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Saturday, December 24, 2011
 For those inclined to celebrate it...
And, as previously promised, the third part of the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast featuring special guest Stephanie Mihm is NOW AVAILABLE for download! Visit the podcast page to grab the file!
Lastly, as a special EXTRA holiday gift, we've just posted the complete SaintEuphoria.com 2006 news archive! If you're a Mihmiverse completist and/or historian with even a passing interest in how the 'verse got its start, this is the page to visit! If nothing else, it's a fun trip down memory lane complete with amusing naïveté and a heaping helping of blind optimism! Check it out by clicking HERE.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
 As of 10:00PM last night, principal photography of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's next film, "House of Ghosts" is COMPLETE!
The final scene filmed takes place just over halfway through the film and involved actors Mike Cook, Mihmiverse-newcomer Mark Scanlan, and monster-of-all-trades Michael Kaiser. The last shot was celebrated with many smiles, a few tears, two bottles of non-alcoholic wine and a batch of Stephanie Mihm's Christmas cookies.
Principal photography on "House of Ghosts" officially began on August 28th and took twenty-four separate days spread out over four months. Since most of the shoots were many days apart, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm already has almost forty-five minutes of the film edited together! Barring any major setbacks, the film WILL premiere in May of 2012. The tentative date is Wednesday, May 23rd but, no contracts have been signed. Once they have, we'll start selling advance tickets!
In the meantime, until authoring of the DVD is complete, you can still become an associate producer and get your name listed in the end credits! Just because principal photography is complete, doesn't mean the production doesn't need moneythere are posters to be made, things to be mailed, collector's tickets to be printed, DVDs to be pressed... you name it! So, please, consider becoming an associate producer now and join the amazing group of people who have already done so. To find out how, visit the merchandise page!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
 The first two parts of the holiday episode of the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast has been posted!
In this latest episode, hosts Mark 'n' Rhuby are kickin' it "holiday style" for the 2011 year-ender. Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm shares more information about his next film, "House of Ghosts," and continues his crusade to bring the word "lambent" into the mainstream. The special guest for this episode is Stephanie Mihm, the actress best known as Rosemary from "Terror from Beneath the Earth" and writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's wife!
Also included: "The Breakdown," the newest holiday-themed poem from writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and the first annual Mihmiverse "Versie" awards!
Download this month's podcast by visiting the podcast page!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
 The super-sized, year-end Mihmiverse Monthly, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm, is now available!
In this issue, we include the second annual Mihmiverse Holiday Gift Guide, an interview with associate producer Tracey Lee Smith, another classic movie of the month (1957's "Invasion of the Saucer-Men") and four guest-written columns, including Ask Cryptosis ANYTHING, From the Mihmiverse Test Kitchens with Stephanie Mihm (Rosemary), Monster Hits! with Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards), and Swingin' with Sid with Sid Korpi (Administrator Ripley).
Click HERE to read it right now!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Monday, November 28, 2011
 After receiving many requests, we've finally added the ability to order DVDs and posters by mail. If you're someone who prefers not to order using PayPal or a credit card but by check or money order, now you can! To order by mail, print, fill out and send in the shiny new mail order form! In the future, to find the order form, visit the merchandise page!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
 In honor of "Small Business Saturday," we've decided to extend our "Monster Friday" sale! Right now, you can purchase the entire set of Mihmiverse films for only $39.99 (includes a free signed poster of your choosing) AND/OR shipping on all DVDs, posters, and patches is COMPLETELY free! Today only! Don't wait!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
 From all the stars in the Mihmiverse galaxy...
Happy Thanksgiving!
Are you or do you know someone who LOVES cheesy old movies but has seen them all? Then this holiday season, give the most unique gift possible: the films of the king of new/old, good/bad movies, Christopher R. Mihm! Don't forget to come back tomorrow (starting at midnight) for the first-ever Mihmiverse "Monster Friday" 24-hour Super Sale! We'll be offering some of the best deals EVER on the films of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm!
Friday, November 18, 2011
 You've heard that the newest episode of the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast has been posted, yes?
It's a brisk evening in Minnesota and Rhuby 'n' Hater are toughing it out by the backyard bonfire for the seventh installment of the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast. In this episode, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm talks about his next film, "House of Ghosts," and continues to push the word "lambent" on the audience. Also, the crew interviews Catherine Hanson! Catherine is currently appearing as Mary in "House of Ghosts" and is most recognizable as space pirate Yureena Null in "Destination: Outer Space."
Also included: "The Difference," the newest poem from writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, a commercial for Saint Marie Baking Kits, and a new "Monster Word of the Day!"
Download this month's podcast by visiting the podcast page!
Monday, November 14, 2011
 We apologize for the unusually long break between updates but we PROMISE you'll like what we have for you today!
A fun and funny article about the filming of "House of Ghosts" appeared in today's issue of the St. Paul Pioneer Press. The article is a unique and intimate behind-the-scenes "snapshot" taken during the filming of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's next film. It's very entertaining and well worth the read!
The full text of the article can be accessed from the press page BUT, beware that it reveals a pretty big plot point. If you're trying to avoid all spoilers, you might want to wait!
Also, a short exclusive video interview with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm is attached to the article. BUT, to access the video, you'll have to go to the Pioneer Press website by clicking HERE!
Lastly, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm recently spoke at the University of Wisconsin River Falls campus and screened his most recent film, "Attack of the Moon Zombies. While he was there, he was interviewed for the student-produced "Focus on U" program that appears on the campus television station. The edited interview is now available for public consumption through the university's website. Though Mr. Mihm's voice appears a bit strained, the short interview is funny and informative. ALSO, pay close attention as he makes a pretty major Mihmiverse-related mistake while speaking! See if you can find it!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
 The November Mihmiverse Monthly, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm, is now available!
In this issue, we get another exclusive "House of Ghosts" image, an interview with associate producers Jim and Linda Norgard, another classic movie of the month (1961's "Gorgo") and three more guest-written columns, including Monster Hits! with Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards), From the Mihmiverse Test Kitchens with Stephanie Mihm (Rosemary), and Swingin' with Sid with Sid Korpi (Administrator Ripley).
Click HERE to read it right now!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Monday, October 31, 2011
 Happy Halloween!
Due to some unforeseen technical issues, we were unable to post our special Halloween treats until now! BUT, have no fearthey are here!
If you're at all interested in the next Mihmiverse film, "House of Ghosts" (and why wouldn't you be?), head on over to the Mihmiverse YouTube page to watch a sneak peek of the new film! This exclusive clip stars the next Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast guest, Catherine Hanson!
Click HERE to watch the clip RIGHT NOWit'll only be available for the next 24 hours!
Speaking of the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast, our second exclusive Halloween gift to you, the fans, is now available! ANOTHER supplemental audio file has been posted, this time the third part of our interview with Stan Johnson himself, Daniel R. Sjerven! This is definitely one of the most entertaining podcasts to date and, once you hear it, will probably agree was worth the wait! Check out part three of episode six of the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast by visiting the podcast page!
Friday, October 28, 2011
 Did you miss out on last weekend's super-lambent ValleyCon, the Fargo Entertainment Expo at which writer/director Christopher R. Mihm was the film guest of honor and where he was joined by a gaggle of Mihmiversers like Mark Haider, Cherie "Rhuby" Gallinati, Sid Korpi, Michael Kaiser, Anthony Kaczor, Shannon McDonough, and Rylan Bachman? Do you feel left out of all the fun?
Well, don't be so hard on yourself! Through the magic of TECHNOLOGY, we're now able to bring you a piece of that great experience with the first ever supplemental podcastthe audio of which was recorded during Mr. Mihm's panel discussion about the films of the Mihmiverse and low-budget filmmaking in general. If you're interested in either (or both), we highly recommend checking it out as it is quite entertaining!
Visit the podcast page to download and listen to the audio file!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
 We just received a batch of photos from last weekend's ValleyCon, where writer/director Christopher R. Mihm was the film guest of honor. As can be seen from the photos, a gaggle of Mihmiverse "behind-the-sceners" joined him for what was described to us as "one of the most fun conventions and a really lambent time!" Also, Mr. Mihm asked that we reiterate how thankful he was to the convention's organizers for having him and, as of right now, he plans on returning next year!
