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Thursday, December 25, 2008
As a special holiday treat, we've been given permission to release this one teaser image from next year's "Terror from Beneath the Earth!" The scene depicts Dan Sjerven's character Stan Johnson (with Stephanie Mihm's Rosemary Bennett hiding in the background) presumably searching deep in the Wisawa caves for his lost children. Enjoy!

Terror from Beneath the Earth!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Happy Holidays to you and yours! Stay safe, stay warm and, as always, keep a-rockin', a-rollin', and all-the-way-a-ramblin'!

Thursday, December 18, 2008
A special note from writer/director Christopher R. Mihm:
"As work continues on next year's 'Terror from Beneath the Earth,' there's some unfortunate 'geek news' to report. Majel Barrett-Roddenberry, wife of 'Star Trek' creator Gene Roddenberry, has passed away. In addition to playing Number One in the original 'Star Trek' pilot (a character that resurfaced when the episode was 'repackaged' by writing it into the only two-part episode of the original series, 'The Menagerie'), she was best known as Nurse Chapel on the original series, Deanna Troi's mother, Lwaxana, on 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' and the voice of the computer on most of the modern incarnations of the show (including the forthcoming J.J. Abrams directed original series reboot). As a fan of all things 'Star Trek,' and for its enduring influence on my work, I am saddened by this news. I wish her family, friends and all of 'Trek-dom' well. Mrs. Barrett-Roddenberry will be sorely missed."
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! Along with half the cast of the forthcoming "Terror from Beneath the Earth," writer/director Christopher R. Mihm spent the long weekend in Mukwonago, Wisconsin, home of the real Phantom Lake. It's an incredibly nice and welcoming little town and, if you ever get the chance, worth a visit!

On a happy note, we've been informed that Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards) has sufficiently recovered from his bout with Cholelithiasis and filming on "Terror from Beneath the Earth" will resume this Saturday!

Lastly, the December issue of the Phantom Lake Almanac has been posted. This month's issue includes a classic movie review of 1957's "The Deadly Mantis," an interview with Professor Jackson himself, Josh Craig, and much more! Check it out by selecting it from the archive above OR, if you'd like to be notified when the newsletter is posted each month, join the mailing list by signing the guestbook (top right of this page) and checking the "I want to receive updates..." box!

Saturday, November 22, 2008
This just in! Filming on "Terror from Beneath the Earth" scheduled to take place this weekend had to be cancelled after one of the film's stars, Mike Cook, was unceremoniously laid up after being diagnosed with Cholelithiasis, which is more commonly known as gallstones. In the new film, Mr. Cook, who is best known as Canoe Cop Gustav (from "The Monster of Phantom Lake" and its sequel "It Came From Another World!"), plays one of the main characters, scientist Dr. Vincent Edwards. Mr. Cook has informed us he is on the mend and should be back in top shape in no time. We here at the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm wish Mike well and hope for a speedy recovery.

If you would like to send Mr. Cook your best get-well wishes, send them to us and we'll pass them on to him.

The scenes slated to film this weekend have been rescheduled and the delay should in no way affect the late-spring/early-summer release of "Terror from Beneath the Earth!"

Friday, November 14, 2008
As many of you know, this site has been rather quiet lately BUT, that doesn't mean a lot isn't going on! In fact, production of "Terror from Beneath the Earth" has been a-rockin' and a-rollin' along. With principal photography taking place mainly on weekends, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm has taken advantage of the weekdays to get a little editing done. If things continue at the current pace, the movie may be done earlier than previously expected! In fact, a late-April/early-May release date doesn't seem that unrealistic at this point. But, again, that depends on how things go over the next couple months.

As always, stay tuned...

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Did you remember to stop by this site yesterday and catch the 24-hours-only "Terror from Beneath the Earth" teaser video? If you did, you joined literally HUNDREDS of other fans who saw the exciting and unbelievably frightening minute-and-a-half clip. Unfortunately, the video is no longer accessible and won't be seen again until the film is released NEXT YEAR! We hope you didn't miss it!

In other news, we got a nice little write-up about the teaser over at the great horror-themed website Dread Central. We've posted the text of it on the press page.

