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Friday, December 25, 2009 The Mihmiverse wishes you a...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
 First off, we realize it has been more than two weeks since the last update. For that, we are truly sorry. With "Destination: Outer Space" still in active production AND the impending holidays, let it not be said we have not kept ourselves busy! So, to make it up to you, check out this extremely revealing (yet still cryptic) and VERY COOL exclusive still from the new film! We're told this is our first real image of the robot character ADAM played by both "monster master" Michael Kaiser and writer/director Christopher R. Mihm. We're guessing he's the one on the right. Unfortunately, there's not much there to see!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
 We've just posted the December issue of the newly redesigned Phantom Lake Alamanac, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm! In this issue we provide another exclusive image from next year's "Destination: Outer Space," an interview with associate producer Steven Hager, another classic movie of the month (the final film in the "Creature from the Black Lagoon" trilogy, 1956's "The Creature Walks Among Us"), and much more! Check it out!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Thursday, November 26, 2009 From the entire Mihmiverse to you and yours...
Saturday, November 21, 2009 It's here! We've just posted the full text of the Famous Monsters of Filmland review of "Terror from Beneath the Earth!" The reviewer seems to have liked it A LOT and has become an unabashed Mihmiverse fan. We've even been told he changed his cell phone ringtone to "Paddlin' Along!" Needless to say, the very positive review is worth reading! Check it out on the press or "Terror from Beneath the Earth" pages.
Wendesday, November 18, 2009 Making their way through the Mihmiverse catalog, Famous Monsters of Filmland just posted their review of "Cave Women on Mars." The review isn't quite as glowing as the previous two but it is still VERY positive! The reviewer seemed to like the authenticity of the film and specifically mentioned Josh Craig's portrayals of both Captain and Director Jackson as high points. If you want to read the article, visit the press or "Cave Women on Mars" pages.
Hopefully, a Famous Monsters of Filmland" review of "Terror from Beneath the Earth" isn't too far away! We can't wait to read it!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009 We've just added a brand new section to the website called "special features," a play on the extra fun stuff added to DVDs. We named it that specifically because it's the place where we'll be hosting all the "fun stuff," including downloads, links (including to the Mihmiverse wiki hosted by the "King of the Superfans," Mitch Obrecht), trailers, and (finally) photo galleries -- the first of which is for fan submitted photos. Browse over to the special features page to check it out and maybe submit your own!
We'll be adding more in the coming days so stay tuned...
Wendesday, November 11, 2009 Another day, another review! This time, Famous Monsters of Filmland took a look at "It Came From Another World!" and their article is the most positive review the film has ever received. The reviewer singled out the cast, the group sing-along "Paddlin' Along," and writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's attention to authentic detail. In fact, the review specifically mentions the retro-styled pacing as one of the things they liked about the movie! If you'd like to read the review, visit the press or "It Came From Another World!" pages.
Lastly, it was exactly three years ago today when writer/director Christopher R. Mihm fatefully put pen to contract and signed a three-year distribution deal with Shadow Creek Studios for "The Monster of Phantom Lake," the yet-to-be-released "It Came From Another World!" and the as-yet-to-be-written "Cave Women on Mars." Unfortunately, (or fortunately, depending on your particular point-of-view) the deal eventually went down the drain. Full rights for all three films reverted back to Mr. Mihm on January 1st, 2009 when Shadow Creek Studios failed to meet its agreed-upon obligations. Either way, since the original deals did not include automatic renewal, without the previous settlement, the full rights to "The Monster of Phantom Lake" would have been returned to Mr. Mihm today.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009 Almost four years since the release of "The Monster of Phantom Lake" and the film continues to garner positive press! We just posted a great review of the film from the newly re-launched Famous Monsters of Filmland, the seminal horror/sci-fi/fantasy magazine that, if you're at all a fan of classic monster films, you probably know well! Seems the reviewer REALLY liked writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's first film, giving it a glowing review that includes quite a few pictures and specific examples of the film's awesomeness, including mentioning how much they liked Professor Jackson's "hit" song, "A-rockin', A-rollin', All the Way A-ramblin'!" Needless to say, Mr. Mihm is very happy to have received such praise from a source as revered as Famous Monsters of Filmland!
The article is available on both the press and "The Monster of Phantom Lake" pages. Don't miss it!
Monday, November 9, 2009 We've just been informed (about a week late!) that the remaining pieces of principal photography for next year's "Destination: Outer Space" have been put on hold for roughly a month because Captain Jackson's family has expanded! That is to say, actor Josh Craig, best known as both Professor and Captain Jackson from various Mihmiverse productions, has welcomed a new member into his family with the birth of his son, Henry Oliver Craig! Though born three weeks before his due date, baby is doing well and keeping the good Captain on his toes (and minus some well-needed sleep). Congratulations, Captain!
"Destination: Outer Space" is still on track to be completed for next year, though the filming schedule had to be reshuffled. In the meantime, while the Craig family adjusts to their new bundle o' joy, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm has set his sights on editing the 20+ hours of footage he already has! As they say, no rest for the wicked!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
 Happy Halloween!
 | |  | Check out the photo to the right! This is a really cool, very creepy (appropriate for the holiday) shot of the marquee taken at last night's raucous and well-received screening of "Terror from Beneath the Earth!" For those that couldn't make it, you missed out on a rare treat. Sitting in a supposedly haunted theatre the night before Halloween and watching a great Mihmiverse monster film was truly a unique and unforgettably fun experience. Thanks to the Mounds Theatre for hosting such a cool event!