Photos, from left to right, top to bottom: Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm clowns around while Shannon McDonough (Dr. Hackett), Mark Haider (Dr. Haterov), and executive producers Cherie "Rhuby" Gallinati and Rylan Bachman patiently humor him, Mr. Mihm shows off his "Roger and Julie Corman Intrepid Filmmaker" award, Mark Haider (Dr. Haterov), writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, and "monster-of-all-trades" Michael Kaiser show off their "lambent" con badges, Anthony Kaczor (Dr. Phillips), a moon zombie (Michael Kaiser) and Sid Korpi (Administrator Ripley) smile for the camera. (Do moon zombies smile?)
Friday, October 21, 2011
 On the eve of a weekend's worth of very cool Mihmiverse-related screenings and events, we've received word that "Attack of the Moon Zombies" has won ANOTHER awardthis time pulling in the Roger and Julie Corman Award from the Fargo Fantastic Film Festival! Congrats to writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and the entire cast and crew for winning a truly appropriate award for Mr. Mihm's style of filmmaking.
Speaking of Fargo, the Mihmiverse will be arriving TONIGHT at ValleyCon, the Fargo Entertainment Expo!
Now in its 37th (!) iteration, ValleyCon is the Red River valley's premiere genre event and has featured many familiar "big name" guests over the years, with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm being featured this year as the film guest of honor! He is scheduled to host screenings of his films, panel discussions, and a party room packed with several recognizable Mihmiverse faces like Michael Kaiser, Mark Haider, Cherie "Rhuby" Gallinati, Rylan Bachman, Mitch Gonzales, Anthony Kaczor and Sid Korpi!
For location and admission information, please visit the event's website!
If, however, you're unable to attend ValleyCon, but still want to rev up toward Halloween by attending a VERY COOL Mihmiverse event, head on down to the Stardust Twin Drive-in in Chetek, WI for Night of the Zombies, a once in a lifetime, two-night special event to raise funds toward the purchase of digital projection equipment for the theater.
The evening's entertainment will begin with a screening of "Attack of the Moon Zombies," followed by George Romero's 1968 seminal zombie classic "Night of the Living Dead" and the 1959 B-movie masterpiece, "The Killer Shrews." Attendees are encouraged to come dressed as zombies OR, for a small donation, can be "zombified" at the theater!
Visit the events page for more information!
Monday, October 17, 2011
 The newest episode of the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast has arrived!
In the sixth installment of the monthly audiocast, Rhuby 'n' Hater enjoy a beautiful autumn night around the bonfire and chat with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm about "House of Ghosts" and the future of the 'verse. Also, the bonfire crew interview Daniel R. Sjerven, an actor familiar to Mihmivites as Lieutenant Elliott in "Cave Women on Mars," Stan Johnson in "Terror from Beneath the Earth," and Captain Frehley in "Attack of the Moon Zombies!" Also included: "Got Nothing," the newest poem from writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, a commercial for Wisawa Brand Flashlights, and a new "Monster Word of the Day" with Michael Kaiser!
Download this month's podcast by visiting the podcast page!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
 It was just announced that "Attack of the Moon Zombies" has won an award from the Highway 61 Film Festival! The festival judges were kind enough to bestow the latest Mihmiverse film with an award for "Best Action/Horror Feature!" Congratulations, "Moon Zombies!"
The Highway 61 Film Festival is located in Pine City, MN and will be held on October 14-16th. The festival seeks to focus on Minnesota-made and independent films across the country.
Monday, October 10, 2011
 After a long weekend filled with Mihmiverse-related screenings and festival appearances, we returned home to some very cool news: "Attack of the Moon Zombies" has been officially accepted into the 2011 Eerie Horror Film Festival!
The Eerie Horror Film Festival is one of the most popular and respected events of its kind in the country. Each year the event attracts thousands of fans, filmmakers and screenwriters to the city of Erie, Pennsylvania, for a four day celebration of independent cinema, featuring special celebrity guests, screenings and workshops. In addition to the four days of movie screenings, the festival also hosts a full scale Expo in conjunction with their annual event, featuring appearances by some of the top names in the horror and independent film community.
The full schedule has not been posted yet but, when it does, we'll add it to the events page!
Congratulations, "Moon Zombies!"
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
 And with that, we are sold out of ANOTHER DVD! We just sold the last copy of "The Monster of Phantom Lake!" We're working on getting more so, as soon as we get some in, we'll shout it from the rooftops! We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Monday, October 3, 2011
 The October edition of the Mihmiverse Monthly, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm, is now available!
In this jam-packed issue, we get another exclusive "House of Ghosts" image (this one needs to be seen to be believed!), an interview with associate producer Derek M. Koch, another classic movie of the month (1957's "The Cyclops") and three more guest-written columns, including Ask Cryptosis ANYTHING, From the Mihmiverse Test Kitchens with Stephanie Mihm, and Monster Hits! with Mike Cook.
Click HERE to read it right now!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
 We just added a couple of very cool and unique screenings to the events page!
First, we've learned that not one but THREE Mihmiverse films have been accepted to the inaugural Geek Independent Film Festival! The event takes place from Friday, October 7th through Sunday, October 9th in Alexandria, Indiana and will include screenings of "Cave Women on Mars" (Friday, October 7th at 5:30PM), "Attack of the Moon Zombies" (Sunday, October 9th at noon), and "The Monster of Phantom Lake" (Sunday, October 9th at 2:50PM). The Geek Independent Film Festival works to promote the work of independent filmmakers, and cinematic creations by professional and amateur filmmakers. Check out their website for location and admission information!
Second, "Attack of the Moon Zombies" will join George Romero's 1968 seminal zombie classic "Night of the Living Dead" and the 1959 B-movie masterpiece, "The Killer Shrews" at the Stardust Twin Drive-in for Night of the Zombies, a once in a lifetime, two-night special event to raise funds toward the purchase of digital projection equipment for the theater.
The weekend will be hosted by Dr. Ivan Cryptosis, the official horror host of the Mihmiverse. Attendees are encouraged to come dressed as zombies OR, for a small donation, can be "zombified" at the theater! Make sure to visit the drive-in's website to find out more.
For a complete list of Mihmiverse-related events, visit (and bookmark) the events page!
Friday, September 23, 2011
 We wanted to extend a special thanks to all the fine folks who came out to the Lake 5 Theatre last night for the screening of "Attack of the Moon Zombies!" A fun time was definitely had by most! Also, EXTRA special thanks must be given to executive producer Rylan Bachman for making the screening possible.
Thanks to Bob Arndt (known to most as the smarmy Dr. Banks in "Attack of the Moon Zombies"), "The Monster of Phantom Lake" screens for FREE at the Time Community Theater in Oshkosh, Wisconsin as part of their ongoing Friday Fright Night program. If you're in the area, do try to stop by!
Lastly, an article about writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and this Sunday's western Wisconsin premiere of "Attack of the Moon Zombies" just appeared at Inside Eau Claire, an online news portal serving the Ear Claire area. It's a pretty cool article that is definitely worth checking out!
For more information about the many Mihmiverse events, screenings, and appearances scheduled over the next six weeks, head on over to the events page!
Monday, September 19, 2011
 For the first time ever, we are SOLD OUT of one of the Mihmiverse films! We just sold the last copy of "It Came From Another World!" and, unfortunately, we're still waiting on the next shipment. As soon as we receive it, we'll let you know as soon as possible! For now, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
 The newest episode of the Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast has arrived!
Rhuby 'n' Hater are back around the backyard bonfire (tended by executive producer Rylan Bachman) in the fifth installment of the monthly audiocast. In this episode, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm chats about the next Mihmiverse film, "House of Ghosts" and shares some interesting "fan mail." Also, the bonfire crew interview super-starlet Shannon McDonough! Shannon is familiar to Mihmivites as the beauty (and talent) behind Julie Ann Saint Marie and Dr. Hackett from "Attack of the Moon Zombies!" Also included: "If I," the newest poem from writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, a commercial for Uncle John's Burger Dog, and a new "Monster Word of the Day" with Michael Kaiser!
