Earth to the Moon" gave us Joseph Cotton and George Sanders in a tale of a rocket to the moon that takes place right after the Civil War. Based on a story by Jules Verne, it has a bittersweet ending that elevates it above a lot of 1950s sci-fi.

"Rocketship X-M" (1950) starred Lloyd Bridges as the captain of a rocket crew flying off to explore Mars. I don't want to give it away, but "Cave Women on Mars" owes a debt to this film. Another bittersweet ending shows mankind's drive to explore outweighs the dangers of space exploration.

Mars was a popular destination in the movies of the 1950s. In 1951's "Flight to Mars," an American team of space explorers find and are captured by the last of the dying Martian race. Rumor has that this not-quite-classic film was shot in only five days!

Traveling to outer space has never stopped being a popular subject for movies. From "2001: A Space Odyssey" to "Planet of the Apes," "Alien," and "Interstellar" (and many others), Hollywood has enjoyed trying to depict the enduring allure of space exploration. These voyages are fraught with danger, aliens, and the human desire to overcome all obstacles. All of this is also true about the 2010 Mihmiverse film, "Destination: Outer Space."

It's the story of Captain Mike Jackson (the son of Professor Jackson from "The Monster of Phantom Lake") and his test flight of the Earth's first faster-than-light speed rocket. Early Mihmiverse regular Josh Craig stars as both Captain Mike and his father, the good Professor.

A personal Mihmiverse favorite of mine, Catherine Hansen, appears as the beautiful and mysterious space pirate Yureena Null. Always a solid performer in the Mihmiverse, Ms. Hansen turns in another great performance. I always enjoy seeing her on screen and this is no exception, particularly because it's the first time she appears in a Mihmiverse movie!

Several Mihmiverse regulars are heard but not seen in this movie. If you listen carefully, you will hear the voices of Mike Cook, Shannon McDonough, and writer/director Christopher R. Mihm. Though we don't hear his voice or see his face, Michael G. Kaiser appears as several creatures. "Destination: Outer Space" is the first film to include contributions by monster creator Mitch Gonzales and the man steps into several monster roles, as well (including multiple Oculons and Ominai Crusaders).

Robots, strange alien races, and monsters from mysterious worlds all come together to make this a classic thrill ride of adventure. Will the brave Captain Jackson make it back to Earth? The only way to find out is to watch! You can get your own copy of "Destination: Outer Space at sainteuphoria.com. It is currently available on DVD and will soon be released on Blu-Ray! AND, if you happen to be in the Dallas/Fort Worth area on April 14th, Christopher R. Mihm will personally be hosting a screening of the film at the Alamo Drafthouse in Richardson! I will also be there, so please stop by and say hello!

Thank you for reading! See you next month!
— Michael J. Cross
Did you know that "The Monster of Phantom Lake: The Musical!" is now available to be performed by schools and theatre companies nationwide?!

We offer carefully prepared materials of similar (or higher) quality than what you would receive from one of the big Broadway theatrical licensing companies. However, our independent licensing model allows us offer individualized service catered to your organization. When you decide to license a show with us, the success of your production becomes our number-one priority! Heck, the authors might even fly out to see one of your shows!

Production packages include scripts, orchestra books, and conductor/accompanist scores (condensed and full score options), all professionally printed in a beautiful and clean format. We even include rehearsal backing tracks that fully match the music printed in the libretto and on the cast recording CD! This is a great option for productions where using a live orchestra isn't possible, for "black box" style theaters, or when your group doesn't have a rehearsal accompanist regularly available.

We also include free logos for use in your advertising materials, and we can offer personalized graphic design as well as transpositions of vocal and orchestra parts on demand. Visit monsterofphantomlake.com to hear songs from the show, learn more about the script, and request a quote, perusal script, or license agreement.
"Cave Women on Mars," "Destination: Outer Space," "House of Ghosts," "The Giant Spider," "The Late Night Double Feature," "Weresquito: Nazi Hunter," "The Monster of Phantom Lake: The Musical!," "Demon with the Atomic Brain," "Guns of the Apocalypse," and "Queen of Snakes" DVDs are now available at SaintEuphoria.com, the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm.

In addition, exclusive movie posters, collectibles and other merchandise are now in stock. Everything is available in extremely limited quantities, so get yours today before they run out!
The Trivia Corner answers: 1. "The Monster of Phantom Lake," "It Came From Another World!," "Danny Johnson Saves the World" and "The Monster of Phantom Lake: The Musical!," 2. M. Scott Taulman and Greg Kernkamp, 3. To Serve and Protect, 4. The Boss, 5. The Paddle Girls, 6. "Canoe Cops vs. The Mummy," 7. "Paddlin' Along"

Copyright © and All Rights Reserved
Saint Euphoria LLC 2019

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