Thursday, October 30, 2008
"Terror from Beneath the Earth" is about to be released... a little. As a special Halloween treat, this site has been given permission to release a short, exclusive video teaser for the forthcoming film, "Terror from Beneath the Earth!"

What's the catch? The video will ONLY be available for viewing on Halloween. The teaser will be embedded on this page on October 31st at 12:01am (Central) and taken down at 11:59pm the same day. This is the ONLY time this footage will be available before the actual release of the film next year!

Tell everyone you know and make sure you visit this site on Halloween to catch a glimpse of what promises to be the most frightening movie EVER MADE!

Also, we have finally run out of "The Monster of Phantom Lake" and "It Came From Another World!" posters! Unfortunately, we don't know when we'll be getting more but rest assured, when we do, we'll let you know!

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Check it out! The first official "Terror from Beneath the Earth" image!

The image to the left was released exclusively to this site today by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm. It appears Mr. Mihm has decided to toy with us fans by purposely releasing a small and incomplete teaser image from the currently-in-production "Terror from Beneath the Earth."

We're told this image is from the first scene in the film and depicts actress Elizabeth Kaiser in her role as Alice Johnson. From the looks of it, something not-so-good is about to happen to her!

When pressed about when we'd see some actual footage, the coy writer/director mentioned something about the newest film being "the perfect Halloween movie."

Now, if we know Mr. Mihm (and we're pretty sure we do), we know for a fact that he loves to play games with people and wouldn't mention the word "Halloween" for no reason. Stay tuned...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Lots of small news tidbits to report today!

First, this past weekend's Jack-O-Lantern Jaunt was a rousing success. The weather was comfortable (for October in Wisconsin), the crowds were large, "Cave Women on Mars" was well received and much fun was had by all. For proof, check out the photo (left) of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and Michael Kaiser (in semi-Ojjo mode) taken at the event!

Secondly, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm was contacted by Monster Island News after we posted their blog article last week and they were able to glean more information out of the notoriously tight-lipped filmmaker regarding "Terror from Beneath the Earth." As such, they posted a new entry about the currently-in-production movie and, as expected, we've posted it on the press page. It's short but informative so check it out!

Lastly, we've been informed that "Cave Women on Mars" did not win any of the awards it was up for at this year's ShockerFest. However, it did receive an honorable mention in the "Best Sci-Fi Feature" category.

Thursday, October 16, 2008
The entire Saint Euphoria Pictures / All For George Productions crew is off to Mukwonago, Wisconsin (home of the actual Phantom Lake) for this year's Jack-O-Lantern Jaunt and two outdoor screenings of "Cave Women on Mars." We'll be back on Sunday, hopefully with pictures! We hope to see you there! For more information about the event, visit the Jack-O-Lantern Jaunt website or our screenings page.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monster Island News, a great blog about all things horror, sci-fi and giant monster, just posted the first article anywhere about the new film, "Terror from Beneath the Earth." The site's "master-of-ceremonies," Ken Hulsey, has been quite supportive of the Saint Euphoria Pictures / All For George team (and specifically writer/director Christopher R. Mihm) over the years and we greatly appreciate the article! It's been added to the press section if you're interested in reading it!

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Principal photography on the new film, "Terror from Beneath the Earth" has begun! The first scene to go before cameras was, in fact, the first scene in the entire film and introduces actress Elizabeth Kaiser's character and the main set used in the film, the Wisawa caves. Other scenes filmed included a pivotal one that introduces the main antagonist and another taking place entirely within its lair. We should have photos to share soon so stay tuned!

Sunday, October 5, 2008
This past weekend's first annual Sci-Fi Weekend at the Stardust Drive-in was an unbridled success! Along with Saturday's well-attended classic car show, the triple feature of "Cave Women on Mars," "The Monster of Phantom Lake," and "It Came From Another World!" was very positively received. In fact, the entire weekend felt about as close to the classic drive-in experience as you could possibly get!

Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, actor and fellow producer Josh Craig (Professor Jackson/Captain Jackson/Director Jackson), actors Stephanie Mihm (The High Priestess), Michael Kaiser (The Monster/Ojjo/Martian Slave) and Mike Cook (Gustav) all made appearances and signed many autographs. Michael Kaiser even got his picture taken with some adoring, monster-loving, pint-sized fans!