Download this month's podcast by visiting the podcast page!
Friday, September 16, 2011
 MailOrderZombie.com, a podcast that has covered movies, zombie movie music, post-apocalyptic and zombie literature, zombie comics, zombie games, zombie operas, etc. since 2008, has just released their latest episode and in it, have VERY POSITIVELY reviewed "Attack of the Moon Zombies!" The episode is quite long (in a good way) and is very much worth listening to in its entirety. Visit the MailOrderZombie website (episode #172) or click HERE to go directly to the audio!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
 Did you order your rare collectible replica Phantom Lake Monsters baseball cap (as seen in "Attack of the Moon Zombies")? We hope so, because they are COMPLETELY SOLD OUTand there are no plans to make them available EVER AGAIN!
Official Mihmiverse collectibles (like the Phantom Lake Monsters cap) are infrequently released and are ALWAYS produced in EXTEREMELY limited quantities! So, next time, remember that the old saying is true: you snooze, you lose!
Also, "Attack of the Moon Zombies" has been selected to screen this Sunday, September 11th, at 10:00AM as part of the Syracuse Horror, Sci-Fi & Fantasy Film Festival at Scare-A-Cuse Horror, Sci-Fi & Paranormal Convention! Check out the events page for more information!
Friday, September 2, 2011
 Trust us, you're going to want to check out the freshly posted September Mihmiverse Monthly, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm, as soon as possibleit includes the first image to be released from the next Mihmiverse film, "House of Ghosts!"
Also in this issue, another classic movie of the month (1967's "Five Million Years to Earth"), an interview with "House of Ghosts" associate producer Paul Brenholt, AND three splendiferous guest columns, including:- Monster Hits!
Mike Cook (Gustav/Dr. Edwards) gives us a historical (and hysterical) perspective on some of the original "popular music" created for the schlocky drive-in films of the 1950s and '60s! - From the Mihmiverse Test Kitchens
Best known as Rosemary from "Terror from Beneath the Earth," Stephanie Mihm will share her favorite recipes sure to satisfy any monster-sized appetite! - Ask Cryptosis ANYTHING
The official horror host/pitchman of the Mihmiverse will answer your random questions in his trademarked irreverent style. Click HERE to read it right now!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
 A short but important update: principal photography on the newest Mihmiverse film, "House of Ghosts," is OFFICIALLY underway! Two days ago, four scenes were filmed, including one, we are told, which contains the most intricate special effects of the entire film! Color us excited!
Also, don't forget that the big Mihmiverse double-feature at the New Hope Cinema Grill is only two days away! If you haven't purchased advance tickets yet, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you do so NOW!
Friday, August 26, 2011
 The moon zombies have invaded the Minnesota State Fair!
As you can see by the photo, a moon zombie was spotted hanging out at the Blue Moon Dine-in Theater, the great establishment that features the films of the Mihmiverse!
Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm was also there (he snapped the photo) and other Mihmiverse personalities put in appearances throughout the day, including monster-maker Mitch Gonzales, Mark Haider (Dr. Haterov), Cherie "Rhuby" Gallinati (sets & lighting), and James Norgard (Dr. Gabriel)!
We've also heard from a number of sources that a pair of different moon zombies were seen mingling in the crowds on the evening news on two different Twin Cities stations! Here are a couple of video links for proof: KSTP (at the first commercial break) and WCCO (look closely)! We're not sure how long those video links will work BUT they're definitely worth checking out while they're both functional!
The films of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm will continue to screen through the end of the Minnesota State Fair at the Blue Moon Dine-in Theater. If you're planning on attending the annual event, don't forget to come down to the Blue Moon, eat their tasty food (this year's exciting addition is sweet corn ice cream that is DELICIOUS!), and watch one of the films of the Mihmiverse!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
 New screening alert!
On Thursday, September 22nd, "Attack of the Moon Zombies" will screen FOR FREE at the Lake 5 Theatre for a very special edition of Edwood Grimm's Thursday Night Fright! Thurday Night Fright is a bi-monthly event that features free screenings of classic horror films like 1958's "The Fly," 1941's "The Wolf Man," and 1955's "Tarantula" (a personal favorite of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm)! For more information, visit the theatre's website or check out the events page for this and many other upcoming events!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
 The latest Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast is now available for download!
This month, Rhuby 'n' Hater interview the actor behind Gustav the Canoe Cop and Dr. Vincent Edwards, Mike Cook! Mike shares his wit and wisdom in a highly entertaining two part 'cast that also features a pair of call-in questions from Mihmiverse regular, Daniel R. Sjerven! Also included: another bad poem from writer/director Christopher R. Mihm entitled "Like a Chalkboard," a "commercial" for Mihmtel records, and a new "Monster word of the day" with Michael Kaiser!
Download this month's podcast by visiting the podcast page!
Monday, August 15, 2011
 We've just added a handful of new events of the films of Christopher R. Mihm to the events page, from the Minnesota State Fair to the Sci-Fi Center in Las Vegas, Madison Horror Film Festival, and the Jack-o-Lantern Jaunt in Mukwonago, Wisconsin! AND, we're told MORE events and events are in the works. As soon as we know the dates, you KNOW we'll post 'em! Stay tuned...
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
 The Mihmiverse is coming to Fargo! Writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and a handful of yet-to-be-revealed behind-the-scenesters will be appearing as "featured guests" at the 37th annual ValleyCon in Fargo, North Dakota. In addition to presenting a screeing of "Attack of the Moon Zombies," the Mihmiverse gang will be on hand to host some informative (and fun) panels AND a rip-roaring room party! Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available...
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
 We just posted the new Mihmiverse Monthly, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm. Formerly known as the Phantom Lake Alamanac, the new-and-improved Mihmiverse Monthly is chock-full of everything every discerning Mihmivite needs to know! In this issue you'll find the latest news, another classic movie of the month (1957's "Night of the Demon"), an interview with "House of Ghosts" associate producer George Baker, AND some new and exciting columns, including:- Ask Dr. Cryptosis ANYTHING
The official horror host/pitchman of the Mihmiverse will answer your random questions in his trademarked irreverent style. - From the Mihmiverse Test Kitchens
Best known as Rosemary from "Terror from Beneath the Earth," Stephanie Mihm will share her favorite recipes sure to satisfy any monster-sized appetite! - Administrator's Log
Sid Korpi (Administrator Ripley) has taken a leading role in promoting the films of the Mihmiverse and within this new column, she'll tell you how you can help spread the word about these fine films! Click HERE to read it right now!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
 Just posted an exclusive, zombie-themed interview with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and ANOTHER positive review of "Attack of the Moon Zombies" from a different zombie-themed website, BuyZombie.com!
The interview was originally posted on ZombiesDrule.com, the zombie-centric website responsible for yesterday's review of "Attack of the Moon Zombies." The interview delves into the making of the film and touches on some fun, zombie-related topics like which weapon Mr. Mihm would prefer to have at his disposal to fight off a zombie hoarde! It's definitely unique and worth your time.
As for the new review of the film, reviewer Paul Skow of BuyZombie.com, found much to like in "Attack of the Moon Zombies," saying, "I was surprised at how much I laughed and was entertained by the film" and "[the film] was so charming and so successful at its goal that the viewer can't help but admire it."
To read the review and the interview, check out the press page!
Monday, July 25, 2011
 ANOTHER positive review of "Attack of the Moon Zombies," this time from zombie-themed website ZombiesDrule.com! The reviewer found the movie "a lot of fun" and thought the "costumes, hair styles and casting [were] all perfect, right down to the Brussels sprout, bug eyed, cabbage head Moon Zombies." To read the full review, check out the press page!
Speaking of "Attack of the Moon Zombies," after the recent, well-attended "Moon Zombies Revisited" event, enthusiasm for other Mihmiverse-themed events at the New Hope Cinema Grill is high! Never wanting to disappoint, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm has arranged for a special "House of Ghosts" fundraiser/dinner-and-a-double-feature of "Cave Women on Mars" and "Terror from Beneath the Earth" on Thursday, September 1st!