Also, we've just posted the November issue of the Phantom Lake Alamanac, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm! In this issue we provide a new, exclusive production still from next year's "Destination: Outer Space," an interview with associate producers Julie Miller and James Atkinson, another classic movie of the month (1955's Roger Corman flick "Day the World Ended"), and much more! Check it out!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Have a safe and fun day of tricks and treats!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009 With production of "Destination: Outer Space" entering the home stretch (less than a month to go on principal photography), we bring you an unrelated story involving writer/director Christopher R. Mihm... more or less. The following article from New York NPR affiliate WYNC was written by Joel Meyer, Mr. Mihm's old friend, one-time-roommate and former bandmate from back in the days when the B-movie-maker wanted nothing more than to be a famous drummer. The article tells the quirky little story of Mr. Mihm's first band Three Part Brain and its brush with fame in the form of Vernon Reid, guitarist for seminal 80s/90s rock group Living Colour. The article is well worth a read and provides a little insight into the writer/director's not-so-mysterious background. Check it out here: Living Colour: Getting 'Behind The Sun'.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

|  |  | As production of "Destination: Outer Space" chugs along, we thought we'd share this great photo from last weekend's Zombie Con X in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Pictured standing to the left of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm (who is wearing a too-awesome-for-words "Terror from Beneath the Earth" t-shirt!) is none other than actress Dee Wallace Stone! Since "E.T." is one of Mr. Mihm's all-time-favorite films, it was a true thrill for him to meet the woman who may be best known as the mom from that film. As you can tell, she was gracious enough to allow herself to be photographed with him AND, we are told, she even accepted a full set of his movies in exchange for an autographed photo!
Also, a reminder: "Terror from Beneath the Earth" will screen TWICE this weekend at the Jack-o-Lantern Jaunt in Mukwonago, Wisconsin -- home of the REAL Phantom Lake! Admission is only $1.00, with all proceeds slated to go to an excellent local cause. If you're around the area, come on down and enjoy the festivities!
To find out more information about this and other screenings scheduled over the next couple weeks, check out the screenings page!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 Zombie Con X has finally posted the screen times for "Terror from Beneath the Earth" (Saturday, October 10th, 1:00 PM) and "The Monster of Phantom Lake" (Sunday, October 11th, 1:00 PM) for this weekend's event in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Along with horror host Dr. Ivan Cryptosis, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm will be in attendance on Saturday to introduce his film. Check out the screenings page for location information!
Friday, October 2, 2009 As we do around the first of every month, we've posted the latest issue of the Phantom Lake Alamanac, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm! For this month, we provide a continuing look at the production of next year's "Destination: Outer Space," information about a ton of screenings scheduled this month, an interview with associate producer Sid Korpi, another classic movie of the month (1958's so-awful-it's-great "Monster from Green Hell"), and much more! Check it out!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
We've just been informed that "Terror from Beneath the Earth" wrapped up it's appearance at the 2009 ShockerFest International Film Festival this past weekend by snagging an award for "Best Science Fiction Feature" -- the same award "It Came From Another World!" won at the sixth annual ShockerFest in 2007! Congratulations to the cast and crew for a job well done!
In honor of this momentous occasion and for an extremely limited time, we're selling DVDs of "Terror from Beneath the Earth" for only $7.99! That's one heck of a deal so go to the merchandise page and buy one today to get a jump on your holiday shopping!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

|  |  | Yes, it's been over a week since our last update BUT, we assure you, it was worth the wait! Pictured to your left you'll find the latest image released by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm from his next film, "Destination: Outer Space!" Again, the image is quite cryptic but it clearly shows a strange, one-eyed alien creature of some kind. What it's doing or where it is is still unknown but it is BY FAR the coolest thing we've seen yet! According to Mr. Mihm, the creature was designed and built by Mitch Gonzales, a talented Minnesota-based make-up and prosthetics designer. Mr. Gonzales has created additional pieces for the film and will appear in the movie as a featured extra!
In other somewhat sad/strange news, production of the latest Mihmiverse film was put on hold yesterday after writer/director Christopher R. Mihm suffered an unusual lower back injury. It seems Mr. Mihm suffered a severe muscle strain while... cooking? No one is quite sure how or why it happened but the injury doesn't seem to be life-threatening -- simply painful. Unfortunately, it forced filming scheduled to take place next Sunday to be rescheduled to the following weekend to give Mr. Mihm extra time to recover.
Lastly, we've finally posted the audio from last Wednesday's interview with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and Mike Cook (Dr. Edwards/Gustav) featured on Not Picture Perfect on Blog Talk Radio. The interview is quite informative and entertaining and definitely worth a listen. Check it out on the press page!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009 We've just posted date and time information for the "It Came From Another World!" United Kingdom debut! The film will be screening on Saturday, October 17th at 11:00am (GMT) at the Bram Stoker International Film Festival in Whitby, England. Check out the screenings page for more information!
Monday, September 14, 2009 Last night's dual screenings of "Terror from Beneath the Earth" at the Micon Cinemas 8 in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin were a great success! Though competing with the opening games of football season, the event was well attended by a sizable and raucous crowd. Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and stars Mike Cook (Dr. Vincent Edwards) and Michael Kaiser (Deputy Hayes) were in attendance, and the mutant bat creature from the film showed up to pose for photos with brave fans! Check out the photos below for proof!
If you missed out on this exciting event, don't fret! Multiple screenings are scheduled across the country over the next couple months. Check out the screenings page for information on any and all events past, present and future!
Photos, from left to right: the marquee at the Micon, Mike Cook (Dr. Vincent Edwards) and writer/director Christopher R. Mihm take their lives into their own hands!