The owners and staff of the drive-in were beyond wonderful, treating everyone like rustic royalty. The venue is, by far, the nicest, cleanest and most inviting drive-in any one of us has EVER been to. We can't wait to go back! If you ever get a chance to visit this jewel in the middle of Wisconsin, DO IT. And for all those who couldn't make it this weekend, you missed a truly unforgettable event!

Photos, from left to right: writer/director Christopher R. Mihm stands at the drive-in entrance, Michael Kaiser (The Monster/Ojjo/Martian Slave) poses with a star-struck fan.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Along with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, stars Elizabeth Kaiser, Michael Kaiser, Elliott Mihm and Dan Sjerven have spent countless hours building the "Wisawa Caves," the main set for the next film, "Terror from Beneath the Earth." The papier-mâché cavern took forty pounds of flour, six months of Sunday papers (plus ads), more cardboard than was kept track of (which is to say, A LOT), a full bolt of paper and three gallons of paint. The crew are within days of completion with principal photography to begin shortly thereafter! Stay tuned for more updates and photos!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The 2008 ShockerFest International Film Festival nominations have just been announced and "Cave Women on Mars" is up for two awards: "Best Sci-Fi Feature" (which "It Came From Another World!" won last year) and the "Larry Stanley 'B' Movie Award!" The first-ever "Larry Stanley 'B' Movie Award" is being given in honor of the memory of the founder of Although their names were suggested to the selection committee by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, Dan Sjerven (Lt. Elliott) and Alana Bloom (Orla) were, unfortunately, not nominated for awards this year.

For more information about the film festival and other upcoming screenings, visit the screenings page.

Saturday, September 13, 2008
"Cave Women on Mars" has been accepted to the 2008 ShockerFest International Film Festival! Taking place October 3rd through the 5th and currently in its seventh year, the festival celebrates independent horror, sci-fi, fantasy and animated films.

Screening at ShockerFest has become a bit of a tradition for writer/director Christopher R. Mihm as both his previous films, "The Monster of Phantom Lake" and "It Came From Another World!" screened at the annual event where both films received awards, "Director's Choice" and "Best Sci-Fi Feature" respectively.

This year, "Cave Women on Mars" screens on Saturday, October 4th at 3:15 PM. For more information, visit the festival's website or our screenings page.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Terror from Beneath the EarthTerror from Beneath the EarthSince it's been a bit slow lately for site news, we've decided to show you why! Pre-production on the next film, "Terror from Beneath the Earth," is chugging along at an incredible pace. Ninety percent of the film takes place within a series of caves and caverns and unfortunately, the production team doesn't have access to real caves. So what's an enterprising independent film crew to do? Build one, of course!

Though the cave set is not complete, shown here are a couple of behind-the-scenes photos taken during construction. The photo at left shows actress Elizabeth Kaiser (who played an acolyte of the priestesshood in "Cave Women on Mars" and will play the much larger role of "Alice Johnson" in the new film) working hard creating craggy rock walls out of papier-mâché. The photo on the right shows the almost finished cave entrance. Actor Michael Kaiser (who plays the main creature in the film and previously played both the monster in "The Monster of Phantom Lake" and two roles in "Cave Women on Mars") suggested shooting the film with the faux-rock walls as-is but, ultimately, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm decided against it!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The tradition will continue! Following in the footsteps of "The Monster of Phantom Lake" and "It Came From Another World!," "Cave Women on Mars" will screen at the Jack-o-Lantern Jaunt in Mukwonago, Wisconsin! Mukwonago, home of the actual Phantom Lake, will again host this great family-friendly event where Field Park (esentially the town's "Central Park") is decorated by hundreds of carved, lit pumpkins placed along the walking path that runs through it. The movie will be screened "drive-in style" in the middle of the park. Bring your own seating! Admission is only $1.00 per person and the proceeds go to good local causes.

For more information about this and other screenings of the films of Christopher R. Mihm, make sure to visit our screenings page!