This special "end-of-summer/back-to-school" double feature of the two shortest Mihmiverse films is in the perfect setting for the whole family. For only $15 a ticket, you'll be treated to both films and a kid-friendly (and EXTREMELY tasty) pizza/salad/pop buffet. PLUS, alcoholic beverages (including Surly Beer on tap!) will be sold on site to make the evening that much more enjoyable for the grown-ups. Scantily clad cave women, pizza, mutant bat monsters and beerwhat more could one ask for in an affordable evening's entertainment!?
Advance tickets are NOW AVAILABLE! Buy yours today and join us for a night of great food and fun!
Friday, July 15, 2011
 We just posted the latest Mihmiverse Bonfire Podcast! This month's super-sized podcast (two parts!) features an interview with Justen Overlander, the actor (and filmmaker) known for his portrayals of Sheriff Elliott in "Terror from Beneath the Earth" and Jonathan in "The Monster of Phantom Lake!" Also included: "Sailing," another bad poem from writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, a mock commercial for Shore-it-up Brand Duct Tape, and a new "Monster word of the day" with Michael Kaiser!
Download this month's podcast by visiting the podcast page!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
 Tonight's the night! "Attack of the Moon Zombies" screens at the New Hope Cinema Grill at a special "dinner-and-a-movie" event! The night will include fun and games with Mihmiverse horror host Dr. Ivan Cryptosis, a screening of the film, and a visit from the moon zombiesdon't forget your camera!
This event is open to the public and tickets WILL BE available at the door! The price of admission is $15 and includes a kid-friendly all-you-can-eat pizza/pop/salad buffet. Alcoholic beverages will be sold separately for those inclined (and old enough) to drink! The festivities begin at 7:00PM! DON'T MISS IT!
For location information, check out the New Hope Cinema Grill's website or visit the events page!
Friday, July 8, 2011
 The Moon Zombies have invaded public radio!
Once a week, Minnesota Public Radio does a short piece called "Art Hounds," which celebrates and highlights local artists and arts eventswith one caveat: the events and/or artists MUST BE suggested by someone OTHER than the artist! Thanks to Minnesota-based drummer (and presumed Mihmivite) Kerry Johnson, "Attack of the Moon Zombies" and the upcoming "Moon Zombies Revisited" event were plugged on the air! AND, thanks to Mr. Johnson's great recommendation, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm has been contacted by the local television media about covering the upcoming event!
Listen to the "Art Hounds" segment online by clicking HERE!
Speaking of next week's "Moon Zombies Revisited" event, with only days until the Moon Zombies return to the Twin Cities, have you bought your advance tickets!? They're still available, but sales have increased significantly in the last couple of days. AND, with the sudden deluge of interest, there always exists the distinct possiblity of ANOTHER sell-out! Don't risk being left out of this great event! Buy your advance tickets TODAY!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
 A couple of small items to report today:
A new review of "The Monster of Phantom Lake" just appeared on the Minneapolis Movies Examiner.com page. Writer Darrell Moen is a big fan of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's work and it shows with the love he gives to the first Mihmiverse film. Check it out by visiting either Mr. Moen's Examiner page or the press page!
We received word that the Esperanto-language version of "Attack of the Moon Zombies" will hold its international debut on July 28th when it screens at the 96th annual (!) Universala Kongreso de Esperanto in Copenhagen, Denmark! Check out the events page for more information!
Friday, July 1, 2011
 We just posted the newest issue of the Phantom Lake Almanac, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm, and we HIGHLY RECOMMEND you read itbecause in this extra-super-special issue we learn what next year's Mihmiverse film will be! Plus, we talk about all the fun events coming up, find out which Mihmivere plushies have been "retired," get the last episode of Bob 'n' Rob's "Behind the Sliding Door" video series (this time focusing on the premiere) and get a review of another classic movie of the month (1959's "The Manster"). Seriously, DO NOT miss it! Click HERE to read it right now!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
With the official announcement of the next Mihmiverse film, we've been given permission to re-open the associate producer program once again! If you're interested in want to directly contribute to the production of these films we all love so much (and get some great stuff out of the deal), visit the merchandise page for more information on how you can join the associate producer program!
P.S. Read the July Phantom Lake Almanac!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
 Now that the summer is upon us, it's hard to find the time and energy to want to be inside surfing the internet. However, we know it is our solemn duty to report the latest in Mihmiverse news to you, the discerning fan. As such, we want to apologize for COMPLETELY forgetting to bring the following news to you in a timely manner...
On June 16th, Justen Overlander (Sheriff Elliott) posted a very entertaining video interview with "the man behind the monsters" Michael Kaiser on his Examiner.com page! Believe us, it is very much worth checking outif for no other reason than to see Justen completely forget appearing in "Terror from Beneath the Earth" with Mr. Kaiser!
Check it out by clicking HERE!
Monday, June 20, 2011
 Even MORE positive reviews of "Attack of the Moon Zombies" appeared online over the weekend, both coming from zombie-themed websites!
Of the two reviews, the one from Darryl L. Pierce in episode 106 of the A Little Dead Podcast (found on alittledead.com) was positively glowing! It also contains what has to be one of the most flattering quotes about writer/director Christopher R. Mihm (and "Attack of the Moon Zombies") to date:In the world of independent films, Christopher Mihm is really up there with the best of them. His film really hit all the right notes, from a great story to a great cast, perfectly done sets, and a very obvious love of what he's doing. How amazing is that!? To check out either review, stop on by the press page!
Friday, June 17, 2011
 The newest episode of the Mihmiverse podcast is here!
This month's entry features an interview with "Mihmiverse monster of all trades" Michael Kaiser, "Attack of the Moon Zombies" premiere memories with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, another "bad poem," a new mock commercial, and hosts Rhuby n' Hater yucking it up in their signature style!
To download this month's episode, visit the podcast page under special features!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
 More positive press for "Attack of the Moon Zombies!"
We just posted the full text of a very positive review of the newest Mihmiverse film that appeared on Will "The Thrill" Vaharo's Examiner.com page! Mr. Vaharo is a pulp fiction author and B-movie impresario who really knows what he's talking about! The review also includes an exclusive interview with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and executive producer Rylan Bachman wherein they discuss "Attack of the Moon Zombies," the reasons for the inclusion of Esperanto in the film, AND some further hints about the next Mihmiverse movie!
Check out this great quote from the article:Christopher R. Mihm's hilarious B-movie homage "Attack of the Moon Zombies," which takes place entirely on an isolated moon base suddenly facing a space spore-induced invasion of mutated monster-men, is a loony lunar laugh-fest that manages to lovingly lampoon vintage schlock while also maintaining an innate respect for this beloved genre. To read this and other articles about and reviews of all of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's films, check out the press page!
Also, we want to take this opportunity to thank Bob Arndt (who was last seen as Dr. Banks in "Attack of the Moon Zombies") for setting up last Saturday's great Mihmiverse double-feature at the Time Community Theater (pictured) in Oshkosh, Wisconsin! The crowd wasn't huge but what it lacked in size, it made up for it with copious amounts of enthusiasm! They even invited writer/director Christopher R. Mihm to come back for more screenings! We can't wait!
Friday, June 10, 2011
 "Attack of the Moon Zombies" continues its march forward!
In addition to a new pair of positive reviews (check out the press page to read them), we've just received notice that the film will be screened in two very distinct and cool locations: Las Vegas, Nevada and São Paulo, Brazil at the Sci-Fi Center (in English) and the International Esperanto Film Festival (in Esperanto), respectively! As of right now, we don't have EXACT details for either event but, as soon as we do, we'll post it on the events page!
Speaking of screenings, DO NOT FORGET! Come out to the Time Community Theater in Oshkosh, Wisconsin TOMORROW for the Dr. Ivan Cryptosis hosted "Attack of the Moon Zombies" / "Terror from Beneath the Earth" double feature! A whole slew o' cast members from both films will be there to help the official Mihmiverse horror host celebrate this fun event! Doors open at 6:30pm and admission is only $5!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
 Two more reviews (both good!) and a new collectible have arrived, we get a little (very little) information about the NEXT Mihmiverse film, and we've added a cool new screening of "Cave Women on Mars!" to the calendar!