Friday, September 11, 2009 Don't forget! This sunday, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm brings his latest and cheesiest retro-styled-B-movie, "Terror from Beneath the Earth," to the Micon Cinemas 8 in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin for two shows at 5:15pm and 7:15pm! Come down and join us for a night of spectacular family-friendly fun and scares! Most of the cast and crew will be in attendance to meet, greet, sign autographs and sell DVDs and other merchandise. AND, the man in the monster costume (Michael Kaiser) will be there AS THE MUTANT BAT CREATURE FROM THE FILM to pose for photos with fans -- DON'T FORGET YOUR CAMERA!
As always, for all the up-to-the-minute information about screenings and appearances, check out (and bookmark) the screenings page!
Also, we just posted a short article that originally appeared in the Eau Claire Leader-Telegram newspaper. The article focuses on actor Mike Cook (Dr. Vincent Edwards/Gustav), his involvement in "Terror from Beneath the Earth" and other Mihmiverse films, and his views on acting for the stage vs. the screen. Check it out on the press page -- it's well worth the read!
Thursday, September 3, 2009

|  |  | It's finally here! After numerous requests and months of anticipation, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm has finally designed and released the first "Terror from Beneath the Earth" T-shirt! The final design (pictured, left) is available in black and includes an artistic rendering of the mutant bat creature from the film with a single (and wholly appropriate) word beneath -- "TERROR!" As with all Mihmiverse apparel, the T-shirt is available only from Zazzle.com. Buy yours today!
In other "Terror..." news, a new Halloween screening of "Terror from Beneath the Earth" has just been added to the calendar! The film will screen at 9:00 PM (CDT) on October 30th at the historic (and haunted!) Mounds Theatre in St. Paul, Minnesota as part of a special All Hallows' Eve celebration. Come down in costume, take a tour of the haunted theater, and support this St. Paul landmark and the non-profit organization that keeps it alive, Portage for Youth. Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm will be in attendance so make sure you say hello! For more information about this and other screenings, visit the screenings page.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009 We just posted the latest issue of the Phantom Lake Alamanac, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm! In this month's edition, we provide a look at what's going on with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's next film "Destination: Outer Space," information about a bunch of new screenings, an interview with associate producer Julie Zilka, another classic movie of the month (1957's "Kronos"), and much more! Check it out!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Friday, August 21, 2009 As we originally reported way back in March (before the film was even released), "Terror from Beneath the Earth" has been officially accepted into the eighth annual ShockerFest International Film Festival in Modesto, California! Referred to as the "Sundance of the Weird," ShockerFest celebrates science fiction, fantasy, horror and animated cinema.
"Terror from Beneath the Earth" will screen in a prime slot at 7:30 PM on Saturday, September 26th. In addition, the film has been nominated for two awards, the "Larry Stanley 'B Movie' Award" and "Best Science Fiction/Fantasy Feature," an award "It Came From Another World!" previously won at the 2007 ShockerFest! More information about this screening has been posted on the screenings page. For more information about ShockerFest, visit the event's official website.
In other news, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm has been booked to appear as a guest on Not Picture Perfect on Blog Talk Radio. The show is billed as "about nothing and about everything" with new episodes appearing (and simulcast live) every Wednesday at 11 PM Eastern. Mr. Mihm will appear on the show the evening of September 23rd so mark your calendars!
Also, though it may be a bit premature, a late-night, Halloween-themed screening of "Terror from Beneath the Earth" is in the works! The event is tentatively scheduled for 11:30 PM on Friday, October 30th at the Woodbury 10 Theatre in Woodbury, Minnesota. Plans are still being made and nothing's been set in stone but rest assured, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm assures us he has some tricks up his sleeve. Let's just say, he is planning much more than just showing the film. We hear rumors of possible contests, spooky tomfoolery, and... "Destination: Outer Space" footage!? Stay tuned...
Saturday, August 15, 2009 In a surprise announcement, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm has revealed that a familiar face will be returning to the Mihmiverse! As of today, actress Lindsey Holmes, best known to all as the doomed and sadly-forgotten Penny from "The Monster of Phantom Lake" has been cast in a small role as the mysterious alien woman Saren in "Destination: Outer Space!" The exact date her scene (or scenes, we're not sure which) go before cameras has not yet been set in stone but, we've updated the "Destination: Outer Space" page to reflect this latest news!
Thursday, August 6, 2009 With principal photography of "Destination: Outer Space" (and summer vacation) taking up the majority of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's time, we haven't had much to report lately. But, word came today that after years of failed attempts, Mr. Mihm has FINALLY secured a dealer's table at next year's Monster Bash, the international classic movie monster conference and film festival! This yearly event focuses solely on the films of the silent era through the 1950s with a special emphasis on classic monster films the PERFECT audience for the films of Christopher R. Mihm. For more details and information, check out the convention's website!
Monday, July 27, 2009 "It Came From Another World!" has been selected as an official entry to the 2009 Bram Stoker International Film Festival taking place in Whitby, England from October 16th through the 19th! This is the first of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's films to screen in the United Kingdom so naturally, Mr. Mihm is as excited as an ojjo during mating season! As of this posting, we are still waiting for the exact date and time of the screening, but, rest assured, when we know, you will too!
Saturday, July 25, 2009 The online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm has finally joined the 21st century and is now on Twitter! Become a follower of Saint Euphoria Pictures / All for George Productions by visiting (and signing up for) our "tweets" at twitter.com/SaintEuphoria!
In an effort to raise awareness about this site and the films of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, take notice of the new "share bar" in the upper right corner of the site. If you roll your mouse over it, you now have a huge selection of options for ways to share this site (and by extension, the films) with everyone you know! Let's see if we can't double or even triple the number of unique visitors to this site!