Monday, August 25, 2008
Although this has little to do with the ongoing work on "Terror from Beneath the Earth," we were amused to see that the newest tropical storm currently bearing down on Haiti is named... Gustav! Wacky.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Terror from Beneath the EarthIn the interest of teasing you, the fans, we're releasing this very interesting preview photo from the in-production "Terror from Beneath the Earth."

We're not going to say EXACTLY what's in this photo but, rest assured, it's part of what may be the most terrifying film ever to be released!

"Terror from Beneath the Earth" is currently in pre-production with an eye toward a summer 2009 release.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

While cleaning a large storage area in writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's basement (the future home of the "Terror from Beneath the Earth" cave set), he came across some rather incredible treasures... including a piece of previously-believed-lost-forever Saint Euphoria Pictures history!

During the original "The Monster of Phantom Lake" shoot, the "Lobo's dog tags" prop went missing, thought to have been dropped and lost in the woods. But, while cleaning out his old camera bag (since replaced by a sturdy, hard case), Mr. Mihm was surprised to find the long-absent prop hiding underneath one of the bag's carboard separators! Needless to say, he was dumbfounded and ecstatic to have the tags back in his possession.

But... that wasn't all. After removing a non-descript cardboard box from a large, cobweb-infested plastic container, Mr. Mihm was excited-as-heck to find some extra Phantom Lake Canoe Corps Patches and "The Monster of Phantom Lake" and "It Came From Another World!" posters! Since all three items have been unavailable for almost a year, we quickly added them to the merchandise page. They are only available in EXTREMELY limited quantities so ORDER YOURS TODAY before they're gone!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
We've updated the "Terror from Beneath the Earth" page! The new page (found in the movies section) includes a synopsis of the film (recently revealed in the August Phantom Lake Alamanc, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm), some preliminary behind-the-scenes credits AND a full cast list -- which, for the first time, includes returning favorite Justen Overlander, who originally appeared as Jonathan in "The Monster of Phantom Lake!" Summer 2009 can't come soon enough!

Monday, August 4, 2008
Terror from Beneath the EarthPreproduction on the next Saint Euphoria Pictures / All For George Productions blockbuster "Terror from Beneath the Earth" has begun and is moving full speed ahead -- and we have photographic evidence!

After writing a script about a horrible cave-dwelling monster, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm realized that since he had no access to real caves, he had to build one!

Construction on the "Wisawa cave system" to be featured in the film began with the creation of removable (and repositionable) stalactites and stalagmites. The faux rock formations are made of inverted wire "tomato cages" covered in papier-mâché (and hours of sweat). The photo (right) shows them drying in the director's garage before being treated to a coat of paint plus sand for texture. Though they look quite rough here, once you see them in the completed film, you won't believe they started out so modestly!

"Terror from Beneath the Earth" is the latest film written and directed by Christopher R. Mihm. The movie is currently in preproduction with principal photography tentatively scheduled for November and December 2008. The film is slated for a target release "time horizon" of summer 2009.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Three new updates for the screenings page!

First, we posted information about an event mentioned last week: The first annual Stardust Drive-in Sci-Fi Weekend at the Stardust Drive-in in Chetek, Wisconsin (less than two hours outside the Twin Cities). Scheduled to take place over the course of the first weekend in October, festivities include a classic car show (Saturday only) and a triple-feature screening of "Cave Women on Mars," "The Monster of Phantom Lake" and "It Came From Another World!"

Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and many of the actors and crew will be on hand to host special contests and give-aways. Also, there is a really good chance that, as a special bonus, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm will be showing an exclusive sneak-peek at his next film, "Terror from Beneath the Earth!"

This is the perfect opportunity to see all three films in the venue they were absolutely MADE FOR so DO NOT MISS THIS CHANCE!

Second, the Landlocked Film Festival has posted its schedule for this year's event. "Cave Women on Mars" will be screening on Saturday, August 23 at 5:30PM and is free to attend! Many cast and crewmembers will be in attendance including (but not necessarily limited to) writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and stars Brooke Lemke (Eina), Stephanie Mihm (The High Priestess), Michael Kaiser (Ojjo/Martian Slave) and Elizabeth Kaiser (Acolyte)!