First, we've just added a very cool and rare collectible to the merchandise page: the "Phantom Lake Monsters" baseball cap (pictured at right)! This high-quality, one-size-fits-all (velcro adjustable) twill hat comes in navy and includes the team's "Ph.L." logo embroidered on the front! This is the official hat of the fictional Mihmiverse major league baseball team the "Phantom Lake Monsters" AND is a replica of the hat worn by "rocket jock" Captain Frehley in "Attack of the Moon Zombies!"
The hat retails for only $14.99 (plus $2.50 shipping and handling) and is available in EXTREMELY limited quantities! If you're a Mihmiverse completist, act NOW, because they WILL NOT LAST!
Also, we just posted two new reviews of "Attack of the Moon Zombies" to the press page... and they're both VERY positive!
The first was posted by "Attack of the Moon Zombies" premiere attendee (and host of the blog talk radio show Dog Works Radio Show) Robert Forto. Posted on his blog, the review covers both the film and the premiere event. All things considered, Dr. Forto REALLY enjoyed it!
The second review was written by Jason Coffman for FilmMonthly.com. The author appears to have thoroughly enjoyed the film (and really GOT IT, too) and states as much in his great review. Though the review contains a small factual error (see if you can spot it), it's the fourth overwhelmingly positive review since the film's release! "Attack of the Moon Zombies" is on a roll!
Both reviews are worth your time, so make sure to visit the press page and check them out!
On June 25th, "Cave Women on Mars" will screen along with B-movie classic "Wild Women of Wongo" at the Peoria Theater as part of their ongoing Drunken Zombie Deadly Double-Feature series! For more information about the event, visit the Drunken Zombie homepage at www.drunkenzombie.com!
For more Mihmiverse screenings and events, visit the events page!
Lastly (and maybe most importantly), we've gotten word from writer/director Christopher R. Mihm that he has begun work scripting the next Mihmiverse film! So far, we don't know much about it but, when we know, so will you! If nothing else, if previous years are any indication, this means we SHOULD BE able to look forward to a new Mihm film next Spring! Is it too early to start getting excited?
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
 We just posted the June issue of the Phantom Lake Almanac, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm! In this issue we recap the incredible "Attack of the Moon Zombies" world and drive-in premieres (with pictures!), talk about all the fun events coming up, and review another classic movie of the month (1959's "First Man into Space"). Don't miss it!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
 The reviews are in!
While writer/director Christopher R. Mihm spent the weekend attending drive-in screenings of "Attack of the Moon Zombies" at the Hi-way 18 Outdoor Theatre (see photo at right), a pair of VERY positive reviews of the new film were released!
The first appeared on the "Exonauts!" blog. The author (who goes simply by "Jay"), called the newest Mihmiverse film "a love-letter to cinematic cheddar played to the hilt" and generally gushed over both the film and his experience attending the premiere.
The full review can be read here. Also, the author has just posted a profile for both the moon zombie plant and creature to be used with the "X-plorers" roleplaying game! (How cool is that!?) The profile can be found HERE!
The second review was written by the Minneapolis Movie Examiner, Darrell Moen. Mr. Moen also attended the "Attack of the Moon Zombies" world premiere and his very positive review is as much about the film as it is the premiere itself.
Both articles are highly recommended reading! Check them out by visiting the press page!
Friday, May 27, 2011
 "Attack of the Moon Zombies" returns!
After the smashing success of the sold-out "Attack of the Moon Zombies" world premiere, demand is high for more public screenings of the film. Luckily, we've arranged for a very special "dinner-and-a-movie" event at the New Hope Cinema Grill.
Located in a suburb of Minneapolis, the New Hope Cinema Grill is a full service restaurant with three showrooms that offers a variety of entertainment including movies, live standup comedy, sporting events, and now -- the films of Christopher R. Mihm! The New Hope Cinema Grill is also one of the select establishments serving Surly beer on tap!
This screening of the newest (and best) Mihmiverse film is in the perfect setting for the whole family. For only $15 a ticket, you'll be treated to a screening of "Attack of the Moon Zombies" and a kid-friendly pizza/salad/pop buffet. PLUS, alcoholic beverages will be sold on site to make the evening that much more enjoyable. And, as if that weren't enough, we're in the process of planning some extra fun, games, giveaways, and an appearance by the film's title monsters!
Family-friendly Mihmiverse B-movie fun, dinner, monsters, fun and games, and beer! What more could one ask for in an affordable evening's entertainment!?
Buy advance tickets now by visiting the events section of the merchandise page! Don't forget, the "Attack of the Moon Zombies" premiere sold out a 400 seat theater very quickly and this one only seats 150! So, DO NOT HESITATE! Order your tickets TODAY or risk missing out AGAIN!
In other news, "Attack of the Moon Zombies" holds its drive-in premiere this weekend at the Hi-way 18 Outdoor Theatre in Jefferson, Wisconsin! The film will screen Friday, Saturday, and Sunday as the third film of a triple-feature after such big-budget Hollywood fare as "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" and "Tron: Legacy!"
Visit the drive-in's website at www.highway18.com for location and admission info!
Lastly, Justen Overlander (Sheriff Elliott/Jonathan) just released more of his video interview with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm. In this installment, the Mihmiverse-namesake discusses his thoughts on success!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Last night's sold-out "Attack of the Moon Zombies" premiere was AMAZING! The Heights Theatre was completely packed with raucous fans who "ooh-ed," "ahh-ed," giggled, and shrieked in all the right places and made the night one the MOST incredible Mihmiverse premieres to date! In fact, we here at SaintEuphoria.com, the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm, are going to go out on a limb and say that last night's event was the BEST Mihmiverse premiere EVER!
And, having finally seen "Attack of the Moon Zombies" surrounded by almost 400 Mihmiverse fanatics, we can easily admit that this is, in fact, the BEST film writer/director Christopher R. Mihm has ever produced. Everything about it from the story to the sets, the acting, the direction, the special effects, and ESPECIALLY the unbelievably cool monsters from the mind of Mitch Gonzales, was pitch perfect. Let us also say, if you missed out on last night's event, you missed out on what might have been the best night in Mihmiverse history. Check out the photos below for proof!
Photos, from left to right, top to bottom: a line forms outside the theater, organist extraordinaire Harvey Gustafson entertains the room prior to showtime, moon zombie cake, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and star Stephanie Mihm (Dr. Rutherford) hang out by the snack bar before the movie starts, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm and monster-of-all-trades Michael Kaiser sell merchandise and sign autographs, most of the cast of the new film!  Tuesday, May 24, 2011
 Tomorrow is the big day!
Were you lucky enough to get tickets to the "Attack of the Moon Zombies" premiere? We hope you were, because it is TOMORROW! We here at SaintEuphoria.com, the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm, are beyond excited to the point of incoherence. The ability to think straight completely and utterly escapes us at this point. A full year of waiting is finally coming to an end and we are ECSTATIC! Is it tomorrow yet?
In the meantime, Justen Overlander (Sheriff Elliott/Jonathan) just released another installment of his Examiner.com interview with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm. To whet your appetite for tomorrow, we've posted it below. BUT, be warned -- THE INTERVIEW CONTAINS "ATTACK OF THE MOON ZOMBIES" SPOILERS! If you want to see the full film before having ANYTHING ruined, we suggest you WAIT to view this video. OR, turn off your monitor and only listen to the sound!
Don't say we didn't warn you!
Also of importance to mention: we will soon be "retiring" some of the Mihmiverse plushies to make room for new ones! If you haven't purchased these fine collectibles yet, now is the time because they WILL NOT last forever!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
 Less than a week to go before the big "Attack of the Moon Zombies" world premiere and we've just added a very unique screening of the film to the schedule! On June 19th, the film will be screened in ESPERANTO at the Annual National Congress, Esperanto-USA in Emeryville, California! The event is open to the public and is definitely going to be one of the coolest ways to see the newest Mihmiverse film! Check out the events page for more information!