Lastly, we've added a new contact page that allows you to send emails directly to us through this site! Check it out and drop us a line!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 "Terror from Beneath the Earth" has won its first award! Though not for the FILM per se, the mutant bat creature costume used in the film won a "Best Of" award in the costume contest at this past weekend's second annual Omaha Science Fiction and Fantasy Festival! The event was well attended and the whole Saint Euphoria Pictures / All for George Productions crew had a GREAT time (and are already preparing for next year)!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 Though it's been almost two full weeks since we've updated the site, do not for an instant believe things aren't busy-as-heck in the Mihmiverse! In fact, production of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's next film, "Destination: Outer Space," continues in earnest. Several scenes are now "in the can" with many more scheduled throughout the remainder of the year.
Also, the first official image from the new film is here! We have literally no details and no idea where Captain Jackson (Josh Craig) is or why he looks so perplexed BUT, we here at the SaintEuphoria.com offices are geeking out over this incredible (and mysterious) image!
Don't forget! "Terror from Beneath the Earth" is scheduled to screen this Saturday (July 18th) at the second annual Omaha Science Fiction and Fantasy Festival. Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, co-producer/actor Josh Craig, and much of the cast and crew will be in attendance at the weekend-long genre event. Visit the festival's website for more information.
Friday, July 3, 2009 Rogue Cinema, a website dedicated to covering the independent, cult and low budget cinema scene, just posted a very lengthy, very entertaining interview with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm. The interview covers a lot of ground including Mr. Mihm's inspirations and aspirations, new behind-the-scenes gossip, and exclusive information about the currently-in-production "Destination: Outer Space." The article also includes the never-before-told tale about how and why Mr. Mihm recently regained the full rights to his films! We've posted the full text of the interview on the press page. It is by far one of the more interesting interviews he has done and we highly recommend reading it.
Also, it may not be much, but we received the following image today from the man himself, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm. Apparently, this is the title card from the opening credits of the new film! How cool is that!?
Wednesday, July 1, 2009 We just posted the latest issue of the Phantom Lake Alamanac, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm! In this month's edition, we provide an exclusive look at what's going on with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's next film "Destination: Outer Space," another classic movie of the month (1958's "The Fly"), upcoming screening information and much more! Check it out!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009 Principal photography for writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's grand sci-fi epic, "Destination: Outer Space," is now underway! Over the previous two days, cameras rolled on the film at, of all places, Carver Lake in Woodbury, Minnesota. Carver Lake is best known as the cinematic "stand-in" for Phantom Lake, previously seen in both "The Monster of Phantom Lake" and "It Came From Another World!" We're told that the scene filmed is the first to appear in the script and does, in fact, take place at Phantom Lake. It apparently also includes a familiar face playing a not-so-familiar character -- but one that's related in some way to the character the actor is best known for. For as confusing as that is, when it's finally revealed who this character is, the fans will be quite happy.
We just added a new screening of "Terror from Beneath the Earth" to the screenings page. The film will play on Saturday, July 18th at the second annual Omaha Science Fiction and Fantasy Festival in, appropriately, Omaha, Nebraska. In addition to the movie showing, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and much of the cast and crew will be in attendance at the weekend-long genre convention where they will participate in numerous activities including panel discussions. If you're in the area, come on down, meet the cast, support the event and have a good time! For more information, visit the festival's website.
Lastly, an extremely interesting and quite lengthy interview with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm appeared on MNFilmTV this past weekend. We've posted the full text of it on the press page. It's definitely worth the read so check it out!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009 A new screening of "Terror from Beneath the Earth" has been added to the calendar -- and it's less than a week away! The film will screen this Sunday afternoon, June 28th, as part of the "Martini Matinee" series at Merlin's Rest, a fine British Isles and Irish pub in Minneapolis. What could be better? 1950s retro B-cinema, alcohol, fish n' chips, and no cover charge! Check out the screenings page for more info!
In other news, actress Shannon McDonough, known to all in the Mihmiverse as Julie Ann Saint Marie-Jackson, spent yesterday afternoon recording her vocal parts for writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's next film, "Destination: Outer Space." Though it didn't take that long, her performance was beyond excellent, as usual!
Sunday, June 21, 2009 From writer/director Christopher R. Mihm:Happy Father's Day! Though it has been almost ten years since my dad passed away, I still miss him. It was he who introduced me to the classic films my movies seek to emulate and through his love of the genre, I found my own. So don't forget to thank your dad for everything he's done to make you who you are because someday, you may no longer have the chance. And then you'll feel the urge to name a production company after him and start making 1950s-style monster movies in his honor! Which might not be all bad but still, having a dad is far better.
Friday, June 19, 2009 Filming on writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's next science fiction epic "Destination: Outer Space" has begun... sort of. Over the course of the previous two days, vocal parts for several characters were recorded (and filmed for posterity) with Mihmiverse regular Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards) as the voice of "Rocket Command" and Mr. Mihm himself as the voice of the mysterious robot "ADAM" (to be played on screen by the master of costumed monsters, Michael Kaiser). Beyond that, sets and costumes continue to be created in anticipation of the first day of principal photography, which we hear is coming up within the next ten days! Stay tuned...
Friday, June 12, 2009 If you've missed any of the previous public screenings of the recently released "Terror from Beneath the Earth" AND you live somewhere in Wisconsin AND are willing to wait until the autumn, we've just added four new screenings of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's newest "creature feature" to the screenings page! In September, the film will play at the Micon Cinemas 8 in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin and in October at the Jack-o-Lantern Jaunt in Mukwonago, Wisconsin. It's still pretty early to announce but we wanted to give everyone as much time as possible to make plans to attend!