So come and help stimulate the flood-ravaged Iowa City economy by attending this, the Iowa (and film festival) debut of the critically acclaimed, award-winning film!

Lastly, "Cave Women on Mars" screens as the main attraction at the third annual Twin Cities Underground Film Festival. The festival takes place in Minneapolis on Saturday, September 20th and Sunday, September 21st. The film is scheduled to screen at 7:00PM on Saturday night. Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and star Josh Craig are slated to attend.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Today we posted a new review of "Cave Women on Mars" that was forwarded to us by its author. The review is very much on the positive side and will appear in the next issue of Scarlet: The Film Magazine. Give it a read in the press section!

Friday, July 25, 2008, a website about the independent filmmaking scene of Minnesota, has just posted a nice interview with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm. The interview took place last summer during filming of "Cave Women on Mars." It's a great interview and will only be available for a very limited time. Check it out as soon as you can at the Minnewood website (

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
As some of you may have noticed, what was once the movie page for "Attack of the Killer Robot," changed to "Escape From Planet X," and then, without explanation, to yet another title, "Terror from Beneath the Earth." It's a long, convoluted story why but, here's the abridged version: after spending many nights working on the "Attack of the Killer Robot" script, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm realized that his vision as written would have cost far too much to produce. Not wanting to compromise on his aforementioned vision, he decided instead to delve into "plan B," the previously announced "Escape From Planet X." That film was on track until it came to light that actor Josh Craig, who was to play the main character in the film, was unavailable to film until, at the earliest, next summer. As such, it put Mr. Mihm into a quandry. Not wanting to let an entire year slip without making another film (wouldn't want to disappoint the fans), he thought long and hard about what to do. Finally, he had an epiphany; it was time to return to the tried-and-true fun and excitement of the "creature feature." Thus, "Terror from Beneath the Earth" was born.

As of today, the script for "Terror from Beneath the Earth" is complete. The film is slated to go before cameras in November and December of this year, with a target release "time horizon" of summer 2009. So far the cast tentatively includes returning favorites Mike Cook (Gustav), Dan Sjerven (Lt. Elliott), Stephanie Mihm (The High Priestess), and Elizabeth Kaiser (Acolyte). Also, returning to his costumed roots, Michael Kaiser will star as the title creature. An official synopsis will be released in the August Phantom Lake Almanac, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm. If you haven't signed up for the mailing list, do it today so as not to miss out on all the exclusive news and deals!

Monday, July 14, 2008
Denise Crosby!Along with "Cave Women on Mars" actors Dan Sjerven (Lt. Elliott), Michael Kaiser (Martian Slave/Ojjo), Elizabeth Kaiser (Acolyte) and Stephanie Mihm (The High Priestess), writer/director Christopher R. Mihm spent the weekend at the first annual OSFest in Omaha, Nebraska and had a transcendentally excellent time! For a first-year convention, the event was well attended and the quintet had a grand time rubbing elbows with fans old and new. Also, as evidenced by the photo, Mr. Mihm was able to meet (and photograph himself with) Denise Crosby, an incredible actor from his all-time favorite science fiction TV show, "Star Trek: The Next Generation." For those who may not know, Denise Crosby played Tasha Yar, security chief of the Enterprise-D, for the first season of the show. Although her character died during the first season, she was resurrected (in classic sci-fi style) and brought back numerous times throughout the show's seven-year run.

Mr. Mihm would like to personally thank the organizers of the convention for inviting him and allowing him to screen and sell his films! If you'll have him, he'll be there next year with bells on.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm was recently contacted by the owner of the Stardust Drive-in in Chetek, Wisconsin about the possibility of running a very special event: a triple feature of "Cave Women on Mars", "The Monster of Phantom Lake," and "It Came From Another World!" The event is still in the planning stages but it looks like it has at least a 90% chance of happening! This once-in-a-lifetime event would take place the first weekend of October and also include a classic car show! Again, this is still in the planning stages so as soon as we know more, we'll let you know. In the meantime, if it does happen, we're planning a very cool contest in conjunction with the event. Stay tuned...