Monday, May 16, 2011
 In the works for months, we can finally unveil our cool new feature: the Mihmiverse Podcast!
Moderated by your hosts Rhuby n' Hater, this monthly audio download features exclusive news, interviews with the folks that make the Mihmiverse possible, shameless self-promotion, and original, reoccuring content like dramatic bad poetry readings, mock commercials, and "The Monster Word of the Day" with monster-of-all-trades Michael Kaiser! Downloads of the Mihmiverse Podcast are always free and will be released on or around the 15th of every month.
This month's inaugural Mihmiverse Podcast features our intrepid hosts Rhuby n' Hater recording around a REAL backyard bonfire! In addition to some Mihmiverse updates with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, the episode features Sid Korpi, the actress who will soon be known across the Mihmiverse as Administrator Ripley in the soon-to-be-released "Attack of the Moon Zombies!"
Also included: "Feelings," the first of many bad poems from writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, a commercial for Old Man Yates Whiskey, and a new "Moon Zombies"-inspired "Monster Word of the Day" with Michael Kaiser!
Check it out by visiting the Mihmiverse Podcast page or by following the link from the special features page!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
 Did you get your tickets to the "Attack of the Moon Zombies" world premiere? We hope you did because as of 10:49PM on this date, the event is now SOLD OUT!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
 And with that, the "Attack of the Moon Zombies" world premiere is completely SOLD OUT... but wait, we've received word that a few out-of-state associate producers are not able to make it. AND they are allowing us to resell their seats -- which is to say, we now have an additional eight seats available for the big event! BUT ONLY EIGHT! So, if, for some unknown reason, you were waiting until the last possible moment to purchase tickets to the event, this is it. This is LITERALLY the LAST POSSIBLE MOMENT. Buy your tickets NOW because we can flat out guarantee you, they will not last another twenty-four hours. And once they're gone, THAT'S IT. You won't be able to go unless you find someone willing to sell you their seats!
In other wonderful news, replication of the "Attack of the Moon Zombies" DVD is complete and has been sent out to be shipped. It is slated to arrive TOMORROW and thus, will most definitely be available at the premiere. Can you feel the excitement yet?
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
 With only three weeks before the "Attack of the Moon Zombies" premiere, we've just posted a pair of articles about the film.
The first article originally appeared in The American Esperantist and it tells the story of how the Esperanto translation team tackled their work on the newest Mihmiverse film. Translated from the original Esperanto, it's unique, illuminating, and the final paragraph contains what has to be the MOST insightful and philosophical deconstruction of why we the fans love the Mihmiverse!
The second article is an interview with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm taken from the May issue of Twin Cities METRO Magazine. Though there is one glaring error (see if you can find it), the article is short and still very much worth reading.
Check out both articles by visiting the press page!
It is also important to note that since we posted the May issue of the Phantom Lake Almanac, we've had a deluge of advance ticket orders for the "Attack of the Moon Zombies" world premiere. Because of this, we are now down to the LESS THAN 40 TICKETS! If you have any designs on attending this magnificent event but do not yet have tickets, you should buy them NOW -- because once the event is sold out, THAT'S IT! You won't be able to buy tickets at the door and you WILL NOT be able to attend outside of convincing someone who DOES have tickets to sell you theirs!
Seriously, DO NOT HESITATE! The remaining tickets WILL NOT LAST! Visit the events section of the merchandise page to order your tickets RIGHT THIS INSTANT!
Monday, May 2, 2011
 Big update today!
First, it is very important to note that the "Attack of the Moon Zombies" premiere is now more than 80% SOLD OUT. If you are planning on going, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you purchase advance tickets RIGHT NOW, or you may risk not getting in. Advance tickets are only $5.00 and will guarantee you entry to what will surely be THE event of the year!
Also, and this is VERY IMPORTANT, because we are selling standard-price ($5.00) advance tickets, if the premiere sells out prior to the date of the event (May 25th), tickets WILL NOT be available at the door. For clarity and emphasis, let us repeat that: if the "Attack of the Moon Zombies" world premiere event sells out through online ticket sales, there will be NO (zero, nada, NONE) day-of tickets available at the door and ONLY advance ticket holders will be able to attend.
To purchase advance tickets, please visit the events section of the merchandise page AS SOON AS IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE!
"Attack of the Moon Zombies" posters are now in stock and available for immediate purchase! Designed by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, we're positive these 11" x 17" posters would look great on your wall -- right next to the other Mihmiverse posters! Of which, after a long "hiatus" and many requests from fans, posters for the first two Mihmiverse films, "The Monster of Phantom Lake" and "It Came From Another World!," are back in stock. Now's your chance to complete your Mihmiverse poster collection by visiting the posters section of the merchandise page and ordering yours today!
In other news, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm appeared on Dog Works Radio. In a full hour-long segment, hosts Robert and Michele Forto grilled Mr. Mihm about all things Mihmiverse, from the humble beginnings of the Canoe Cops to some tantalizing hints about future Mihm films. We've posted the audio of the entire interview in the miscellaneous section of the press page. It's very entertaining and definitely worth checking out!
Finally, we've just posted the May issue of the Phantom Lake Almanac, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm.
In this month's "Attack of the Moon Zombies"-themed issue, we learn about all the places (and ways) one can see the new Mihmiverse film, get another "Behind the Sliding Door" video that includes an interview with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, and another classic movie of the month: 1957's "Zombies of Mora Tau." Also, we're treated to an interview with associate producer Robert "Bob" Arndt, who not only is one of the faces behind the "Behind the Sliding Door" series of behind-the-scenes "Attack of the Moon Zombies" videos, but also appears in the new film as "Dr. Banks."
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Monday, April 25, 2011
 The "Attack of the Moon Zombies" DVD is NOW AVAILABLE for pre-order! Visit the DVDs section of the merchandise page to check out the disc's specs AND pre-order your copies today! Only $9.99 plus $2.50 shipping and handling, the DVD will ship on or around May 25th, the day of the film's big world premiere!
Also, today is writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's birthday! If you're so inclined, don't forget to send your birthday wishes his way! Happy birthday, Mr. Director!
Friday, April 22, 2011
 The collector's advance ticket packages for the "Attack of the Moon Zombies" world premiere have SOLD OUT!
That's not to say the event is completely sold out BUT, it is getting quite close! Standard $5.00, admission-only advance tickets are STILL AVAILABLE. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that if you intend on attending the premiere of the next Mihmiverse film, you purchase them RIGHT NOW!
Go to the events section of the merchandise page to order tickets!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
 It's been a busy week for writer/director Christopher R. Mihm!
First, Mr. Mihm has informed us that the "Attack of the Moon Zombies" DVD is complete and in the hands of the replication company. Which means, barring any serious setbacks, it will most likely be available at the world premiere! Looking over the DVD's "specs," it appears to include more special features than any other Mihmiverse release to date.
In addition to a high quality transfer of the new film, the DVD will include a separate Esperanto audio track, two different commentaries, a blooper reel, photo gallery, English subtitles, an introduction by Dr. Ivan Cryptosis (the official horror host of the Mihmiverse), numerous "easter eggs," and an exclusive Mihmiverse featurette made by none other than Justen Overlander, who, in addition to having acted in several Mihm films, is also a writer and director in his own right!
If you were around the Lincoln, Nebraska area this past weekend, did you pop in and see writer/director Christopher R. Mihm at the Constellation Nebraska sci-fi/horror/anime convention? Mr. Mihm stated that he was surrounded by wonderful, ridiculously friendly people and had an excellent time being the convention's media guest of honor. This is the first time this particular honor was bestowed upon him and, naturally, he enjoyed every last second of it! After participating in a handful of quite entertaining panel discussions ranging from how to make a movie "on the cheap" to simple rants about modern entertainment, convention-goers were treated to a special fifth anniversary screening of "The Monster of Phantom Lake." As of this date, he plans to return to the convention next year simply to enjoy what turned out to be a remarkably fun time!