In other news, due to unforeseen circumstances, Daniel R. Sjerven, best known to Mihmiverse fans as Lt. Elliott in "Cave Women on Mars" and a co-producer of and Stan Johnson in "Terror from Beneath the Earth," was forced to pull his production support from the currently-in-production "Destination: Outer Space." Though he feels awful (and we mean AWFUL), it still leaves the production in a bit of a jam. Thus, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and co-producer Josh Craig have decided to try something new and ask the fans to help! In exchange for an associate producer credit (to be listed in the film's end credits), a pair of collector's tickets to the "Destination: Outer Space" premiere, a framed "associate producer" certificate and five copies of the DVD, the producers are asking for a small monetary investment. If you're interested, check out the merchandise page for information on how to become a big-time movie producer TODAY!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009 The cave is dead! Long live the cave!
To make way for the new sets of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's next film "Destination: Outer Space," the old ones had to go. So, with a heavy heart (but, as pictured below, a fire in his eyes), Mr. Mihm was forced to destroy most of the cave set used in the recently released, "Terror from Beneath the Earth." And to prove the old adage "It is easier to destroy than create," it took Mr. Mihm and his son Elliott a total of 90 minutes to take it down while it took five people and two full months to put it up! It's sad to see such an impressively simple yet highly effective set come down but, if it's all in the interest of more entertainment from the modern master of retro B-cinema, it'll surely be worth it! Too bad we'll have to wait a full year to find out!
Photos, from left to right: The entrance to the Wisawa caves comes crashing down, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm lets his animal side win, more destruction!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009 We just posted a great interview with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm wherein he discusses his films, motivations for making them, and future projects. The interview was conducted by Catherine Hansen, the Minneapolis Indie Film Examiner for Examiner.com. Also, in the interest of full disclosure, Ms. Hansen recently landed the role of space pirate Yureena Null in Mr. Mihm's next project, "Destination: Outer Space." Check out the full interview on the press page or by clicking here!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009 Another day, another article and SET OF REVIEWS (!) of all four "Mihmiverse" films. This time, the write-up comes from Australian genre magazine Synergy. In addition to a little background on Mr. Mihm, it includes generally positive reviews for the films save "Cave Women on Mars," which seems to get the brunt of the reviewer's negativity -- albeit not very much! Either way, the article is well worth your time BUT, be warned, each review is heavy with spoilers! Don't read it if you have never seen any one of the four Mihm films unless you don't mind knowing how they end (or what the monsters look like)!
Also, after seeing the term "Mihmiverse" pop up more than once in the last couple of weeks, we decided to purchase mihmiverse.com in the hopes of doing something cool with it. Until then, it simply forwards right back to this page!
Monday, June 1, 2009 The first review of "Terror from Beneath the Earth" has been posted! Written by Duane L. Martin of Rogue Cinema, the review is partly to mostly positive with a few minor quibbles but it's definitely worth the read. Check it out on the press page!
Friday, May 29, 2009 As promised, here's a whole mess o' photos from the "Terror from Beneath the Earth" premiere AND its drive-in debut at the Hi-way 18 Outdoor Theatre.
Photos, from left to right, top to bottom: the marquee at the Heights Theatre, a line forms for the big premiere, Daniel R. Sjerven (Stan Johnson), Elizabeth Kaiser (Alice Johnson), writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, Elliott Mihm (Danny Johnson), Michael Kaiser (Deputy Hayes/The Creature), Stephanie Mihm's (Rosemary) forehead, Justen Overlander (Sheriff Elliott), and half of Mike Cook (Dr. Edwards) sell DVDs and sign autographs -- with a special appearance by Emma Danbury (blonde hair on right, Eema from "Cave Women on Mars"), writer/director Christopher R. Mihm poses with a pair of superfans done up as Kings of the Universe, Rulers of All Cosmos, a line the entire length of the theatre to meet and take photos with the creature from the film, packed mini-vans wait to be let in to the Hi-way 18 Outdoor Theatre to see one of the coolest triple-features EVER!
Friday, May 22, 2009 WOW! It took us a full day to recover from the sheer awesomeness that was the "Terror from Beneath the Earth" premiere. Though the night was warm, the action was cool inside the historic Heights Theatre.
A line formed outside the theater before the eager crowd was let in to be entertained by the amazingly talented Harvey Gustafson on the WCCO Mighty Wurlitzer organ. Next, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm gave a rousing introduction wherein the crowd wished a happy birthday to actor Michael Kaiser (the creature/Deputy Hayes), who, were were told, is single and apparently looking for love in all the wrong places! Then... the lights dimmed, some creepily appropriate (but also funny newsreels) played, and classic trailers were shown (including one for Mr. Mihm's own "Cave Women on Mars"). Finally, the screen went dark... and then... WHAM! The music started, the title card appeared and the "Terror from Beneath the Earth" was released upon an unsuspecting public!
After seventy minutes of thrills, chills, laughs and some genuinely creepy moments, the credits rolled. Actor/co-producer Daniel R. Sjerven (Stan Johnson) took to the microphone and raffled off some Christopher R. Mihm prize packs that included all four films on DVD and some exclusive props from "Terror from Beneath the Earth." Then, not-so-unexpectedly, he announced the arrival of the creature from the film! Down the aisle came "Mihmiverse" regular Josh Craig leading Michael Kaiser in the full mutant bat costume from the movie. A huge line formed and seemingly everyone in the theater got their photo taken with the creature.
Afterward, the throng made their way into the lobby where they were treated to a stellar meet-and-greet session with the entire cast and crew and, some very tasty free cake. Many DVDs, posters and souvenirs were sold, countless autographs were signed and photos snapped. Finally, the crowd dispersed, all leaving with smiles on their faces and fond memories of a truly unique and wonderful night!