Friday, July 4, 2008
"Cave Women on Mars" has just been accepted to the Landlocked Film Festival in Iowa City, Iowa (hometown of one of the film's stars, Brooke Lemke)! The schedule hasn't been posted yet but they've assured us that because the film has a local connection, it'll be screening in a prime Friday or Saturday night slot. The festival is FREE to attend and open to everyone. We encourage everyone to come to the festival if for no other reason than Iowa City has been ravaged by this year's flooding and could use an economic pick-me-up! Also, one of the organizers passed this flyer on to us which you absolutely must check out. Read the entire thing carefully to get the full effect!

We've posted the newest issue of the Phantom Lake Almanac, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm. The newsletter contains information on upcoming projects, screenings and events, classic movie recommendations and exclusive interviews with actors from the films. If you'd like to be notified when the newest Alamac is posted, sign up for our mailing list by filling out the form on this page!

Lastly, we were sent this great photo (left) from self-proclaimed "huge fan" Libby Witte of Woodbury, Minnesota. She recently spent time camping and canoeing in the pristine Boundry Waters area of Minnesota and proudly wore her Canoe Cops "official seal" t-shirt! We're soon going to be adding a photo gallery to this site so if you have any photos like this (or are even tangentially related to the films this site celebrates), send them to us as soon as is humanly possible and we'll post the best ones!

Have a happy, safe and fun Fourth of July!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
We've just added a whole slew o' new merchandise to the site! Not only are DVDs of all three films now available, but we've also added two exclusive "Cave Women on Mars" posters: the official poster and the ultra-rare teaser poster, previously only available at the 2007 Home Media Expo in Las Vegas! Not only that, but writer/director Christopher R. Mihm has offered to autograph DVDs and posters FOR FREE! All you have to do is ask! Order today before he changes his mind!

Friday, June 20, 2008
Happy Summer Solstice everybody! Enjoy the longest day of the year and if possible, donate your time and/or money to the people affected by the flooding in the upper midwest. Not only can you help people who need it but it'll feel pretty darn good.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
In the first of the many big announcements (mentioned yesterday), it is now official: the next Saint Euphoria Pictures film will NOT be "Attack of the Killer Robot" as previously announced (and listed on this site). Instead, the next film will be "Escape from Planet X," a space adventure described by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm as a cross between "Robinson Crusoe on Mars," "Forbidden Planet" and "2001: A Space Odyssey." Nothing beyond that tantalizing description has been released at this point but as soon as we have more details, we'll post them! In the meantime, we've replaced the "Attack of the Killer Robot" page (in the movies section) with a new "Escape from Planet X" page.

Monday, June 16, 2008
Not much to update today other than to let you all know that a pretty big announcement will be made VERY SOON about not only the direction of this site, but the next Saint Euphoria Pictures film and the cinematic future of Mr. Christopher R. Mihm. Stay tuned...

Thursday, June 5, 2008
New "Cave Women on Mars" merchandise! We've just added authentic MARS-1 mission patches (just like Captain Jackson and Lieutenant Elliott wear in the film) to the merchandise page. They're only $5 each! The patch is available in very limited quantities so grab yours NOW before they're gone.

In other news, Minnewood, the website dedicated to the Minnesota independent film scene, has just posted an exclusive video about the "Cave Women on Mars" premiere. It's not too long and it's pretty dang fun! Click the Minnewood link or go directly to the video HERE!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
It was a long and exciting weekend of screenings across the upper midwest! First, "Cave Women on Mars" screened as part of a weekend-long triple-feature at the Hi-way 18 Outdoor Theatre with two incredible films from cinematic giants Steven Spielberg ("Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull") and Martin Scorsese ("Shine a Light"). Check out the photo for proof! Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm was in awe to have had his movie playing with such high-profile films. He would also like to personally thank Lee Burgess, owner of the theater, for not only hosting the film but for such incredible hospitality.

On an unusually cold Memorial Day, "It Came From Another World!" screened at the newly re-opened Parkway Theater in Minneapolis as part of the Home Grown Cinema Series, which showcases the best in locally-produced feature film. The crowd was small but receptive. Actors Josh Craig (Professor Jackson) and Mike Cook (Gustav) were on hand to enjoy the night and the elusive Shannon McDonough (Julie Ann Saint Marie) put in an appearance.