Lastly, the Esperanto language version of the "Attack of the Moon Zombies" trailer is now available on the Mihmiverse YouTube channel! We've embedded the video below for you to check out!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
 Make a point to stop by your local book/magazine shop and pick up the June issue of SCI-FI Magazine! On the cover, you'll find a photo of Johnny Depp in his iconic Captain Jack Sparrow (from the "Pirates of the Carribean" series of films) outfit and within, you'll find a great little article about writer/director Christopher R. Mihm!
We'd love to post the text of the article BUT, we've been asked by the publisher not to. So, the only way to read this great article (which includes some never-before-seen images from "Attack of the Moon Zombies") is to pick up a copy!
On a side note, since making it possible to buy standard advance tickets yesterday, we've had a deluge of orders. Thus, we cannot stress enough how important it is, if you plan to attend the premeiere, to buy tickets AS SOON AS POSSIBLE -- or run a serious risk of not getting in! Go to the events section of merchandise page to purchase your tickets RIGHT NOW!
Friday, April 8, 2011
 Following yesterday's release of the "Attack of the Moon Zombies" trailer, advance ticket sales have noticably accelerated. To keep up with demand, we have been given permission to sell $5 standard tickets alongside the $10 collector's tickets!
IMPORTANT! Because we are now selling both levels of advance tickets, we can no longer guarantee the availability of day-of admission tickets. If the event sells out through advance sales, there will be no tickets available at the door. Let us repeat that: if the event sells out through advance ticket sales, there will be NO tickets available at the door on the day of the event.
Previous premieres have been very well attended and interest in this film is EXTREMELY high. Remember, the "Attack of the Moon Zombies" premiere is open to the public, so the ONLY WAY to ensure admittance to the premiere is to purchase an advance ticket -- or risk being left out of what promises to be the event of the year!
Visit the merchandise page to purchase your advance tickets RIGHT NOW! Don't wait!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
 The official trailer for "Attack of the Moon Zombies" is finally here!
Wow! Is it May yet!? Speaking of which, advance tickets to the "Attack of the Moon Zombies" world premiere are selling FAST! Sales are already ahead of last year's "Destination: Outer Space" totals -- and that event nearly sold out! Thus, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you purchase advance tickets as soon as possible to guarantee entrance. Though a small number of tickets will be held for sale at the door, do you really want to take the chance and not get in?
Go to the merchandise page and buy your advance tickets RIGHT NOW!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
 We've received a very short note from writer/director Christopher R. Mihm regarding yesterday's update:April Fools!
My next movie will be made in a "1950s-drive-in-cinema" style and will involve ghosts, monsters, aliens or some random combination of all three.
Radiation might be to blame.
And it will DEFINITELY be in black-and-white. Bullet dodged!
ALSO, don't miss the just-posted April Phantom Lake Almanac, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm!
In this month's issue, we finally see some movement on Mihm-i-CON, get another "Bob n' Rob" video that includes interviews with "Attack of the Moon Zombies" stars Douglas Sidney (Dr. Collins) and Shannon McDonough (Dr. Hackett), an interview with associate producer Pat Cunningham and his broomball team (the International Broomball Wizards), and another classic movie of the month (Bert I. Gordon's giant grasshopper extravaganza, "Beginning of the End").
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Friday, April 1, 2011
 In a truly shocking announcement, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm has asked us to reveal the title and synopsis of his next film. Here is a verbatim copy-and-paste from an email sent to us by Mr. Mihm:A Homemade Funeral Jacob Woods is a 20-something, recent college graduate whose feelings of bewildered disaffection are putting a damper on his ability to focus on his future. After a chance meeting with a beautiful, blonde tennis player on the verge of going pro, he finds himself unexpectedly in love. Unfortunately, the pressures of finding some sort of career path and turning thirty (someday), weigh so heavily on his mind, he doesn't realize his true feelings for her until it's too late... or is it? In an effort to win his true love (and figure out his life trajectory), Jacob finds himself engrossed in a series of drug-fueled conversations that touch on everything from weather to the pointlessness of talking about the weather, the idiosyncratic emptiness of growing up in a soulless, technology-driven world, and the very nature of existence itself! For the first time, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm plans to shoot a "non-B-movie" set in modern times -- and in color!
"A Homemade Funeral" is slated to go before cameras near the end of next summer. Auditions will be held at the end of May to fill the numerous roles in the film. Honestly, we aren't even sure what to make of this announcement. If nothing else, it'll be interesting to see what the master of "1950s-drive-in-cinema" does with something so outside his obvious comfort zone. As always, when we know more, we'll let you know!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
 The official poster for "Attack of the Moon Zombies" is here and it is AMAZING!
 | |  | What can be said besides, "WOW!?" Designed by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, we're told (and can definitely see it) that this design was chosen as a direct tribute to one of Mr. Mihm's all-time favorite B-movie poster images: that of the 1957 American International Pictures classic film, "I Was A Teenage Frankenstein!"
For those familiar with the original, the similarities are obvious -- but it's the Mihmiverse specifics that are most interesting to us fans!
This is the first time outside of the Super Mihmiverse Marathon held in Eau Claire, Wisconsin last October, that an image of the moon zombie monster costume has been seen publicly. Designed by talented-as-heck monster maker Mitch Gonzales, the costume design is both Mihmiverse-appropriate (the big "googly" eyes are back!) and yet, something altogether new, exciting, and (dare we say) truly frightening! When writer/director Christopher R. Mihm told us the design for his zombies would have something to do with a "space plant" and wouldn't resemble a common "undead-style" zombie, he wasn't kidding! Instead, we're being treated to another memorable monster from the minds behind the Mihmiverse!
On a side note, when compared side by side, there is a definite similarity between this poster and the one for Christopher R. Mihm's previous film, "Terror from Beneath the Earth." The color scheme is similar, as is the general layout. Since "Attack of the Moon Zombies" is a pseudo-sequel to that earlier film and features a much-older Dr. Edwards (again played by the incomparable Mike Cook), these similarities seem wholly appropriate.
Needless to say, we are even MORE excited for the big premiere -- which is less than two months away! Whatever you do, make sure you purchase your advance tickets as soon as possible to make sure you get to see the next Mihm film before anyone else!
Also, we've been given permission by writer/director Christopher R. Mihm to start selling the Jackson Lunar Base mission patches featured in the forthcoming movie, "Attack of the Moon Zombies!" Check out the patches section of the merchandise page to see and learn more about the design -- and to purchase your own while supplies last!
Friday, March 25, 2011
 With exactly two months to go before the big world premiere of writer/director Christopher R. Mihm's latest (and, if rumors are to be believed, BEST) film, "Attack of the Moon Zombies," advance tickets are NOW AVAILABLE!
For only $10 (each), you can be guaranteed to be one of the first to see the next entry in the Mihmiverse film series! Open to the public, premiere attendees will enjoy a program complete with hand-picked, era-appropriate newsreels, classic trailers, appearances by most (if not all) of the cast and crew, and free cake, autographs and photos with the title creatures from the film (don't forget to bring your camera)! Plus, a merchandise raffle and organ music from the "WCCO Mighty Wurlitzer!" DVDs, posters and other merchandise will also be on sale at the event!
Advance ticket holders will receive an individually numbered collector's ticket (while supplies last) and, as in years past, an exclusive collector's item! This year's collector's item is a framed, signed piece of the Jackson Lunar Base set!
For more information and to order your advance tickets, visit the events section of the merchandise page! Previous premieres have been very well attended and interest in this film is high. This event is open to the public so the ONLY WAY to ensure admittance to the premiere is to purchase an advance ticket RIGHT NOW!
Also, the special features page has been updated to include a link to the new Mihmiverse forums, where anyone and everyone can discuss all things having to do with the films of Christopher R. Mihm! Check it out by following the link on the special features page OR by visiting mihm.freeforums.org!
Monday, March 21, 2011
"Attack of the Moon Zombies" is complete! As of last night, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm signed off on the final edit of the film! After watching the finished film multiple times with family and a select group of trusted friends, it has been determined that this film is absolutely the BEST Mihmiverse film ever made! With only two short months to go before the big world premiere, it goes without saying that we here at SaintEuphoria.com, the online home of the films of Christopher R. Mihm, CANNOT WAIT to see the film on the big screen!