On behalf of the cast and crew, we'd like to thank everyone who came down and made the premiere a truly out-of-this-world event! Now, we're on our way to Jefferson, Wisconsin for the drive-in debut of the new film. We have tons of photos from the premiere and hope to take bunches more this holiday weekend. We'll post them as soon as we get the chance! Happy Memorial Day!
For another perspective on the world premiere, check out superfan Mitch Obrecht's entertaining blog post about the event by clicking HERE!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 Tonight is the night the "Terror from Beneath the Earth" is released! After more than thirteen months since the premiere of "Cave Women on Mars," a new Christopher R. Mihm film will be set loose upon the world! We here at SaintEuphoria.com can think of only one thing to say: FINALLY! The wait has been excruciating but now that the day has arrived, we are beyond excited. We'll see you all there!
Also, as was previously mentioned on this site, everyone who pre-ordered their copy of the "Terror from Beneath the Earth" DVD was automatically entered into a special drawing for a secret prize package. Shortly after midnight, central time, each pre-orderer's name was written on identical scraps of paper, put into a box and sufficiently randomized. Then, star of the film (and naturally objective six year old) Elliott Mihm reached in and pulled out a winner... and that winner's name is: DIANE PERRAULT of Modesto, California! Congratulations, Diane, you've won a prize package that includes exclusive props from the new film, a rare "Cave Women on Mars" teaser poster (originally only available at the 2007 Home Media Expo in Las Vegas), a Canoe Corps patch and a Mars-1 mission patch. Your prize package will be put in today's mail and should be at your door by the weekend.
Lastly, we just posted a nice little article about writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and the making of "Terror from Beneath the Earth" on the press page. Check it out, it's a good read!
Sunday, May 17, 2009 We just posted a small article about the "Terror from Beneath the Earth" premiere that appeared in last week's issue of Vita.MN. It's short but worth a read. Check it out on the press page!
Friday, May 15, 2009 Less than a week to go before the world premiere of "Terror from Beneath the Earth!" Are you attending? Have you purchased advance tickets? They're still available! Or are you buying at the door? Are you as excited as we are!?
We recently mentioned that we would post some photos from the recent "Terror from Beneath the Earth" cast party... and then didn't. Since we like to keep our word whenever possible, below you will find a few snapshots from the private event! The entire cast (minus Shannon McDonough) was in attendance and a good time was had by all.
Photos, from left to right: (top row) Elizabeth Kaiser (Alice Johnson) loads her plate while the refrigerator holds a special message, Justen Overlander (Sheriff Elliott) and Stephanie Mihm (Rosemary Bennett) discuss their performances while enjoying some intellectual stimulation, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm can't resist a ham and/or turkey filled croissant, (bottom row) co-producers Daniel R. Sjerven (Stan Johnson) and Theresa Sjerven pass out "awards" to the cast, Elliott Mihm (Danny Johnson) mugs for the camera while Michael Kaiser (Deputy Hayes/The Creature), Elizabeth Kaiser (Alice Johnson, still eating), and Mike Cook (Dr. Vincent Edwards) enjoy Mr. Sjerven's "award ceremony," Michael Kaiser (Deputy Hayes/The Creature) waits patiently, hoping writer/director Christopher R. Mihm doesn't take all of the food!
Thursday, May 7, 2009 We just posted a copy of the FRONT PAGE story "Lights! Camera! Action!" that appeared in yesterday's issue of the Shoreview-Arden Hills Bulletin! The fairly lengthy story chronicles writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's rise to "fame" with a special emphasis on "Terror from Beneath the Earth." The article is a good read albeit with a few forgivable typographical errors. Either way, check it out on the press page!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009 Two weeks to go! The big world premiere of "Terror from Beneath the Earth" is only fourteen days away! Have you purchased your advance tickets yet? Or are you going to take your chance at the door?
Tuesday, May 5, 2009 A note for everyone who purchased "Terror from Beneath the Earth" advance ticket packages: your collector's tickets and framed, signed pieces of the cave set went out in yesterday's mail! Most of you should receive your package at some point within the next 72 hours! If you DO NOT receive your package (or pre-order tickets) by Monday, May 11th, please contact us AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to make sure we can correct any oversights or errors. We don't want to have to turn any loyal fan away at the door!
If you purchased an advance ticket package, you can pick up your free poster at the actual event. To receive your poster, simply flash your collector's ticket (which you'll need to have to get in) to whomever's selling DVDs and posters!
See you all there!
Also, the "Terror from Beneath the Earth" cast party was held this past Sunday at co-producer/actor Daniel R. Sjerven's St. Paul apartment. We'll post some photos as soon as we get them!
Friday, May 1, 2009 We just posted the latest issue of the Phantom Lake Alamanac, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm! In this month's edition, we include the final exclusive images from "Terror from Beneath the Earth," information on how to attend the premiere (in less than three weeks!), another classic movie of the month (1958's "I Married a Monster from Outer Space"), and much more! Check it out!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Thursday, April 30, 2009 The "Terror from Beneath the Earth" DVDs are here! Received and verified by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm himself, they currently reside in an undisclosed, secure location ready to be set free for the big world premiere on May 20th!
We've gotten a look at the case and Mr. Mihm was gracious enough to allow us to release the list of special features:- A sixteen-minute blooper reel edited by actor/co-producer Daniel R. Sjerven -- who is best known as Lt. William Christopher Elliott in "Cave Women on Mars" (and billed as Dan Sjerven)
- The full trailer
- A photo gallery
- "Evolution of the Bat" featurette that follows the film's monster from conception to realization
- A special introduction to the film by horror host "Dr. Ivan Cryptosis"
- Feature-length audio commentary with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and Daniel R. Sjerven
- English subtitles
Personally, we here at sainteuphoria.com are most excited to watch the film with the subtitles on. And that's not a sarcastic comment! If you've never watched a Christopher R. Mihm film with the subtitles on, you don't know what you're missing. Try it and see!