We just posted the first not-so-positive review of "Cave Women on Mars" on the press page. The reviewer (from a movie blog called Max & Mike on the Movies) only gave it two (out of four) stars and the way we read it, he seems to have wished it was a bit more... modern. Either way, the review is thankfully short and a nice counter-argument to the overwhelming amount of positive press the film has so far received.

Lastly, a couple screening dates have shifted. Make sure to check out the screenings page to stay up-to-date on all future events!

Sunday, May 18, 2008
This weekend's screenings of "Cave Women on Mars" at the Woodbury 10 Theatre were exciting, fun and altogether well-received! Thank you to everyone who came down to see the film and stuck around afterwards to chat. We've posted a pair of photos of the event below!

Photos, from left to right: The marquee at the Woodbury Theatre, Michael Kaiser (Martian slave & Ojjo), writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and Elizabeth Kaiser (the "Space Nun") hang out and sell DVDs after the show.

Monday, May 12, 2008
We just posted a new review of "Cave Women on Mars" in the press section. The mostly positive review from Nic Brown, the B-Movie Man, had few bad things to say (mostly about the film's lack of actual caves!) and is worth a read!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
The new website goes live today! This is the brand-spankin' new site designed by and all about the films of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm. We'll be adding cool new features as time goes on so make a point to bookmark this site and come back every thirty minutes (if possible). Otherwise, you may miss out on some snippet o' news or information that your friends will find out before you and thus, you will cease to be cool. We don't want that and you don't want that.

Thursday, April 17, 2008
With this past weekend's ridiculously successful premiere of "Cave Women on Mars," the offers for additional screenings have come pouring in! We will be adding many more screenings to the screenings page as soon as details are finalized.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Great news Saint Euphoria fans! Director/Editor Christopher R. Mihm has completed the DVD authoring of "Cave Women On Mars!" All the special features, commentary, subtitles (with extra content!) and easter eggs in the menus are complete! Way to go Chris!

Pre-order Tickets to the April 12th premeire are still available at Admission Preorder. Not only does this advanced ticket guarantee you a seat at this great event it is also a $1 off coupon* for the DVD which will go on sale at the premiere! (*limit 1 coupon per DVD)

See you all at the premiere!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Tickets for the "Cave Women on Mars" World Premiere are now available for preorder! The event is scheduled for Saturday, April 12th, 2008 at the Heights Theatre in Columbia Heights, Minnesota.

"Cave Women on Mars" is the third retro-styled film from writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and co-conspirator Josh Craig. The film is a full-on space epic in the 1950's mold chronicling the discovery of beautiful, primitive, matriarchal warrior women during the first manned mission to the red planet. The movie promises adventure, romance and era-appropriate excitement! The film, if rated, would garner a PG for romantic situations, mild violence & language and some scary (to little kids, anyway) situations.

Visit the Events section on the Merchandise page to preorder your tickets or click HERE to be taken directly to the order page!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
There has been a lot of hype over the last week concerning a certain image of a creature on mars released from Nasa.

Is it a rock or is it where bigfoot lives? No one really knows but we here at Saint Euphoria Pictures definitely know it's one of the "ojjo" from "Cave Women On Mars!"

For more information, check out the "Cave Women On Mars" Official Trailer and come to the world premiere on April 12th at The Heights Theater at 7:30pm!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Big news! The newest film from Saint Euphoria Pictures / All for George Productions, "Cave Women on Mars" is complete! Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm completed editing the film early this morning (4:00 AM CST). Now begins the not-so-arduous process of authoring the DVD and creating accompanying art.

Also, the premiere date has been set: Saturday, April 12th, 2008 at the Heights Theatre in Columbia Heights, Minnesota. The event will be open to the public and, in keeping with tradition, a custom-made cake will be served following the film. More information will be made available as the date gets closer!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year! To start 2008 off on the right foot (and get you nice and excited about the forthcoming film), we've posted a special preview of "Cave Women on Mars" on YouTube! The clip is seven minutes long and consists of the complete, opening scene of the film.

© Saint Euphoria Pictures / All For George Productions