As a consequence of the film being finished, the associate producer program is now closed for "Attack of the Moon Zombies." A big thank you goes out to all of the folks who stepped up and, through their generous contributions, made this sure-to-be-a-hit film possible!
Lastly, we've been informed that an official poster AND trailer should be available soon. Also, we will begin selling advance tickets to the world premiere VERY SOON, so stay tuned!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
 Happy Monster Day!
It was exactly FIVE years ago on March 9th, 2006 that "The Monster of Phantom Lake" held it's world premiere at the Heights Theatre to a near-sold-out crowd. As early as that night, the film began to receive positive press and would go on to receive tons more. Since it's release, it has screened across the world, appearing in over a dozen film festivals and earning handfuls of awards.
Dubbed "the little movie that could," "The Monster of Phantom Lake" is where the Mihmiverse officially began, introducing the ever-growing fan base to such staples as the Jackson family, "A-Rockin', A-Rollin', All the Way A-Ramblin'," the Canoe Cops, the "flashlight thing," and much, much more!
It's almost hard to believe it's been half a decade since the release of the movie that started the Mihmiverse. Just remember, without "The Monster of Phantom Lake," we would never have been introduced to this enduring and endearing universe! So, raise a glass to five more years (and ideally, five more great Mihm movies), and tell everyone you know: "HAPPY MONSTER DAY!"
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
 This Friday, don't forget to check out "Terror from Beneath the Earth" on the all new Monster Channel! The film will be hosted by the official horror host of the Mihmiverse, Dr. Ivan Cryptosis. Festivities begin at 7:00 (CDT), so be there or Dr. Cryptosis will most likely make fun of you!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
 The March issue of the Phantom Lake Almanac, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm, is now up! In this issue we get another "Bob n' Rob" video that includes interviews with monster-of-all-trades Michael Kaiser, Mark Haider (Dr. Haterov), and Maggie Schultz (Dr. Deering), an interview with associate producer Peter Flynn, and another classic movie of the month (Roger Corman's 1957 masterpiece "Attack of the Crab Monsters").
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Friday, February 25, 2011
 We just posted the text of the previously mentioned Examiner.com article about writer/director Christopher R. Mihm on the press page. It's an entertaining read and definitely worth checking out! Click here to view the full text of the article!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
 Cool press alert! We've just received word that two separate interviews with writer/director Christopher R. Mihm will be appearing soon!
The first is a profile of Mr. Mihm for Darrell Moen, the Minneapolis movies examiner at Examiner.com. Mr. Moen also recently wrote a glowing review of "Terror from Beneath the Earth" that is definitely worth a read. Check it out on the press page or by clicking here.
The other soon-to-be-released article is the most impressive to date! Mr. Mihm has been interviewed and will be featured in the May/June issue of Sci-Fi Magazine, the official magazine of the SyFy Channel! The issue won't be in stores until the end of April, but it is definitely going to be worth the wait!
Monday, February 14, 2011
 How's this for a nice little valentine from the Mihmiverse: as of this past Saturday night, principal photography of "Attack of the Moon Zombies" is COMPLETE (aside from a handful of small special effects shots)!
The final day of shooting turned into a marathon -- a full 12 hours consisting of three pivotal scenes made up of thirteen dialogue heavy script pages. Actors Mike Cook (Dr. Vincent Edwards), Sid Korpi (Administrator Ripley), Doug Sidney (Dr. Collins), Shannon McDonough (Dr. Hackett), and Robert Silinghia (Dr. Huer), writer/director Christopher R. Mihm, and executive producer Rylan Bachman were all in attendance. The final call for cut was punctuated by writer/director playfully punching through one of the thin set walls and was celebrated by a quickly drained bottle of merlot.
Filming of "Attack of the Moon Zombies" began in September 2010 and lasted, on and off, almost exactly five months. Aside from a very nasty cold/cough/flu virus that tore through the production and forced a small bit of rescheduling, the process of filming the movie was almost entirely without complication. And, because the shoot was so spread out, writer/director Christopher R. Mihm has told us that he is only 7 scenes away from having the final edit of the finished film!
Congratulations to the cast and extensive crew for completing an at-times gruelling shoot! Needless to say, we CANNOT wait to see the final product!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
 In yet another sign that production of the next Mihmiverse masterpiece, "Attack of the Moon Zombies," is coming to a close, last night at exactly 9:00PM, the final set needed for the film was completed! It won't be long now...
Also, this Friday, don't forget to check out a double feature of "Cave Women on Mars" and 1953's "Cat Women of the Moon" on the all new Monster Channel! The film will be hosted by the official horror host of the Mihmiverse, Dr. Ivan Cryptosis. Festivities begin at 7:00 (CDT), so be there or Dr. Cryptosis will NOT be happy!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
 Just posted the latest issue of the Phantom Lake Almanac, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm! In this issue we get some "Attack of the Moon Zombies" production updates (plus a new behind-the-scenes photo!), an interview with associate producer Raymond Bell, and another classic movie of the month (1957's "Blood of Dracula"). Also featured is episode number four of superfans Bob & Rob's monthly video series "Behind the Sliding Door - A Look at the Making of Attack of the Moon Zombies." This month, the series takes a less silly turn as we're treated to behind-the-scenes interviews with actors Sid Korpi (Administrator Ripley) and Anthony Kaczor (Dr. Phillips). You won't want to miss it!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
 In a sign that principal photography on the next Mihmiverse masterpiece "Attack of the Moon Zombies" is quickly coming to an end, last night marked the final day of shooting for monster-of-all-trades Michael Kaiser!
In the new film, Michael plays multiple roles as both young genius Glen Hayes and as a number of the film's title creatures. Michael is best known for his numerous portrayals of monsters in the films of Christopher R. Mihm including such star-making turns as the monster in "The Monster of Phantom Lake" and the mutant bat creature in "Terror from Beneath the Earth."
Principal photography of "Attack of the Moon Zombies" is scheduled to continue through February 15th.
Monday, January 17, 2011
 The last scene of "Attack of the Moon Zombies" is in the can!
But, before you get too excited, that's not to say principal photography on the next Mihmiverse masterpiece is complete. Simply that the final chronological scene of the finished film was shot last night! Principal photography of "Attack of the Moon Zombies" is scheduled to continue through mid-February.
Friday, January 14, 2011
 Don't forget to check out "The Monster of Phantom Lake" tonight at 7:00PM (CDT) on the all new Monster Channel! The film will be hosted by the official horror host of the Mihmiverse, Dr. Ivan Cryptosis, and will be shown as part of a double-feature that also includes the Phantom Lake Almanac January 2011 classic movie of the month, "Eegah!"
The Monster Channel is the first 24/7 interactive horror movie channel, featuring classic horror movies and TV series, retro trailers and commercials, features hosted by the nation's new generation of horror hosts, and starting tonight: the films of the Mihmiverse!
Don't miss it!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
 With the new year in full swing, we're in the process of getting the 2011 Mihmiverse promotional calendar together.
Based on previous years and some new information, we have added a preliminary quartet of events to the events page, including:As always, we'll update this and the events pages as details for these events fall into place! For now, stay tuned...
Sunday, January 2, 2011
 We've just posted the first issue of the Phantom Lake Almanac, the official newsletter of the films of Christopher R. Mihm, for 2011! In this issue we take a month-by-month look back at all the fun stuff that happened in the Mihmiverse in 2010. We also interview associate producers Ann & Doug Keller, review another classic movie of the month (1962's so-bad-its-good "Eegah"), post another edition of superfans Bob & Rob's monthly video series "Behind the Sliding Door - A Look at the Making of Attack of the Moon Zombies," and much more! Check it out!
If you'd like to be notified when we post our monthly newsletter, sign our guestbook above and make sure the "I want to receive updates..." box is checked!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
 Happy New Year!
If you're wondering why this page is a bit shorter than it was a day or two ago, that's because, in the interest of keeping this page from getting too long and/or unwieldy, we've archived all the news from 2010 and put it in one easy to find spot! Check it out by clicking here or visiting the link at the bottom of this page!
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Saint Euphoria Pictures / All For George Productions