Also, Mr. Mihm assures us there are some entertaining "easter eggs" hidden on the disc as well! May 20th still seems so far away...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009 We've just been received some truly great information from the owner of the Hi-way 18 Outdoor Theater! It seems that the two films rounding out the Memorial Day triple-feature that includes "Terror from Beneath the Earth" are "Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian" and "Star Trek!" Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, a life-long Star Trek fan, is understandably beside himself with geek joy.
Friday, April 24, 2009 The official "Terror from Beneath the Earth" posters and individually numbered collector's tickets have arrived back from the printer and they look GREAT! Now, all that's left are the final replicated DVDs, which are scheduled to ship within the next seven days!
"Terror from Beneath the Earth" posters are now available for purchase in the posters section of the merchandise page and will be available at the premiere (and all other future screenings). Buy yours today and receive a free autograph from writer/director Christopher R. Mihm (by request)!
If you'd like to be one of the lucky people to receive one of the quickly disappearing individually numbered "Terror from Beneath the Earth" collector's tickets, make sure to purchase your advance ticket to the May 20, 2009 world premiere of the film! "Terror from Beneath the Earth" world premiere advance ticket packages, which include admission to the May 20th event, an individually numbered collector's ticket, a free poster and a signed, framed piece of the cave set used in the film will ONLY BE AVAILABLE until May 1st so ACT NOW!
Sunday, April 12, 2009 Happy Easter (to those that celebrate it), but mostly, Happy Cave Women Day! It was one year ago this date when "Cave Women on Mars" premiered at the Heights Theatre. The event was sold out and much fun was had by all in attendance. It was also the one and only night the on-screen trivia/audience participation special edition version of "The Monster of Phantom Lake" screened! So, in honor of the newly crowned "Cave Women Day," eat some coe-Lo fruit (saturn peaches are a great substitute), hit someone in the head with a wooden staff and watch "Cave Women on Mars" with your nearest and dearest friends!
Also, Mitch Obrecht, the man dubbed "King of the Superfans" by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, has gone out of his way to show his fandom by creating a "Mihmiverse" wiki on his website. Check it out by visiting http://www.isnanchordesk.com/wiki/index.php/Christopher_R._Mihm! For those that aren't aware, a wiki is an online, user-editable encyclopedia. This one just happens to be dedicated to the films of Mr. Mihm! Check it out and feel free to expand on or add any topic you find there.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009 As of today, the "Terror from Beneath the Earth" DVD is done and in the hands of the manufacturer! Final art proofs have been approved and the finished discs should be in writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's possession by the end of the month... which bodes well for everyone planning on attending the premiere and purchasing a copy!
Also, we added a short article about "Terror from Beneath the Earth" and star Justen Overlander (Sheriff Elliott) from the Western Guard newspaper to the press page. Check it out if you're interested!
Thursday, April 2, 2009 With less than two months to go before the big world premiere of "Terror from Beneath the Earth," copies of the DVD are now available for pre-order! AND, as a special super-secret bonus, all DVDs of "Terror from Beneath the Earth" ordered before May 20th will ship with a super-secret FREE GIFT! What is it? We're not telling, but it's not the same gift you get when you purchase advance tickets to the premiere! PLUS, everyone who pre-orders the "Terror from Beneath the Earth" DVD will be entered into a special drawing (to be held at the film's premiere) to win a special "Terror from Beneath the Earth" prize package that includes rare merchandise and one-of-a-kind props from the film!
So live life on the edge! Pre-order your DVD today by visiting the DVDs section of the merchandise page!
NOTE: All pre-ordered DVDs will ship May 21st, 2009.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 We just posted the latest issue of the Phantom Lake Alamanac, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm! In this month's edition, we include more exclusive images from the forthcoming film, "Terror from Beneath the Earth," information on how to attend the premiere, another classic movie of the month (1955's "Revenge of the Creature"), and much more! Check it out!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Monday, March 23, 2009 The streak continues! We've just been informed that "Terror from Beneath the Earth" has been accepted to the 2009 ShockerFest International Film Festival! To date, a Christopher R. Mihm film has screened at ShockerFest every year since "The Monster of Phantom Lake" in 2006 -- the same year the film won a "Director's Choice" award. "It Came From Another World!" pulled in the "Best Sci-Fi Feature" award at the 2007 event while "Cave Women on Mars" was only able to secure an honorable mention in 2008.
As of this posting, we have no specifics on exact dates and or screen times but, as soon as we know, we'll let you know!
Monday, March 16, 2009 While authoring of the "Terror from Beneath the Earth" DVD continues, a fan brought the following YouTube video to our attention. It was made as an introduction to the Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild's production of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." In it, the video's author added clips of the classic films mentioned in the opening song and then embedded clips of "The Monster of Phantom Lake," "It Came From Another World!," and "Cave Women on Mars." Needless to say, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm was honored to have his work included with such timeless images!
Check it out below...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009It's here! The official " Terror from Beneath the Earth" trailer was just released MINUTES AGO and we have it! Press the play button below to view the trailer, you'll be glad you did! Seems like writer/director Christopher R. Mihm has done it again! From the looks of it, come May, we're in for a fun, era-appropriately scary romp. The premiere cannot get here fast enough...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009 Thrills! Chills! Suspense! The flood of " Terror from Beneath the Earth" news continues as the official poster arrives! Designed by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, the much darker (literally and figuratively) and more foreboding image keeps the classic "painted" look and hyperbolic taglines common to the posters and promotional materials of the 1950's. Pictured is actress Elizabeth Kaiser (as doomed 'tween Alice Johnson) being attacked by something with extremely large claws and obvious nefarious intentions. The actual poster will be on sale on our merchandise page as soon as they are available! Also, don't forget, everyone who orders an advance ticket to the world premiere will be eligible to receive a free copy of this poster at the event! Ticket sales are strong so if you're holding back for any reason DON'T! Advance tickets are available in limited quantities so order yours now before they sell out!
Sunday, March 1, 2009Advance tickets to the May 20th world premiere of " Terror from Beneath the Earth" at the Heights Theatre in Columbia Heights, Minnesota are NOW AVAILABLE exclusively from this site! Advance tickets cost $10.00 and include exclusive merchandise not available with normal admission. By purchasing an advance ticket, you'll receive an individually numbered collector's ticket, a free 11" x 17" " Terror from Beneath the Earth" poster (available for pick-up at the event), AND an exclusive piece of the cave set used in the film, framed and signed by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and the man inside the monster costume, Michael Kaiser! The event is open to the public and the price of admission is $5.00 per person (purchasing advance tickets not required). This is your chance to experience the film before the rest of the world, and enjoy a program complete with era-appropriate newsreels, appearances by most (if not all) of the cast and crew, and free cake, autographs and photos with the actual creature from the film (so don't forget to bring your camera)! DVDs, posters and other merchandise will also be on sale at the event! Information about the " Terror from Beneath the Earth" premiere and the drive-in debut of the film at the Hi-way 18 Outdoor Theatre have been added to the screenings page.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009The " Terror..." is complete! At 2:18 AM Central/Standard time, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm put the finishing touches on his latest film " Terror from Beneath the Earth!" He promises fans will not be disappointed and again reiterated that it will be, now that it's done, the most frightening movie EVER RELEASED! Unfortunately, we have to wait until May to experience it!
Thursday, February 19, 2009Only five pages to go! As of this posting, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm has less than one scene remaining to edit on his latest film " Terror from Beneath the Earth!" Add on closing credits, and the film will be finished! Of course, then begins the hard work of DVD authoring, case design, creating the poster, etc... but he swears the film will absolutely be ready for the May 20th premiere! Stay tuned...
Friday, February 6, 2009It's official, the " Terror from Beneath the Earth" is about to be released! The big premiere of the new movie will be held on Wednesday, May 20th, 2009 at the Heights Theatre in Columbia Heights, Minnesota! Specific details about the event are still being worked out but we can assume the film will be shown, cake will be served, DVDs will be on sale and the cast and crew will be available for autographs. This site will be selling advance tickets starting in March and, for those that purchase them, you can expect some super cool, exclusive extras! Also, we've been informed that two days after the premiere, " Terror from Beneath the Earth" will screen over the Memorial Day weekend at the Hi-way 18 Outdoor Theater in Jefferson, Wisconsin. The movie will screen as the third film of a triple-feature. The schedule for the weekend is still in flux so as soon as we know the exact movie line-up, we'll let you know!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009It's inauguration day! As post-production on " Terror from Beneath the Earth" continues, we feel it is important to mark this day. Regardless of how you voted (or didn't vote), it's hard to ignore the historic significance of the inauguration of the United States' first African-American President, Barack Obama. Congratulations, Mr. President! Enjoy your day of celebration because tomorrow, it's back to work!
Monday, January 5, 2009It's a wrap! The entirety of " Terror from Beneath the Earth" is in the can! As of last night, the last shot of the film was recorded onto "mini-DV tape number 20" and subsequently transferred to hard drive. The shoot was a long and arduous one, comprising almost 26 hours of footage, and came complete with delays, prop malfunctions, deteriorating papier-mâché sets, 200+ pound desks being shoved down staircases, gallstones and one adorable, impatient child actor with better line recall than any other actor in the cast. Everyone involved had a great time and writer/director Christopher R. Mihm vows to work with each and every actor again. With over thirty minutes of the film already edited, " Terror from Beneath the Earth" is on track for a late spring (the words "late May" keep coming up) release. Mr. Mihm has promised us that he will be releasing a slew of exclusive stills shortly. As soon as we get them, we'll post them!
Sunday, January 4, 2009The creature is done! Today marks the last day of shooting for Michael Kaiser in his role as the horrific antagonist from the forthcoming " Terror from Beneath the Earth." Michael, however, is not completely done filming. He has one remaining day (scheduled for tomorrow night) as bumbling rookie policeman, Deputy Hayes. Break a leg, Michael! Also, the newest issue of the Phantom Lake Almanac is now available for viewing. This month's newsletter includes a 2008 retrospective, another classic movie of the month, an interview with actress Shannon McDonough (Julie Ann Saint Marie) and much more. To view the newsletter, select January 2009 from the archive list above. As always, if you'd like to be notified when a new issue is posted, join the sainteuphoria.com mailing list by signing the guestbook (top right of this page) and checking the "I want to receive updates..." box!
Saturday, January 3, 2009That's a wrap... almost. The final scene from " Terror from Beneath the Earth" went before cameras today and, upon its completion, marked the last day of shooting for one of the principal actors (Stephanie Mihm as Rosemary Bennett) and two of the supporting (Elizabeth Kaiser as Alice Johnson and Elliott Mihm as Danny Johnson). Congratulations! We can't wait to see their work at the big premiere in late spring!
Thursday, January 1, 2009Happy New Year!
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Saint Euphoria Pictures / All For George Productions